Foros Church, Crimea: photo, address, history

Almost every Orthodox shrine has its own amazing and unique history. A particular piece of architecture is the Foros Church. The Crimea in many places is densely covered with rocks, and this amazing temple is located on one of the peaks.

Myths and Realities

Christianity came to our lands in the distant X century. Since then, shrines began to be erected on earth that had no analogues in the whole world. The princes at all times relied on the power of religion, appreciated the clergy and tried to contribute to the creation of new temples. This happened with this architectural structure. Its history began in the 90s of the XIX century.

Foros church Crimea

The official name of the monument is the Church of the Ascension of Christ. But in the world it is better known as the Foros Church. Crimea (the object is located there) has the village of the same name in which the building is located.

History testifies that this monument is the creation of tea magnate Alexander Kuznetsov. There is a legend that this man had a beautiful daughter. Once a carriage with a young lady was driving through steep mountain bends. On one of them, a stone collapse suddenly occurred. The horses, frightened by the avalanche, began to drive without stopping. The girl only prayed. They fled, and then miraculously stopped at the Red Rock. Because the Lord miraculously saved the only child, the rich Kuznetsov built a temple in that place.

Special area

This is not the only legend that the Foros Church (Crimea) can tell. History has a completely different theory of the appearance of the shrine. In fact, the tea tycoon had no children, and God's house was erected as a thanks to the Almighty for another wonderful salvation.

In 1888, a passenger train that went from the peninsula to St. Petersburg went off the rails. At that time, Emperor Alexander III and his family were in the car. The royal couple miraculously survived. When Kuznetsov, who at that time was developing land near Foros, found out about this event, he asked permission from the monarch to build a temple in honor of the salvation. The sovereign gave the go-ahead.

Thus began the Foros Church. Crimea at that time was growing and turning from a province into a resort of national importance.

Kuznetsov invited the best masters of that time to work. An extremely picturesque place was chosen for the construction. The construction site for the future shrine was a red rock, the height of which was more than 400 meters. Thanks to this location, the temple was visible from everywhere. He seemed to come down from heaven to earth.

Foros church Crimea photo

Architectural features

The basis was the Russian style, which, in turn, originates from the Byzantine cross-domed style. White stones adorned the walls, and the floor was tiled with mosaics. Columns, panels and window sills made of marble. In total, there were 9 domes of various sizes at the construction. Amazing magnificence and interior.

Outstanding artists of the time painted paintings and icons for the shrine called Foros Church. Crimea was just beginning to develop, and the amount that was invested in construction was enormous for that period. There are documents showing that the first stage of construction cost 50,000 gold rubles.

The first priest, Father Paul, did a lot for the shrine. The father skillfully and sincerely cared for his parishioners. For people from neighboring villages, the abbot created a literacy school, in which they taught everyone who strove for knowledge. The famous writer Anton Chekhov helped him in this matter. They had similar good and bright ideas, this became the key to their friendship. The priest also had good relations with the imperial family, who repeatedly visited the temple.

Foros Church Crimea Address

The Fate of the First Rector

The consecration took place on October 4, 1892. Before the revolution, the Foros Church (Crimea) flourished. The photo of those times shows how rich and beautiful the structure was. But everything changed after the change of power.

The plans of the Soviet leaders did not include religion. Therefore, Orthodox shrines were closed or destroyed. For a long time, the peninsula remained aloof from these events due to its geographical distance from Moscow. But in 1924, the Communists reached this land. Father Paul and his whole family were awaiting repression. Atheists also brutally cracked down on the property of the church. Icons were removed, gold was smelted, sacred relics were destroyed. They removed the crosses, broke the domes. The territory was turned into a resort town, and a restaurant was opened in the house of God. Where people used to pray, they set tables, instead of the altar they made a bar counter, and beautiful choral songs were replaced by popular music.

Where is the Foros Church in the Crimea, then only local residents knew. But they tried to avoid the shrine from which they made the restaurant.

Under the sound of bombs

No less bitter times awaited the temple during the Great Patriotic War. In these walls, soldiers and civilians were hiding, repeatedly German shells fell and exploded very close to the church. Irreversible harm was done to the mosaic floor of the horse. Then a stable was set up under the roof of the temple. But, despite frequent shelling, the architectural monument survived. After the end of hostilities, a restaurant was opened here again for senior officials and diplomats.

Foros church Crimea history

There is another story related to this spiritual place. It is said that in the 60s, Nikita Khrushchev met on the peninsula with the Iranian Shah. The Communist invited his high-ranking guest to a restaurant served by the Foros Church. Crimea (photos confirm this) is a very picturesque region. And from the top of the Red Rock, a magnificent view of the coast opened. Therefore, the meeting should have been successful.

Cruel order

When a foreigner saw that he was being taken to an Orthodox church, he refused to continue negotiations. The guest was unpleasantly amazed at how potential partners desecrated the house of the Lord. Therefore, the negotiations were canceled.

Realizing that the business meeting failed because of the church, Khrushchev ordered the demolition of the building. But fortunately, his wishes were not fulfilled.

After they made a road that ran under a rock, and the restaurant was empty. He was turned into a warehouse. And in 1969 there was a fire, which finally destroyed the unique murals and carvings. Then they decided to give the building without domes, windows and doors to a sanatorium. But caring residents of neighboring villages began to protest. Consequently, the Foros Church (Crimea) became an architectural monument of the 19th century. Object address: Foros village, st. Terletsky, 3. 2 km from the temple are the Baydar Gate.

where is the foros church in crimea

New heyday

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the shrine passed to the Moscow Patriarchate. In the same year, Father Peter took over. He, like his predecessor Paul, loved this place very much and gave him all his strength and energy. During his reign, the ruins again turned into a spiritual center, where a particle of God's blessing was revealed to everyone. This father died, protecting his brainchild. One night, thieves met the holy father, they wanted to take the money that the laity donated to the temple. But the man did not yield to the villains, for which he paid with his life.

The former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma did a lot for the sanctuary . On his initiative, the building was restored as one of the best temples in the country. Therefore, the facade was updated, the mosaic floor was restored, stained-glass windows were replaced, heating was made and so on. Repair work was called upon to restore the shrine to the pre-revolutionary spirit.

Again the Foros Church (Crimea) shone . How to get to the place, the map will tell. Regular buses go to the temple from the Yalta bus station. The best option is to sign up for a tour group.

Foros church Crimea how to get

An amazing shrine can be seen for tens of kilometers. Her image seems to soar in the air.


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