How to get a temporary MHI policy - features, requirements and validity

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, each person must have a medical insurance policy. Without it, in the event of any disease, you can not even try to go to the hospital, because you simply will not be accepted.

However, the preparation of this document takes a certain period of time and takes place in accordance with the standard procedure, so you will need to adhere to the appropriate algorithm and prepare a package of documents prescribed by law.

As practice shows, most people who come across this for the first time have some problems with this seemingly simple procedure. Therefore, in order to facilitate the paperwork process, you need to understand in detail how to get a temporary MHI policy. This and much more will be discussed later in this article.

general information

Oms temporary policy number

Before starting to consider the main aspects, let's first understand the general nuances. A temporary MHI policy is nothing more than an insurance certificate guaranteeing to its holder that in the event of any health problems by the state, free medical care will be provided. At the same time, the institution receives money from the federal budget or from the citizen's insurance savings account, to which deductions from the payroll are transferred each month.

As for the insurance itself, it is free. In addition, its effect extends throughout the country, so wherever the holder needs help, he can be sure that he will receive it. For example, if you applied for a temporary MHI policy in Moscow, then when you go to a hospital in Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok or any other city, you will not only be consulted, but also treated for free.

When is insurance required?

This aspect should be given special attention. If you do not have permanent insurance, then you will have to pay for the service in the clinic. Therefore, you need a temporary policy that has a limited validity period by which you can make an appointment. In addition, the design of this document is required in the following cases:

  • at the birth of a child;
  • for the period of renewal of permanent insurance in case of expiration or loss;
  • foreigners staying in Russia.

The temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is valid for 30 calendar days, during which the permanent insurance must be issued.

Appearance of the document

provisional certificate

Temporary medical insurance is a standard form that is printed on a regular A4 sheet. It is filled in by representatives of the insurance company in the presence of the client when concluding an insurance contract. The document is subject to strict reporting, therefore it has a personal number of a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy, which is entered into a single electronic database. The form must contain the following information:

  • name of organization, physical address and contact information;
  • date of filling and number;
  • data about the insured person;
  • policy validity period;
  • signatures of both parties;
  • Stamp of the company.

It is necessary to approach the filling of the document very seriously and carefully check everything, because if even the slightest mistake is made, it will be invalid.

Clearance procedure

OMS provisional certificate

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Everyone has the right to receive a temporary MHI policy, regardless of citizenship, but it is very important to follow a certain procedure. It is simple, but still have to run around and tinker with documents. You will need the following:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another country;
  • tax identification number.

If you are a non-resident of the Russian Federation, then you will need to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy for temporary registration. Therefore, in advance, resolve the issue with your accommodation and fill out all the necessary certificates. If you want to take out insurance for a child, then you will need to attach a birth certificate to the list of the above documents.

How to get insurance for foreign citizens

What you need to know about this? In Russia, a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is also issued for foreign citizens, but the procedure for obtaining it is slightly different. In particular, this applies to paperwork. No insurance company will conclude an agreement with a foreign citizen if he does not have the following documents with him:

  • passport of your country with a notarized translation;
  • the original and a copy of the document on temporary registration in Russia;
  • SNILS.

If this is not the first time you are taking out insurance, then old policies will also be required from you.

Where to apply for compulsory medical insurance?

check out temporary Oms policy

Today, the insurance market is very well developed, therefore, with the design of insurance of any kind, no problems. You can do this:

  • in any insurance company;
  • at the hospital at the place of registration;
  • in a multifunctional center;
  • through a specialized service at the place of official place of work.

It is worth noting that when you make out insurance, you can be given a printed form and a completed form of a standard form, as well as a plastic certificate. Regardless of the type of document, it is important to make sure that it contains the number and series of the temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. This is very important, because on this basis you can verify the authenticity of the insurance and avoid many problems in the future.

How is the clearance procedure?

how to get a temporary Oms policy

Registration of temporary compulsory medical insurance is practically no different from any other type of insurance. First of all, you should contact the authority that provides health insurance services. You must have the package of documents listed above with you. Once they are verified, you will receive a temporary document valid for one month. During this period, you must draw up a permanent compulsory medical insurance.

What opportunities does the policy provide?

As mentioned earlier, a temporary certificate confirming the compulsory medical insurance policy provides the same rights as permanent insurance. This is clearly spelled out in regulatory legal acts, so you can not worry about the fact that you will be denied the provision of medical services. However, in some cases, problems do arise. Here are the most common ones:

  • Information about the insured person goes to the clinic for too long, as a result of which the citizen may be denied service when applying.
  • There is no barcode on the printed form or any errors were made when filling it out. In this case, when you try to make an appointment with a profiled specialist through the self-service terminal, you simply will not succeed. But a similar problem is quite easily solved. You need to contact the insurer, who will make all the necessary changes.

The solution to any problems depends entirely on each person. Some defend their legal rights, while others turn a blind eye to this and wait until they are issued a permanent policy. In addition, medical staff often negligently fulfill their obligations and do not provide high-quality services to patients who apply to them for temporary insurance. In no case should this be ignored, since this is a gross violation of the law. Be sure to contact your insurance company.

What is included in the compulsory medical insurance?

This is a very important aspect that everyone should have a detailed understanding of. In fact, insurance is a kind of service, having issued it, you should use it any available opportunities. Temporary certificate (policy) of compulsory medical insurance guarantees the receipt of basic assistance, which means the following:

  • calling an ambulance in case of emergency when the patient cannot for some reason arrive at the hospital on his own;
  • hospitalization in case of injury, heart attack or exacerbation of a serious illness;
  • consultation and examination with profiled specialists;
  • attending educational events to improve medical literacy;
  • obtaining modern methods of therapy in certain regions participating in the state program;
  • surgical operations of various difficulty levels if the hospital has the necessary equipment and medications;
  • free medication;
  • all types of therapy for people whose work is associated with unhealthy conditions;
  • any kind of help for pregnant women and newborns.

All of the above services are basic. Some insurance companies provide the opportunity to issue a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy, involving extended service. To know exactly what the contract includes, you must carefully study all the conditions when signing a document.

How long does the clearance take?

temporary insurance policy for foreign citizens

The insurance business is one of the most profitable, therefore, today a huge number of insurance companies operate on the market. However, not all of them conscientiously fulfill their obligations, and there is also a considerable number of scammers issuing fake insurance, which have no legal force. Therefore, you must be very selective when choosing an insurer.

As for the processing time, it can be different. After you have submitted a package of necessary documents to the UK, its employees will check them for authenticity and correctness of filling. This can take a lot of time, as a result of which a citizen can be without insurance for quite some time. You can check the temporary MHI policy for readiness yourself. You can do this:

  • calling the office of the multifunctional center;
  • online through the site of the insurance company.

It is worth noting that large insurance companies with representative offices in many regions of the country carry out SMS informing their clients about the status of the application. But there are few such organizations, so people have to worry about everything on their own.


how to use oms

In this article, the topic of temporary compulsory medical insurance was revealed in detail. Finally, it is worth noting that they are no different from permanent insurance except for a shorter period of validity. If you are denied admission or poor service, you can complain to the head doctor. If this does not lead to anything, you should not close your eyes to such a thing. You need to contact the insurance company with a request to take any measures to solve the problem.

You can also always go to court, which will bring violators to criminal liability. But, as practice shows, in most cases, quality assistance is provided to citizens. The main thing is not to forget to provide information on obtaining permanent CHI. Otherwise, after 30 days, you really can not get an appointment with the doctor.


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