Mark Overmars: biography and career

Mark Overmars was considered the ideal side midfielder. His swift passages on the flank were quite expected for rivals. At the same time they were very dangerous. Coordinating his movements, the footballer instantly shifted to the center and aimed on goal. Due to health problems, he was forced to retire at thirty-one. The thing is that the defenders of the opposing teams were afraid of a high-speed player. They often beat him in the legs, which led to multiple injuries. The brilliant career of the Dutchman in clubs and the national team will be discussed in the article, as well as about his successes, which he achieved during his career.

Mark Overmars

Information about the football player

Mark Overmars was born on March 29, 1973 in the small town of Emst (Netherlands). To date, he has completed his career as a football player. Playing in clubs, he held the position of midfielder-striker.


  • height - 174 cm;
  • weight - about 70 kg.

Who brought Mark to football? This will be discussed further.

The beginning of a football career

The career of the future footballer is directly related to his brother Edwin, who was the forward of the club “Forward, Eagles!” up to twenty four years old. He had to end his own career ahead of time due to a knee injury. So Mark Overmars got a mentor who brought him to football. At the age of six, the boy became a student, and later a player of the SV Epe team (1979-1987). By the age of fourteen, he made his debut in his brother’s club, “Go Eagles!” (1987-1991). Due to the low growth, he was not placed in the position of the central striker. Therefore, he played on the flanks. As a result, the position of an extreme striker became his calling card.

At seventeen, the young man signed a contract with the club "Willem II" (1991-1992), which played in the Major League. He played only one season for the club, but managed to make a lasting impression on the Dutch football community. Thanks to his speed mode and amazing passes, the young man was invited to play in more serious teams. Mark Overmars - the Dutch soccer player - had to decide where to go: to the Italian “Genoa” or his native “Ajax”. The choice immediately fell on the Amsterdam club, in which his idol once played - Johan Cruyff.

Overmars Mark

Work in Ajax (1992-1997)

In 1992, Overmars Mark joined the team of Van Gall. It was here that his gaming potential was revealed in full. The footballer turned out to be a great corner kicker and punched for a free kick. And he beat beautifully with both legs. For speed and the ability to submit assists, he was called "swift". Since Mark had a sense of goal, he became a very dangerous opponent for many players. At the same time, Overmars was quite tactful. He rarely received warnings from a judge and never once saw a “red light” in front of him.

The football player spent five seasons at the club. During this time he managed to score forty-six goals. “Ajax” with the help of a strong game and player’s goals won the Cup of the country and won the Champions League. In 1995, the team got the European Super Cup, Intercontinental Cup. The 1996 season will be unsuccessful for the athlete, when a knee injury sustained will delete six months from his playing practice. Having recovered from his injury, the football player decided to move to London.

Overmars Mark soccer player

Work in the Arsenal (1997-2000)

Mark Overmars found his refuge at Arsenal. This season was brilliant for the club, as the championship and the FA Cup were won. The Dutch footballer was able to score twelve goals without receiving a single yellow card. With his game, he was able to conquer the local audience. Soon, all of London knew in the face of Overmars. His photos were in all magazines. In the club, he found a good interaction with Dennis Bergkamp. In his face, he saw not only an excellent teacher, but also his best friend. Moreover, they were partners in the national team of their country.

In the next two seasons, the club will complete the English Premier League, winning second place. Ahead will be Manchester United. And in 2000, Overmars Mark (soccer player) warned the club that he wanted to leave Arsenal. They became interested in Barcelona. However, the club was in no hurry to acquire a player for twenty million euros. They wanted to see him in action at the European Championships. Although the Netherlands team did not perform at a high level, Mark was magnificent. Especially when he was able to score two goals against Yugoslavia.

Mark Overmars biography

Work in Barcelona (2000-2004)

Thanks to the excellent game, twenty-seven-year-old Mark moved to a new club. In it, he spent two seasons. In the first I was able to score eight goals in decisive matches. However, the team was only fourth in the championship. In the second season, Mark Overmars (Ajax and Arsenal clubs) began to fall into the reserve. The reasons lay in his injury and tactics of Carles Rexach. This strategy of the coach led to the same fourth place and his resignation. By the summer, the player had an operation. He began the path to recovery. However, the sunset of the career was a foregone conclusion, and by 2004 it had ended. True, there was another attempt to return to football in 2008. Mark began to play again for the club “Forward Eagles!”, But another injury will decide everything completely.

Mark Overmars career

National team appearances

Let's go back a little. In 1993, the young man's dream came true: Mark Overmars, a Dutch player, began to play for the national team. The debut took place on February 24, 1993 in a match against the Turkish national team. The Netherlands team won with a score of 3: 1, and Mark opened the score, scoring the ball into the opponents' goal in the fifth minute. In 1994, he participated in all five games of the World Cup in the United States. Then his team reached the quarter finals, losing to the Brazilians, who eventually won the championship.

In 1998, at the World Championships in France, the players of Guus Hiddink showed excellent tactics. They tied with Belgium and Mexico, defeated South Korea, beat Yugoslavia and reached the quarter finals. Having won the Argentines, they went to the semifinals and again tripped over the Brazilian national team, losing it a penalty shootout. Unfortunately, in the last match, Mark could not speak due to a knee joint injury received the day before. As a result, the Netherlands team took fourth place. No less successfully, the team with Overmars played in the beginning of 2000, until his career ended.


Over the years, Mark Overmars, whose biography is described in the article, has won many cups and medals, playing in clubs and the national team. Its main achievements:

  • Champion of the Netherlands (thrice).
  • Netherlands Cup and Super Bowl (twice).
  • Victory in the Champions League (Ajax).
  • UEFA Super Cup (Ajax).
  • Intercontinental Cup (Ajax).
  • Champion of England (Arsenal).
  • FA Cup and Super Cup (Arsenal).
  • UEFA Cup (Arsenal).
  • Fourth place at the World Cup in 1998.
  • Bronze at the European Championships in 2000 and 2004.

Mark Overmars the Netherlands

Work as technical director

Since 2012, Mark Overmars, whose career ended, became the technical director of his former club, Ajax. It provides the full functioning of the club academy. In addition, he carries out transfers, looking for new talents. Having completed his career as a football player, he returned to the club, which revealed its full potential.


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