"The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu": a summary. Historical literature

"The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu", a brief summary of which interests us, is a chronicle. An unknown author in it tells about the tragic events that occurred in 1237. Note that to date, scientists who have studied this monument of literature have found 11 editions of the work. They are presented in more than sixty lists.

the story of the ruin of Ryazan Batu

What is this work about?

Important issues affect the "Tale of the ruin of Ryazan Batu." We will summarize it by first saying a few words about the meaning of this work. An unknown author was able to simultaneously show those sad and destructive consequences that the fragmentation of Russia leads to, and the valor of ordinary soldiers and princes, the fearlessness of Russian soldiers in the face of death. The main motive of this work is precisely the glorification of the valor and courage of the defenders of Ryazan, who boldly opposed the enemy. All of these topics are traditional for their time. The literature of Ancient Russia is not very rich in ideological terms. However, it is valuable in that it perfectly reflected the era. The literature of Ancient Russia introduces us to the worldview of our distant ancestors, raises questions that were most relevant at that time. This is what makes her interesting. Simple historical facts cannot convey the spirit of the times; only literature can do it.

The author speaks of a feat accomplished by Eupatius Kolovrat. With a small detachment of soldiers, he decided to oppose the countless Tatars. However, despite the obvious lack of squad strength, Evpatiy succeeded most importantly - to spread fear among the enemy. Even Batu was struck by the courage of Russians who were not afraid of death. They did not leave the battlefield until the very end. Russian soldiers preferred to die free than to be enslaved to Batu. This is what the author says, writing "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu".

Summary: the beginning of the story

So, in 6745 from the creation of the world (from the Nativity of Christ - in 1237), 12 years after the miraculous icon of St. John was transferred to Ryazan from Khersones Nicholas, a huge army of Tatars came to Russia. Khan Batu headed it . Note that the work was written based on historical facts. The ancient Russian author described what actually happened. The work belongs to the category of "historical literature". The author recreates the appearance and events of the past. Historical literature is based on historical data, but it is also characterized by creative fiction, without which art is impossible.

historical facts

The army stopped not far from the Ryazan lands. Khan sent his ambassadors to Yuri Ingvarevich, the Ryazan prince. He demanded payment of tribute in the amount of a tenth of all the wealth that Ryazan possesses.

The prince immediately sent to Vladimir asking for help from his messengers. This city was ruled by Georgy Vsevolodovich. However, he did not respond to the call. Then Yuri Ingvarevich convened a council. He invited his brothers, as well as other princes, to him. The council should have decided how to mitigate Batu with gifts so that he would not go to war on Russian lands.

Fedor does not submit to Batu

literature of ancient russia

The Ryazan prince sent with the gifts of Fedor, his son, to the Tatar Khan. Batu accepted them and falsely promised not to start a war with Ryazan. For this, he began to demand the daughters and sisters of the princes as concubines. Some noble resident of Ryazan, overwhelmed by envy, informed the khan that Fyodor Yuryevich Ryazan had a spouse from the royal family. In addition, she is more beautiful than all the other women in the city.

The godless Khan Batu appealed to the prince with a demand to bring the princess to him. However, Fyodor Yuryevich fearlessly answered him, saying that Christians were not worth taking their wives to the wicked king for fornication. Batu will own their spouses only when he can defeat the Russians. Then the khan ordered the soldiers to kill this rebellious prince, as well as all who arrived with him. He ordered the bodies of the dead to be torn to pieces by wild animals.

The death of the wife of Fedor and his son

However, one of the close associates of the prince managed to survive. He secretly took the body of Fedor and put him to the ground, after which he came to the princess of Eupraxia, his wife, and talked about how her husband died. Having received such sad news, the princess rushed down from a high tower and crashed to death. In her arms she held Ivan, her son, who also died.

the story of the ruin of Ryazan Batu main idea

Yuri Ingvarevich decides to fight back the enemy

About the tragic events tells us "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu." The heroes of the story tried with all their might to fight the enemy. Yuri Ingvarevich, the Ryazan prince (Fedor’s father), learning about what happened to his son, grieved for a long time with his wife and relatives. The whole city mourned the death of Fedor. Yuri Ingvarevich decided to take revenge on the enemies. He gathered an army. First of all, Yuri turned to God with a prayer. He asked for his help in exterminating the enemies. After this, the prince addressed his warriors. He told them that they had received good things from the Lord’s hands, so it’s worthwhile to tolerate evil. It is better to gain eternal glory for yourself by death than to be in the power of filthy. Yuri Ingvarevich said that he was ready to drink the chalice of death before all for the Christian faith, for the church of God and for the homeland of Ingvar Svyatoslavich, the Grand Duke.

The Ryazan prince went to church and prayed here to Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as to Boris and Gleb, of whom he was a relative. Then he said goodbye to his wife and received a blessing from the priests. The prince went on a campaign against the Batu detachments.

Battle of Yuri Ingvarevich with Batu

The battle took place near the Ryazan borders. She was merciless and long. Many Tatar warriors fell, and Batu was frightened.

However, his army was significantly superior in number to the squad of the Ryazan prince. An unknown author notes that the battle forces were great and irresistible. So much so that one Ryazan had to fight with a thousand enemies, and two with ten thousand. In this battle, the Ryazan prince and his brothers, and many other soldiers, governor and princes were killed. However, not only about this "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu". The author writes that not one of the Russian soldiers was afraid of death, did not turn back - that is what is important. But the invasion of Batu happened for human sins by the will of God.

Oleg Ingvarevich, one of the prince’s brothers, was captured by the Tatars alive. He was severely wounded. First, Batu wanted to save Oleg Ingvarevich’s life if he accepted his faith. However, the prince refused this offer, while calling the khan an enemy of Christianity and an atheist. Batu was furious. He ordered to chop into pieces Oleg Ingvarevich.

Batu conquers Russian cities

Khan went further on the Russian land. His troops burned the city and killed everyone without mercy. So Bel, Pronsk, Izheslavets were ruined. They were completely obliterated - almost all the inhabitants of these cities were killed. But this misfortune happened for the sins of people.

How did Ryazan fall

historical literature

Batu came under the walls of Ryazan with his army. He besieged the city. The battle lasted for five days. Khan warriors succeeded each other. Without rest, the inhabitants of the city fought. Many of them were injured, and many died. Early in the morning, at six o’clock, Batu’s detachments went to the city with wall -hung guns, with lights and countless stairs. December 21, they managed to take Ryazan.

The conquerors headed to the church. Here was the mother of the Ryazan prince, as well as other princesses. All of them were chopped up with swords. The priests also died: someone from the swords of the enemy, and many were burned in the church. The population of the city was exterminated, including women and children. Some were drowned in the river, others were killed with weapons. Enemies destroyed Ryazan and burned the city. An unknown author notes that not a single living thing was left in it. There was neither crying nor groaning. Everyone lay dead together. And the reason for all this is human sins.

Batu goes on with his troops. He goes to Vladimir and Suzdal, wants to conquer the entire Russian state, destroy the churches and completely eradicate the Christian faith.

the story of the ruin of Ryazan by the Baty heroes of the story

The brave squad Eupathia Kolovrat

Ingvar Ingvarevich, brother of the Ryazan prince, was at that time in Chernigov, and Yevpatiy Kolovrat, the Ryazan nobleman, was with him. They go to help the residents of Ryazan, but arrive late when the city was already ravaged. Evpatiy decides to gather an army and fight with the Tatars. He attacks Batu abruptly and fights so that "swords are dull." The boldness and courage of the Russians, in particular Evpathy Kolovrat, defeat the enemy. Khostovrul, brother-in-law of Batu, boasts that he will take Evpathy alive with his warriors. Kolovrat and Khostovrul meet in a duel. The Russian hero "to the saddle" cuts in half the brother-in-law of Batu. The Tatars, however, manage to kill Kolovrat. But they are even afraid of dead Evpathy. The author notes that the enemies have respect for the Russian brave men. But Batu says that if a man like Kolovrat served with him, he would bring him closer to him.

the story of the ruin of Ryazan by the Baty author

Ryazan recovery

Approaching the finale of "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu". The main idea of ​​the work, as you already understood, is the glorification of the valor of Russian soldiers.

Ingvar Ingvarevich mourns his relatives, mother and brothers. He orders to find the corpses of Oleg Ingvarevich, Yuri Ingvarevich, Fyodor Yuryevich and others. With Christian honors, he buries his wife and son Fedor. Ingvar Ingvarevich is now Ryazan prince. He renews the city: re-builds monasteries, churches, gathers people. The "Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan Batu", the brief content of which you just read, ends in joy for Christians, since God delivered them from the godless Batu.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13722/

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