Blonie Garden in Smolensk: photos, reviews, address

In the hero city of Smolensk, in its central part, an ancient city park with an unusual name is spread in an amazingly beautiful place - Blonie Garden. There is another name for the park: the garden named after M.I. Glinka. In honor of this composer, a native of Smolensk region (a fact that residents are rightly proud of), the first city monument was erected opposite the philharmonic.

garden blonie

Blonie Garden (Smolensk) is one of the most visited places in the city. Both locals and guests love him. Walking in the center of Smolensk, no one will pass by the Blonie Garden.

origin of name

The pronunciation of the word "Blonie" clearly heard French tint. Nevertheless, it is native Russian.

Blonie Garden is one of the legendary historical sites of Smolensk, whose official opening dates back to the first half of the 19th century. In those days, there was a parade ground in this place.

The history of the name of this part of the city is pretty well studied by experts. Scientists have found that the word "Blonie" is of Russian origin and means open space, the suburbs, the outskirts of the city. Such an interpretation gives him Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary.

In the old days, the area where Blonie’s garden is now located was simply an open space in front of the city walls. During the defense of Smolensk it was used for firing from fortified ramparts. In peacetime, the inhabitants here grazed cattle.

It is known that in the Smolensk region there are 20 villages and villages with names that reflect the word "blonie" or its derivatives. Only the former Dukhovschinsky district has nine villages called Abolon. Such a village appears in the former Porec district. In Sychevsky district, they point to the village of Zabolon. The name Obolensk is also known, mentioned among the ancient cities of Smolensk.

Blonie Garden (Smolensk): history

In the city, the area of ​​Blonie was in the XVI century. In the history of Smolensk, the now famous throughout Russia garden fell in 1885. At this time, the grand opening of the monument to the composer M.I. Glinka, which became one of the first monuments erected in the Russian Empire, took place here.

At the end of World War II, a bronze sculpture of a deer and two lions was installed in Blonja, which were taken as trophies, according to historians, from Goering's dacha.

In the XX century, at the end of the seventies, the composition of the Glinka monument was improved: speakers were placed nearby, through which it became possible to systematically broadcast fragments from the composer's works.

In 2009, Blognier Garden changed its appearance for the umpteenth time: forged openwork lattices were installed in the corners of the park, which changed it somewhat. In 2012, the city’s first light-music fountain was launched in the center of the garden.

Garden Blonie Smolensk Address

More details

The official year of the park is considered to be the 1830th. It was at this time that the flat ground near the walls of the Smolensk Fortress, which was used as a bridgehead for the soldiers ’drill, by the decree of Emperor Nicholas I began to be converted into a garden. The then governor of the Smolensk region Nikolay Ivanovich Khmelnitsky supervised the construction. A senior official took an active part in planting trees, in addition, attracted subordinates to this campaign.

In 1830, the parade ground parade was moved to the Royal Bastion. Now at this place is the stadium "Spartak".

The governor and officials planted trees with their own hands. Since then, among the local ladies, it has become fashionable to plant flower beds in their own gardens.

The garden was opened in 1885, at the same time as the monument was erected to the great fellow countryman of the Smolyan - composer Glinka. Money from the townspeople collected for him for 15 years.

Nikolai Khmelnitsky is still remembered as the city governor, who is not indifferent to the aspirations of the inhabitants. His merits are:

  • opening of the first provincial library;
  • organization of manufactory and craft exhibitions;
  • construction of new and repair of old stone and wooden houses;
  • paving stone and rubble of streets, reconstruction of bridges.

But the loan received from the king, of 1 million rubles to the spiteful critics and envious people, did not give rest. Slander and denunciations were carried on the governor unlike the others, who in the end did their job. By the will of the sovereign, the Smolensk governor was entrusted to the casemates of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

And yet history knows that it is thanks to Nikolai Khmelnitsky that the townspeople and guests of the city have a happy opportunity, relaxing, unhurriedly walking along the beautiful alleys, with slender rows of lanterns installed on their sides, sitting on cozy benches and reflect on something good.

garden Blonie sight Smolensk

Ours today

Blonie Garden (Smolensk), the photo in the article presents its most interesting corners, has long been distinguished by a special aristocratic charm. On small information boards at the entrances there are warnings about the rules of courtesy: in the park it is forbidden to swear, smoke and violate generally accepted norms of behavior.

In the center of the garden there is a musical fountain, from which pedestrian paths diverge in different directions.

This amazing city park today is a favorite vacation spot for citizens and tourists. During a walk in Smolensk, citizens must visit a local celebrity.

More and more visitors are attracted here by an interesting design, cleanliness, a sufficient number of installed benches and the unusual beauty of the alley. With the installation of the first light-music fountain in the park in Smolensk, the flow of people wishing to spend their free time here increased even more. On hot days, vacationers gather at the fountain; lovers choose this place for dates.

In the garden is the famous cafe "Russian Courtyard", the exterior design of which, as well as the interior, are designed in Russian folk style with a rural slant. Near the establishment there is a colorful cow with a cart on which flowers are planted.

Garden Blonie Smolensk photo

She is surrounded by yellow-red cups and a teapot, also densely planted with flowers. At the entrance to the cafe, guests are greeted by a large matryoshka. The cafe is widely known for its excellent service and simple, reasonably priced dishes.

Among the many parks and squares of the city, Blonie Garden stands out for its interesting historical location, beauty and comfort. For public events, it has a concert stage where a live orchestra plays on weekends.

At the entrance to the garden there are beautiful figured gates. On weekends, they are sometimes decorated with ribbons and balls.

It is universally recognized both by guests and residents of the city: truly, Blonie Garden is a tourist attraction. Smolensk has the right to be proud of it.

Park statues

Blonie Garden is famous for its statues. There is a monument to M.I. Glinka, as well as sculptures of a deer and lions.

Monument to M.I. Glinka

The speakers, installed next to the monument to the composer, periodically convey to the vacationers hearing his musical works. The twisted fence around the monument is made in the form of a musical score.

Monument to Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka - the first in Russia. It was installed in the park opposite the building of the Noble Assembly. Nowadays there is a philharmonic society.

garden blonie smolensk reviews

For this, Smolensk was chosen by chance - the birthplace of the great composer is the village of Novospasskoye (Yelninsky district). The author of the monument was a famous sculptor - A.R. von Bock. For the creation of the monument for 15 years, voluntary donations were collected. In May 1885, the monument was unveiled in the presence of many famous cultural figures and with a huge gathering of people.

The composer is depicted with his back to the music stand. The symbolism of this pose is that Glinka was not only the conductor of the orchestra, but above all the composer. An interesting and surprising detail for many is that the coat on the figure of a musician is made for some reason in a feminine manner: the buttons on it are on the left, and it is wraped on the right side.

A cast-iron fence around the monument (in the form of a musical staff) was cast according to the project of academician I. S. Bogomolov. On it froze forever cast-iron musical notes of excerpts from the composer's works: the operas Prince Kholmsky, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Ivan Susanin and others. Hourly world-famous works sound from the speakers.

Deer statue

After the Great Victory, three more statues were installed in the garden - the famous bronze deer and two lions.

Smolensk deer are considered a peculiar symbol of good luck: if you make a wish and rub a monument, the hidden one will certainly come true. There are always too many people who want to check the legend, so the monument had to be restored several times. The statue of a deer for more than a hundred years, it was erected in honor of the hunting trophies of King of Prussia William II near the chapel.

Garden Blonie Smolensk story

The origins of the history of this sculptural work go back to 1909. Kaiser Wilhelm II in the vicinity of his possessions in Romintenskaya Pushcha was shot by a deer with unusual branching horns. The animal shocked the ruler so much that he commanded to immortalize him in bronze. In 1910, the sculpture, created one and a half times larger than the original, was installed at the chapel of St. Hubert.

From there, the sculpture suddenly disappeared. Soon she was discovered at the cottage of one of the leaders of the Third Reich Hermann Goering. From here, the work was taken out by the Red Army. A sign with the date of its creation and the surname of the sculpture - Richard Frize is installed near the deer in Smolensk Park. On the side of the monument there is an inscription that says that it is a gift to the children of Smolensk from East Prussia from the guards of the N-corps.


Near the statue of a deer are two small sculptural images of lions. Near them people like to gather, musicians often play.

garden blonie

Traveler reviews contain information that many people are surprised and amused by this dissonance: small figures of lions, similar to “overgrown cats”, and the majestic, huge figure of a deer.

Cafe "Russian Yard"

Another attraction of the park is the Russky Dvor Cafe, which is considered our answer to McDonalds.

Garden Blonie Smolensk

The interior of the cafe is executed in the Russian style. In the opinion of some visitors, this is somewhat bright, but very nice. Visitors here are welcomed both on the first and second floors. Outside there are summer tables under umbrellas. The service here is organized according to the bistro system, like the McDonald's. The cost of dishes is very affordable. In the cafe you can order various positions of Russian cuisine: from hot (soups and main dishes) to salads, pies, pancakes and ice cream.


Tourists who visited Blonie Garden (Smolensk) leave reviews about the cafe most actively. They call it a wonderful place in which truly "top class fast food" is presented. Guests praise the non-Russian design of the institution, service and technical equipment.

The choice of dishes and prices here, according to reviews, will pleasantly surprise everyone. What is there, the grateful visitors write: salads, okroshka, stewed vegetables, chicken chops, home-made sausages, cherry pies, tiramisu in a glass, kvass, mead, fruit drinks, pancakes. For fast food, it’s simply “indecent” an extensive assortment, guests write, and the dishes here are very tasty.

By the way, in the reviews of the cafe located in the Blognie Garden, visitors kindly provided some historical information. It turns out that the concept of "fast food", that is, "fast food" - is also of Russian origin!

After the victory in World War II, when the Russian army entered Paris left by Napoleon, the hungry soldiers, running into the cafe, urged the waiters with the words: “Quick, fast!”. So in the French capital appeared - bistro cafe, which became the first fast-food establishments.

Blonie Garden (Smolensk): address

All the townspeople know about him. It’s hard to make a mistake with the address: Smolensk, pl. Lenin, Blonie city garden, in the center of the fountains. Do not worry that the landmark indicated is somewhat vague. Smolensk’s favorite park itself is a small green square in the city center, and in the heart of the garden is the desired cafe.

For the convenience of guests: how to get there?

You should go by bus to the stop. "October Revolution" (No. 53, 8, 38). Then around the block you should go on foot (along the street of the October Revolution).

By taxi:

  • To the stop. Glinka, No. 21.
  • To the stop. "Hotel", No. 42.
  • To the stop. October Revolution, No. 44, 13, 40.


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