Konstantin Chuvilin: biography and photos

In the Russian Federation, the nineties are considered the period when society plunged into the abyss of wild capitalism after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Like mushrooms, various criminal groups appeared. Being a criminal authority, according to many young people, was then considered prestigious. This article is dedicated to businessman and criminal authority Konstantin Chuvilin and his famous cohabitant Alexandra Petrova, who were killed in 2000.

Biography of Chuvilin

Konstantin was born in the city of Cheboksary (Republic of Chuvashia, RF) in 1967. The biography of the criminal authority of Konstantin Chuvilin is quite controversial, as is his personality. There is relatively little information about him.

It is known that Chuvilin was a legalized criminal figure, had a business in the field of trade in the city's markets. He had drives to the police for hooliganism and fights, but he had no criminal records or prison sentences. In addition to doing big business in the Cheboksary market, according to some reports, Konstantin owned city gas stations. He was part of the Chapaevskaya gangster group - the strongest in the city. Chuvilin became famous when in the early 2000s he was killed along with Alexandra Petrova ("Miss Russia"), he met with her from the end of 1998.

A photo of the crime boss Konstantin Chuvilin with his girlfriend is presented below.

Crime business

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, which happened in December 1991, criminal groups that were engaged in racketeering and other serious crimes began to form in democratic Russia. Konstantin Chuvilin was one of the representatives of the criminal world. He held the criminal business of Cheboksary.

The criminals who managed all the big business and commerce in the 90s were sometimes associated with state power and police structures.

Some believe that such organized formations of bandits were created spontaneously and chaotically. In reality, during the formation of a new capitalist order in the Russian Federation, criminals played a role. At that time, the privatization of state property was in full swing, and in a large redistribution, illegal representatives in the person of gang groups were needed to fight for the legacy of Soviet industry.

Organized groups of the nineties were created and funded, as they were necessary for people close to power. After the market was divided and everything stabilized, gradually “authoritative businessmen” began to either go into legal business, or they were arrested and imprisoned, and some were eliminated as unnecessary.

Roman Chuvilina

Before meeting with Chuvilin, Alexandra Petrova was not able to build long-term relationships. The monetary welfare of her fans did not play a primary role for her. In the capital, for a year and a half, Alexandra was never able to meet true love. The capital's men seemed to her hypocritical and too calculating, at least she came across only such.

In Cheboksary, Petrova tried to fend off annoying boyfriends, once she even had to go to the police. Stability in relations between Alexander gained only with the appearance in her fate of the 35-year-old Konstantin Chuvilin, who no one dared to cross the road.

Signs of attention of Petrova turned out to be earlier from this influential authority, a year later she agreed to meet and live with him, in the two thousandth year the couple had already planned a wedding and the birth of children. Cheboksary ordinary citizens were surprised at the incomprehensible choice for them of the first beauty of the city of Petrova. Chuvilin was not a model of external male attractiveness, but he was a wealthy businessman who had a train of notoriety. Friends and relatives who knew Alexander well said that she would not meet with a rude and uncivilized peasant. The influential businessman from Cheboksary Konstantin Chuvilin was not only a tough entrepreneur, but also a man in love. She treated her lover with care and affection, and also assisted her mother and sister in material and domestic matters.

Model business and crime

Usually, the lovers of criminal authorities, and just the bandits of the nineties, were of a various kind of "miss" of something. Simply put, beauties with long legs who craved money. We will not argue, maybe there was a place for true love. For the most part, their lives were cut off as swiftly and tragically as those of the leaders of the criminal business themselves. Sometimes and simultaneously with their soul mates. Cheboksary beauty Alexandra Petrova is an example of this. Her love relationship with Konstantin Chuvilin, a criminal authority and a wealthy businessman, led to a tragic denouement.

By the way, she is not the only victim of contract killings of crime bosses and their friends. In 1999, his girlfriend, the Moscow model Svetlana Kotova, who, along with Petrova, participated in the Miss Russia contest, was killed along with the most famous killer of Russia.

Queen of beauty

The list of the most beautiful and famous women of the 90s throughout the country was replenished with the beautiful Alexandra Petrova - "Miss Russia" of 1996. She died at the age of 20 from a shot of a hired killer. Even if her tragic fate did not attract the attention of Moscow journalists, did not become the plot of a large number of documentaries and programs, many people would still remember this beautiful woman. The beauty of Petrova was completely natural.

Career Petrova

In 1996, the Miss Russia national contest was broadcast live on December 13th. The competition was held for the first time in Veliky Novgorod. Of the forty participants - winners of regional competitions, 16-year-old Alexandra Petrova from Chuvashia was recognized the best.

In 1997, she visited a large number of television shows, various talk shows, presentations, professionally worked as a photo model. For two years Petrova visited many countries, took part in three international beauty contests. To the title of "Miss Russia" she added the medal of the World Championship in the arts in the category of "model", received a proposal for professional activities in Hollywood, but she rejected these excellent opportunities, because she was not yet eighteen years old.

In July 1997, Alexandra Petrova was recognized as the most attractive at the international model contest "Miss Model International", which was attended by women from fifty-three countries. At the end of 1997, in Chuvashia, in Petrova’s homeland, the “Person of the Year” competition was held. The Chuvash beauty won here.

In 1999, Petrova represented Russia at the Miss Universe, the main world beauty contest. The Cheboksary beauty received an advantageous offer from the well-known Russian model agency Ford Model, but on the condition that she would lose a little extra weight, take care of the English language and make a short haircut.

The murder of Chuvilin and Petrova

On Saturday evening, at about seven o’clock, Cheboksary’s deputy general director of the central market Radik Akhmetov, authority Konstantin Chuvilin and Alexandra Petrova drove up to a house on Kirova street in the Chapaevsky village (Cheboksary) on a VAZ car. Having parked at the entrance, they went inside, went up to the third floor, where they saw a masked man with a Makarov pistol in his hands. First, the criminal killed Chuvilin. As the examination established in the future, three bullets were found in his body. Chuvilin died on the spot. Akhmetov and Alexandra ran down to escape, but on the ground floor the killer caught up with them and shot them in cold blood. Radik hitman hit three times in the head. It is possible that, most likely, he was the main target of the killer. Alexandra became an undesirable witness, she was seriously injured. The offender, slowly, went out into the street and disappeared.


Fifteen minutes later, police officers arrived at the scene of the crime, caused by the residents of the house. However, it was not possible to catch the killer. For seventeen years this crime has been unsolved. According to eyewitnesses, the offender left in a red car, some of the witnesses said that it was a jeep, and someone claimed that the usual "Lada". A child who played in the courtyard told investigators that a suspicious car had appeared at home at one o’clock in the afternoon, and this could indicate that the murder was carefully prepared and planned in advance.

The mortally wounded girl of Chuvilin was immediately hospitalized in the city hospital, however, despite all the actions of the doctors, Alexandra Petrova died of a large loss of blood. The killer hired by the competitors of her fiance came to “crack down” with the criminal authority and his friend, and Petrova turned out to be an undesirable witness. The brutal murder of the former Russian queen of the catwalk was the subject of news on central television channels, including the Vremya program.

Possible kill version

As a result of the dispute, a division arose in the separation of spheres of influence. Presumably, a rival criminal gang ordered Chuvilin or Akhmetov. Most likely, business in the city market of Cheboksary was the main subject of conflict. According to the investigation team, one of the business competitors Chuvilin and Akhmetov could have been involved in contract killings.

Killer decided to carry out the murder at a time when Alexandra and her common- law husband were together. The young model, in fact, was accidentally killed in a criminal showdown between two criminal gangs. According to police, the representative of the Chapaev group was also the deceased friend of Chuvilin, Radik Akhmetov - the owner of the main city bazaar. The investigating authorities believe that this ordered brutal triple murder is connected precisely with commercial activity.

The tragic death of Petrova before her twentieth birthday

Alexandra's life ended in 2000. The girl was hit by a bullet ricocheting, but on the way to the hospital she died. On this day, her twentieth birthday fell, which she wanted to celebrate at home in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. By a tragic coincidence, on September sixteen her life was cut short by a shot on the landing next to her lover’s apartment.

The worst thing is that Alexandra's mother predicted the tragic death of her daughter and was very afraid for her. She later said in her interview that she knew this would happen. Mother wondered on the arm, was considered a palmist. On Sasha’s palm, the line of fate intersected with the line of intelligence by the age of twenty, and at the intersection, a point. A blow to the head at age 20. True, she did not say anything to her. This is a huge tragedy for everyone. So the life of the first beauty of Chuvashia was cut short.

Farewell to Alexandra and Konstantin

Almost the entire city of Cheboksary attended the funeral, which took place at the end of September 2000. They kindly recalled Alexander Petrov, because the girl died very young, not having time to live. Who could predict that in Russia the crown of the beauty queen could be deadly dangerous?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13705/

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