Lake Rubskoye - a good rest in the Ivanovo region

A clean, great place for a good vacation is Lake Rubskoye (Ivanovo Region). Every summer, it hosts a lot of noisy families, fun companies and couples in love. The surrounding nature has a good rest and good mood.

Where is the Rubskoe lake located?

The Ivanovo region (a photo of the lake is shown below) placed on its territory a beautiful pond, which some equate to the second Baikal. It can be found in the Teykovsky district. The Vladimir-Ivanovo Rubskoye highway is 2.5 km away. From the city of Ivanovo to the reservoir 30 km.

Lake Rubskoye

Description of the lake

Lake Rubskoye is the largest in the region and its area is 297 hectares. The body of water stretches for 3 km in length, and 1.5 km in width. On average, the depth of the lake is 4-5 meters, but there are hollows extending more than 16 meters.

This reservoir was formed many centuries ago and differs from many others in its glacial origin. Now it is surrounded by swamps, pine forests and groves of birches, which makes the situation even more attractive. In addition, about 60 species of birds found their home in the forest, from which pleasant bird trills can be heard in the air. Also, about 20 different species of mammals live here.

Swamps and groves near the lake are favorable for the growth of many medicinal plants. It is interesting that among them there are species listed in the Red Book. In addition, the local nature is rich in mushrooms and berries, so when you come here at the right time, you can enjoy forest raspberries, cranberries, cranberries, blueberries or blueberries. Of course, you will have to look for such places a little, but walks among the majestic nature will only benefit.

Lake Rubskoe, Ivanovo Region

The uniqueness of the lake

Many vacationers notice how clean the air is in this lakeside area. This is true because there are no industrial enterprises, and at the same time the air is constantly cleaned by forests and swamps. But another unique feature that Lake Rubskoye has is its water. It is saturated with minerals such as magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate. Also this ancient pond contains sapropelic mud.

These features make the lake valuable from a medical point of view. Bathing in Rubsky, a person can recover, but you can go through special procedures using water and mud, which are offered by local sanatoriums. So you can get rid of skin diseases, genitourinary, nervous, respiratory, digestive and other disorders.

If you take a special course, you can get rid of chronic ailments. The recreation centers also offer cosmetic procedures, which are based on medicinal lake water.

Rest on the lake

Rubskoe Lake Ivanovo Region photo
The hospitable coast has placed sanatoriums, tourist camps, health camps on its shores. Some of them work all year. Despite the fact that there are many places to sleep, it is advisable to book rooms in advance. This is due to the large influx of vacationers.

But Lake Rubskoye can also be suitable for relaxing with tents. At the same time, some are forced to interrupt their weekend, although they planned to stay longer. At night, there can be many mosquitoes in the tent, so not everyone has the patience to endure them. Those who came to the lake in their own car found a way out. In the private sector, which is located near the reservoir, you can rent a house or a room and come for the night.

Despite the fact that there are many options to accommodate, most vacationers prefer to rent rooms at recreation centers. They are convenient in that they have their own access to water. These beaches are more pleasant than public beaches, because there are fewer people. All this allows you to enjoy every moment spent on the lake.

Vacation with children

Families often come here. Local beaches are good because they are gaining depth gradually. That is why Lake Rubskoye is suitable for families with small children. But still there are bases that recommend not to relax with kids under three years old.

But if you have children, you can relax separately. Wellness children's camps are organized on the lake, where you can define your child.

Seagull Rubskoe Lake

For example, the recreation center "The Seagull" in its structure also includes the children's camp "The Seagull". For many parents, this is a convenient option. So, a camp for children and a base for adults have their own beach. On the territory there is entertainment not only for children, but also for parents. There are organized swimming pool, sauna, gym, volleyball court and more. Also on the territory there is a disco, cafe, shop. On the shore you can rent a boat. But this is not the only base fully equipped for a successful holiday. The most popular are, of course, “The Seagull” (Rubskoe Lake can rightfully be proud of this base), the “Blue Sedge”, the Tourist Hotel, the Children's Lake Base.

Fishing on the lake

Men, women and children can enjoy fishing. The lake has perch, pike, crucian carp, ide, roach. For fishing, you can sail by boat or choose a secluded place on the shore near the thicket. According to the reviews of some fishermen, it is clear that there is a chance to catch a large pike, since here it is a frequent phenomenon.


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