Muslim Honorary Title - Sign of Special Respect

Islam is a monotheistic religion that originated in the Middle East in the seventh century. It arose among the Arab pagans. The founder of this religion is Mohammed of the Quraish tribe. Currently, Muslim worship is spread all over the world and has many followers.

Muslim honorary title

The Origin of Islam

The Islamic faith, like other Abrahamic religions, has a clearly developed cult, which is expressed in numerous ritual actions, obligatory for every believer. The honorary title of a Muslim must be earned, for it is given only for services to faith. The Muslim denomination has passed many tests over its centuries-old history. Initially, the inhabitants of Mecca, where Muhammad began his sermons, took him very hostilely. This threatened the trading activities of merchants, who made up the bulk of the city’s population. Therefore, the future prophet was persecuted. He was threatened, and in 622 Muhammad fled to the city of Medina. This year is considered the beginning of the Muslim calendar. Soon after this event, the supporters of the prophet defeated their opponents in the struggle, and Islam began its victorious march around the world.

title of supreme ruler of Muslims

Muslim title

The spread of the new religion, as always in such cases, went violently, and after a short period of time as a result of the conquests a huge state emerged - the Arab Caliphate. The Caliph is the title of supreme ruler of Muslims. He combines in his hands the totality of secular and spiritual power and is an indisputable authority among the supporters of this religion. The first caliphs of this vast state were direct relatives of the Prophet Muhammad. Subsequently, Islam was divided into two basic trends: Shiism and Sunnism. The differences between these two directions lie in different interpretations of the succession of power from the prophet to the following caliphs. The title of Muslims emphasizes their individual merits, but for the good of all faith. Among the followers of the prophet, direct descendants of Muhammad enjoy special honor and respect. The honorary title of a Muslim leading his ancestry from the very founder of Islam sounds like a "seid." Belonging to the family of the prophet's relatives determines their whole lifestyle.

Features of Islamic veneration

The Islamic religion has a detailed legal system - the Sharia, which regulates the entire daily life of the community. If necessary, Sharia acts as a special set of sanctions aimed at creating the necessary favorable living conditions for Muslims. This legal basis of Islam affects all aspects of society and acts in some states as an alternative to civil law. Fakih is the honorary title of a Muslim who has achieved great success in the study of Sharia and has gained great experience in its enforcement. Islam is based on five pillars:

Muslim title

  • Shahada, i.e., evidence of faith.
  • Saum is the month of fasting.
  • Zakat is a donation.
  • Salat is a daily prayer performed five times.
  • Hajj - a pilgrimage to the holy Mecca.

All of these items are binding on every Muslim. To the extent possible, every faithful person must perform the hajj throughout his life. In the case of a pilgrimage, such a person receives the ending in his name "Haji". It shows that he performed the holy hajj to the Kaaba. This is the most common Muslim honorary title.


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