Arab-Israeli conflict: causes and history

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a confrontation between Israel and a number of Arab states, peoples and organizations located mainly in the Middle East region. This confrontation is religious, polytypical, economic and informational.

The reasons for the Arab-Israeli conflict are as follows. First of all, these are the historical and territorial claims of both parties: the stories of Jews and Palestinian Arabs differently present their rights to the same land on which the main shrines of both peoples are located. The ideological and political reasons for the confrontation lie in the poorly developed ideas of Zionism and the radical course of Arab leaders. In economic terms, the struggle is for strategic trade routes. Over time, to the original causes of the conflict were added international legal (non-compliance with the UN decisions by both parties) and international political (interested centers of world forces appeared in the development of the existing conflict).

The Arab-Israeli conflict in its history went through 4 main stages.

The first stage (until May 1948) of the contradiction was local in nature. The responsibility for escalation is equally divided between the parties. At the same time, Jewish leaders were initially more likely to compromise.

The second stage began with the war of 1948 and lasted until the end of the war of 1973. This period was the most bloody, therefore it received the name "core opposition". In twenty-five years, five open military clashes occurred, all of which were won by the Israeli side. In almost all cases, the responsibility for launching hostilities lies with the Arab states. There were practically no peaceful diplomatic negotiations at this time.

The third stage (1973 - 1993) was marked by the beginning of the peace process. A series of strategic negotiations passed, peace agreements were concluded (Camp David, Oslo). Some Arab states entered into peace talks with Israel, changing their original position. Peaceful trends were disrupted by the 1982 Lebanon War .

The modern history of the Arab-Israeli conflict (the fourth stage) begins in 1994. The confrontation has entered a new phase - terrorism and anti-terrorism operations. Peace talks are held at regular intervals, but their effectiveness is not so high so that the war could be stopped. The resolution of the conflict today has become an international task and has involved many mediators in its resolution. All participants in the confrontation (except for the most radical terrorist groups) realized the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

However, it is unlikely that the Arab-Israeli conflict will be resolved in the near future. According to politicians and historians, today it is worthwhile to be ready for an even greater exacerbation of the confrontation. A number of factors contribute to this. First of all, we are talking about Iran ’s nuclear program, which takes a hostile position against Israel. Strengthening its influence will lead to the strengthening of terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

In Palestine, with the problems of internal power, there are no conditions for vesting it with sovereignty. The position of Israel itself was significantly tightened after the right-wing forces came to power. Radical Islamic groups continue to refuse to recognize any of Israel’s rights to continue, continuing terrorist activities. The refugee problem has become insoluble, because no solution to the conflict suits both parties at once. Moreover, in the region, not only people, but also the forces of nature, are at the limit: water sources are depleted.

The Arab-Israeli conflict remains the most insoluble and acute of all conflicts of our time.


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