Where to invest the money to make it work. Where to invest money is profitable

2015-2016 promise to be difficult for most Russians. The economic situation in the country has escalated to the limit. And the general situation in the world suggests that the crisis is just around the corner. Many are already asking themselves: “Where can I invest money so that they work and generate income? " . This article will have many similar questions. We will try to give answers to them, because the ruble is losing its position in the financial market every day. And the question of preserving capital is becoming ever more acute.

where to invest to make them work

The crisis in Russia is close. How to make money on your savings?

Where to invest the money to make it work? This is the main question that most Russian citizens pose themselves. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the political and economic situation in the world has been extremely aggravated recently. Instability in the financial market now and then affects the daily lives of many people. The ruble is falling at an incredible rate, this is due to many factors. First of all, the Russian economy was affected by the crisis in Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by the EU in connection with it. But to a greater extent, according to experts, the cost of oil is to blame, which in the last year has fallen to the maximum level. All these factors significantly influenced the ruble exchange rate. Ever since the national currency lost the trust of its citizens, the Russians kept asking themselves the question: "Where to invest money reliably?" Indeed, many experts argue that the ruble may devalue. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that many will lose their savings. But that is not all. Analysts are confident that in 2015 there will be a massive reduction in jobs and lower wages. Therefore, talking about where it is now profitable to invest money, many still think about how to make money with it.

Investing in a bank. Deposit Benefit

Where to invest to make a profit? One of the most popular ways to keep their savings with Russians is through a bank. Of course, many banks use only as a financial pillow with the amount of means of living for a short period. But you can approach this option and the other side. Due to the fact that this year the Central Bank of Russia raised the key rate to 17%, it became very profitable to put savings on deposit. After all, interest rates have become much higher, especially with regard to deposits in the national currency. Although deposits in foreign currencies can also be no less profitable. In addition, some changes were made to the tax code. That is why, using the contribution, you can not only invest money profitably, but also protect your savings from the risks associated with the devaluation of the ruble. When choosing this method to save their own money, experts recommend contacting the most trusted and reliable organizations. For example, Sberbank, Gazprom, VTB and other large banks in Russia. Making a deposit will not take much time and, in turn, will bring a pleasant monthly income. If you invest a large amount, then the interest that state banks offer today, you can even live!

what to invest money in

Real estate investing

Answering the question: “What to invest money in 2015?”, Many experts recommend turning to such a proven and safe type of investment as real estate. Everyone knows that it is she who takes the first place by the trust of citizens. But often many people use square meters exclusively as a way to preserve their savings. Forgetting that such an investment tool can bring considerable income to its owner. Of course, considerable funds will be required to acquire real estate. But if you can skillfully dispose of them, then the profit from the acquired property will cover all costs. It is best to purchase an apartment at the initial stage of building a house. Such projects bring the highest returns. This is especially true for luxury housing. In addition, it is not necessary to sell this property in the future, there is always the opportunity to rent out your square meters. But for this it is necessary to carefully consider the infrastructure and location of the apartment when buying it. Carefully inspect everything that could negatively affect the client’s interest: number of storeys, communications, view from the window. All these little things play a very important role when renting an apartment. But at the same time, having drawn up a profitable deal with a client, you can count on a good monthly income. In what is investing money as profitable as real estate?

where it is now profitable to invest

Forex Market and PAMM Accounts

Where to invest the money to make it work? Often, reflecting on this issue, experts confidently talk about the Forex market. In the Russian investment market, a new form for investing funds called PAMM-account has recently appeared. Experienced players with confidence declare that with the help of such accounts you can earn good money. This is especially beneficial today. After all, the principle of earning money consists precisely in the fact that it is necessary to play at currency jumps. And today there is precisely such a trend in the financial market. But experts warn that almost 90% of newcomers, starting to work on the Forex market on their own, lose their savings. Firstly, there is a lack of experience and knowledge, and secondly, for many, Forex trading is only a side type of earnings, which is why there is not enough time to delve into the intricacies of the foreign exchange market. Therefore, experienced players often advise beginners to use the services of a professional trader. Or, in extreme cases, take a series of training courses, which are often offered by investment companies and exchanges for free.

Securities and stocks

In times of past crises, many citizens of Russia, at the risk of losing their savings, invested them in securities and stocks. Those who at least somehow knew this business, after a few years already had a good income. Well, those who did not have experience with stocks lost their last savings. Answering the question: “Where to invest the money to make it work?”, We can say that the contribution to the shares will bring a decent profit. But this can take years, and it is also necessary to have a sufficient level of skills and knowledge to choose a worthy company. It is best to trust a professional manager with a good return history. But even in this case, it is impossible to be 100% sure that the shares will bring profit. After all, today's market is so volatile that it can depreciate the shares of absolutely any company in just a couple of minutes. And experts advise: before choosing this type of investment, consult with specialists or take advantage of special courses that will help you gain some knowledge in this area.

it is profitable to invest

Investing in gold and other metals

There is a category of citizens in Russia, which every time, faced with a crisis problem in the country, absolutely does not ask a question: “Where to invest money to earn money?” This category includes people who trust only this type of investment, like gold. This is not surprising. After all, since ancient times, gold was considered the most stable currency. In the modern market, the situation has changed somewhat, but the fact that gold is mainly getting more expensive is an indisputable fact. Of course, over time, the trends in such investments have changed somewhat, and today bank customers are successfully investing not only in gold, but also in other metals. These include silver, platinum and palladium. You can invest your precious metals in several ways: purchase a gold bar at the bank (but you have to pay 13% tax), buy gold coins (you can find them at Sberbank and other similar large organizations), buy securities (only those that are provided with gold, through the stock exchange), as well as open a non-cash metal account. For those who have never used this type of investment, it is best to dwell on the latter option.

where to invest to earn money

New season! Investing in art

It is not surprising that, when confronted with the question “where is it profitable to invest money”, many choose not quite standard types of investments. Recently, investing in art has become fashionable. But this is not just a fashionable trend, but really a very promising type of investment. Indeed, from some lots you can buy a benefit equal to 100, or even more, percent of its value. But there are several important points. In order to really make money in this market, you must at least to some extent understand the art. Or use the services of experts and appraisers. Yes, and to understand fashion trends, so to speak, try to predict what will be at the peak of fashion in the near future. It all sounds very strange and complicated. In fact, the profit from this type of investment is as high as the complexity of the work in this area. It is for this reason that not everyone can master this type of investment. But everyone wants to invest money profitably!

Investing in the Internet

Where it is really profitable to invest today is the Internet. After all, it is the Internet that is present in the life of every person. Every year this type of investment is gaining more and more popularity. There are tons of investment options on the Internet, everyone will be able to choose for themselves the most suitable way to earn money. The most important thing in this case is not to stumble upon scammers. After all, with the growing popularity of this type of investment, the number of cases related to customer fraud has also increased. In order not to be among the deceived investors, it is necessary to carefully study all the documentation, and if possible any information about the selected company. Where to invest money to get more? The choice is not just wide, but huge: venture capital funds, HYIPs, cryptocurrencies, sites, MFA sites, etc. Starting from creating your own site and ending with a profitable investment in promising projects, you can earn very profitable profits. It is difficult to say how much you can earn on investments on the Internet. It all depends on how much money will be specifically invested and what direction the investor will choose. But taking into account the fact that the Internet is becoming more popular every day, the risks of losing your investments are quite low.

where to invest

Investing in your own business

Where to invest to earn money for a simple person? After all, not everyone can decide to give their savings to the bank or buy unreliable shares on them. Experts advise considering the option of opening a private business of the category of citizens that distrusts investments in other companies. Moreover, now is the right moment for this. Foreign companies, in connection with the sanctions and unprofitability of doing business on the territory of Russia, will hastily leave the borders of the Russian Federation. This will lead to lower competition in the trade market. And the commercial real estate market is likely to reduce the cost per square meter. All this will provide an excellent opportunity for a novice entrepreneur to successfully start his own business. Where to invest? It is best to turn to essential goods, clothing or food. The dollar is likely to continue to grow, so you can fill the range with national goods and dilute with Chinese products. Also, experts recommend a closer look at areas such as pharmacy and funeral services. No matter how strange it may sound, such organizations will always be profitable. Of course, the risks associated with starting your own business are quite high. But the economic situation in Russia today is not too stable. Therefore, this choice of investment can be quite successful! In addition, to reduce risks or with a lack of funds, you can find a worthy companion.

where to invest money to get more

Investment in own development

Where to invest the money to make it work? As you already understood, money can work in different ways. Many, thinking about the issue of investing their own funds, often dwell on the choice of self-development. What does it mean? You can, for example, use the accumulated funds to receive additional education or attend expensive courses to teach something. To do this, it is enough to pay the entire course for the whole time. The funds will be invested quite profitably, right? You can spend money on the education of your children or on the long-needed medical care of your loved ones. In general, even experts believe that such investments are very profitable. Indeed, the cost of training and medical care is growing annually. Moreover, such investments do not require additional knowledge. In general, leading experts insist that it is necessary to try to invest savings in various fields, thus insuring yourself against possible failures. And this means that the question of where an ordinary person can invest money is not so complicated!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13686/

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