Acoustic crossover - what is it and what is it for

When installing a modern stereo system in a car, the owner must choose the right crossover. This choice is quite simple if you know and understand what it is and what it is intended for, as well as in the composition of which system this device will work. So, let's figure out what a crossover is for acoustics.

Characteristic, purpose

Crossover is a special equipment in a set of speakers, the main function of which is to prepare the desired frequency range for each speaker. As you know, any speaker system is designed for a specific range of operating frequencies. Exit of the signal fed to the speaker beyond the limits of the range can lead to distortion of sound.

crossover for acoustics
So, if you apply too low a frequency for the speaker, then the sound picture will be distorted. If the frequency is too high, then the owner of the system will be able to face not only distorted sound, but also the failure of the high-frequency speaker. The latter simply can not withstand this mode of operation.

Under normal conditions, the function of the tweeters is to play sounds only at high frequencies. Low frequency speakers work separately. Sometimes installed even in different places in the cabin. The same goes for mid-range sounds. They only apply to the mid-range speaker.

Therefore, for high-quality reproduction of music tracks in a car, it is necessary to allocate certain frequencies and apply them strictly to specific speakers. For this, you need a crossover for acoustics.

How it works

The design of the device is quite simple. These are two frequency filters operating according to the following principle. So, when the separation frequency is 1000 Hz, one of the two filters will select frequencies that are lower than this indicator. The second filter will work with a frequency band above the mark. Filters have their own names. The low-pass is designed to work with low frequencies up to 1000 Hz. The high pass will only process frequencies in the range above 1000 Hz.

active crossover

By this principle, two-way devices operate. However, in the modern market there is a three-way crossover. The main difference here is another filter that can process mid frequencies in the range from 600 to 1000 Hz.

More channels of filtering sound frequency and supplying them to the corresponding dynamics of these frequencies leads to better sound in the car.

Technical features of crossovers

Most modern devices are inductors and capacitors. Depending on the number and quality of manufacture of these elements, the cost of the product is formed.

Why does a capacitor and a coil enter a crossover for acoustics? These are the simplest reactive parts. They are capable of processing various sound frequencies without special expenses.

crossover calculation for acoustics
A capacitor can isolate and process a high frequency, while the inductor operates at low frequencies. Manufacturers competently use these properties and make structurally simple, but quite effective devices.

The number of reactive parts affects the resolution of the filters: 1 - one element is used, 2 - two elements. Depending on the number of reactive parts, as well as the crossover circuit, the system filters differently those frequencies that are not suitable for specific channels. It can be assumed: the more reactive elements there are in the circuit, the better the crossovers of the speaker systems will filter the signal. Filtering schemes have a certain characteristic. This is the so-called "steepness of recession." In other words, this is sensitivity. Depending on the level of “steepness of recession,” all products on the market can be divided into models of the first, second, third, and fourth classes.

Active and passive equipment

A passive crossover for acoustics is the most common solution. It can often be found on the modern market. As the name implies, this device does not need additional power to work. Therefore, the car owner will be much faster and easier to complete the installation of sound equipment. The disadvantage of this group of devices is that simplicity is not always a guarantee of quality.

Due to the passive circuit, the system takes part of the energy to ensure the operation of the filter. At the same time, the reactive parts change the phase shift. Naturally, this is far from the most serious drawback. However, it will not be possible to perform the frequency correction as finely as possible.

speaker crossovers
This drawback does not have an active crossover. The fact is that despite the more complex design, the audio frequency stream in them is filtered much better. Due to the presence of not only several coils and capacitors in the circuit, but also semiconductors, developers create high-quality devices with more compact sizes. Active crossover is rarely found as a separate module. However, any amplifier has such active filters.

How to configure the device correctly?

In order to get the highest quality sound in the car, you need to choose the right frequency at which all unnecessary will be cut off. In the case of an active device designed for three bands, you need to find two cutoff points. The first will indicate the face in the range between low and medium frequencies. The second is the difference between medium and high frequency.

How to calculate with your own hands?

Acoustic crossover calculation is an important process. Not a single manufacturer has yet been able to produce an ideal speaker system that could reproduce high-quality sound in a different range. For low frequencies use subwoofers. For medium, mid-range speakers are used. But when the whole complex starts to sound, then there may be some confusion. That's why a crossover is needed in acoustics - only a certain frequency signal goes to a specific speaker system.

three-way crossover
To obtain a bipolar system or any other, a device dividing the signal is connected to the first channel of the amplifier. This is the filter. Complete with speakers, there are already passive crossovers made and calculated by manufacturers.

But what if we need to divide the sound into frequencies according to a different principle? You don’t have to manually count anything - in our high-tech time, even for the most simple operations, there is software. So for these calculations there is a program, for example Crossover Elements Calculator.

First of all, the impedance indicator of the woofer and tweeter, which is often 4 ohms, is introduced into the program. Next, enter the frequency that the device should separate. The crossover order is also introduced immediately. Then they click on the button and wait for the program to display the result. As a result, it will issue a circuit where the necessary capacitors and coils for the entered parameters will be indicated.

Features of choice

The market offers a large selection of devices that vary in quality, cost, specific manufacturers. Choosing a crossover for acoustics is not easy - you can’t just take and buy what you liked. The choice is made for certain speakers.

why do you need a crossover in acoustics
Imagine that your subwoofer produces a low frequency in the range from 18 to 200 Hz, the mid-range speaker reproduces frequencies from 200 to 1000 Hz, and the high-frequency speaker from 1000 to 16 000 Hz. Moreover, the amplifier does not have a built-in filter and reproduces frequencies in the range from 18 to 20,000 Hz. In this particular case, you need a three-way crossover capable of filtering in these ranges.

passive crossover for acoustics
Also, when choosing, pay attention to the number of bands. Another important parameter is the frequency range. Be sure to consider bandwidth. Multilevel devices with high sensitivity can significantly improve sound quality.


So, we found out what a crossover is and what functions it performs. As you can see, this is a rather important element in the car speaker system.


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