Hydrogen sulfide source, Engels: how to get there, reviews

In this article, we will talk about a hydrogen sulfide source that hits from under the ground near the village of Vzletny (Saratov Region, Russian Federation). This key itself appeared not without human involvement. In the late sixties of the last century, oil was sought in these places. Geologists for exploration pierced a deep well in the ground. To their disappointment, not β€œblack gold” poured from the depths, but water enriched with hydrogen sulfide. Very quickly, she flooded the entire space around the well, forming a small pond. Anthropomorphic origin does not detract from the merits of a hydrogen sulfide source. After all, this water is very beneficial for the body. Especially when she also makes massage. After all, the stream leaves the artesian well under natural pressure, rises two meters above the pipe, and already from this height falls on vacationers. This place is good for everyone: both wildlife and waters. There is one thing but: few people know how to get there. The nearest more or less large settlement is the city of Engels, Saratov Region. How to move on? Look for the answer to this question in our article.

Sulfur source Engels how to get there

Description of the place of rest

Time passed, and among the inhabitants of the Saratov region, a hydrogen sulfide source (Engels) became very popular . "How to get to him?" - This issue continues to be relevant today. But first, let's see what kind of place it is and whether it is worth visiting, despite our dashing roads? So, artificial drilling has caused the formation of a small, fifty meters in diameter pond. It is amazing in its color - azure aquamarine. It's like a piece of the sea. Smell is another amazing feature. Hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs. Unpleasant? In high concentrations, yes. But near the lake, in the fresh air, you quickly get used to the smell of hydrogen sulfide and stop noticing. The third surprise is the temperature of the water. Plus eighteen degrees in winter, in the most severe frosts! And in summer, the sun adds heat to the resulting pond. There is no special recreation infrastructure. It is understandable. A stream of water has already managed to dig a ravine and may further destroy the soil. They tried to put iron plugs on a hydrogen sulfide source, but the water tore them off under pressure (or maybe swimming lovers helped her to get free). No animals live in the pond. At the same time, the water is very clear, and the bottom is visible. And this is at a depth of two meters.

Sulfur waters

Are sulfur waters useful?

A person who first comes to this source and breathes in the evaporation of rotten eggs immediately raises a completely logical question: is it dangerous to swim here? But sulfur has long been used in the treatment of skin diseases. This mineral destroys the fungus, increases the resistance of the epidermis and mucous membranes to the effects of harmful microorganisms. And hydrogen sulfide has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, especially peripheral. In combination with warm water, it helps to eliminate inflammatory processes. Hydrogen sulfide normalizes blood pressure and even treats gynecological diseases. It is especially useful for people with musculoskeletal problems to be at the source. Water that smells like rotten eggs is even drunk because it has beneficial effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. But ingestion is not about a hydrogen sulfide source (Engels). How to get there, it is known, but no one has yet conducted a scientific analysis of the chemical composition of water.

Engels district

Other hydrogen sulfide springs nearby

The Engels district of the Saratov region, as it turned out, is rich in healing waters. Reviews say that near the village of Staritsky is another hydrogen sulfide source. But there the pipe from which the fountain is whipping is on a hill. Water paved its way in clay soils, distorting the plain terrain. Below, in the pit, a small pond formed. Warm water in it is also saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, it is healing. But this lake collects far fewer vacationers than a hydrogen sulfide spring (Engels). How to get to the key? It is located immediately on the outskirts of the village of Staritsky. Behind the source are houses of a gardening partnership where people come to their summer cottages.

Saratov region

For lovers of comfort

Even between the villages of Staraya and Novaya Ternovka there is a refined spring. It used to be a sad sight. But now it's a hydrogen sulfide pool. Water enters it from the well, always warm, the temperature is about twenty-five degrees. The pool is suitable for those who value infrastructure. There are changing cabins, showers. But the entrance is paid - fifty rubles per person. Finding this pool is easy. Indeed, through Novaya Ternovka there passes a highway leading from Samara to Volgograd (P266). In fact, this is the section of the road that is designated as the Engels-Rovnoye highway. In Novaya Ternovka you should look for a concrete fence with the inscription "Private property". The place of rest is not advertised. Just drive in, pay fifty rubles per person per day and enjoy swimming. It is said that the chemical composition of the water in the basin is close to Lake Heviz in Hungary. But no one conducted an official examination. Now, near the pool, the owner has dug a pond with fish, and other recreational conditions are being established.

Engels of the Saratov Region

Hydrogen sulfide spring (Engels): how to get there?

This place is located closest to the city. The village "Take-off" is in fact a summer co-operative. It is approximately fifteen kilometers from the city. But getting to it is problematic. Despite the fact that the source is located immediately behind the cottage village, for some reason public transport does not go there. And even the indigenous Saratovites do not always know that they have such a miracle striking from the ground near the banks of the Volga. How to get to the hydrogen sulfide source? First you should come to the city of Engels, Saratov region. There, ask where the road to take-off begins. And even better: how to get to the "fountain"? Under this code name, local people designate a hydrogen sulfide source. You should drive along the indicated road all Take-off. And after him look out on the left side of the exit from the asphalt pavement to the divorced off-road track. Therefore, reviews recommend that you go to the source not in the rain and not during snowmelt. On impassability it is necessary to get under a hill fifty meters. The landmark is an abandoned metal stall. It still shows the inscription "Cafe" Fountain ". Immediately behind the stall, you will see a pipe from which warm hydrogen sulfide water gushes.

Engels smooth track

Can children swim?

Comparison with Heviz in Hungary is hypothetical. Since there was no examination of the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the source water, we do not know exactly what the reaction of the body of a small child to bathing will be. However, it should be warned that water from the pipe whips under high pressure. Now for lovers of hydromassage installed handrails near the well. You need to hold on to them so that the stream of water does not knock down. Naturally, for small children, such a "hydromassage" threatens a fracture of the ribs. A stream with a rather strong current flows from the lake. It is also suitable for swimming, especially in summer, since the water there is already slightly chilled. But the creek is used for mud coating. How therapeutic they are, one can only guess. It is better not to expose children to excessive danger.

New blackthorn

Modern leisure infrastructure

Those who visited the hydrogen sulfide spring (Engels district) in 2014, assured that it is characterized by complete wildness. There is only a shower and a bathhouse (five hundred rubles per hour). But recent tourists claim that a lot has changed in 2016. The tenant ennobled the area around the well. Convenient walkways into the water, changing cabins appeared. On the shore grew wooden openwork arbors that can be rented. You can also rent a barbecue.


Many people like the hydrogen sulfide spring near the city of Engels (Saratov Region) because of its silence and low population. It’s hard to get to him. The nearest store is still in the city of Engels. But just this circumstance also attracts seekers of a secluded outdoor recreation. They drive the coordinates N 46.3023, 51.416024 into the navigator and drive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13746/

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