How to create a personal diary in an original way. How to make do-it-yourself LD

Absurd experiences, inner fears, small weaknesses, love and hate - all these emotions make up a large part of each person’s inner world. And the presence of any thought or feeling often makes a person want to share it with someone, but there is no guarantee that the person to whom you reveal your secret will understand and do not blame you. The best alternative to talking with a friend is keeping a personal diary. A “paper friend” will not require you to explain your actions and will keep your secrets forever. And since you will share the most intimate with him, it is important to answer the question "how to make LD so that it is pleasant to spend time with him?"

how to do ld

Personal diary: where to start?

So, you have decided to get the LD! First you need to decide on the tools and materials needed for this lesson. First of all, you should decide what size your diary will be, and after that you should already look for the answer to the question "how to make LD?". If most of the notes are planned to be kept at home or in another convenient place, then for this purpose an ordinary notebook is perfect. A notepad on the rings or a thick sketchbook may also be a good choice. It will be convenient to make entries in a diary of this format, since doing it on a large page is always easier.

However, if you plan to travel a lot and "secret" at this time with a "paper friend", you must make sure that he does not take up much space in his bag and is always at hand. An excellent choice in this situation will be a small notebook on the rings or a book. A good option is also keeping a diary on separate sheets - A4, A5 format or the so-called posts, which periodically need to be stitched together.

how to make LD do it yourself

In addition, in fact, the “paper” for recording, you will also need all kinds of writing and drawing tools. It can be multi-colored felt-tip pens, pencils, fountain, oil and gel pens, simple pencils and watercolor paints. Of course, you can write the entire diary with one pen, but you will surely be looking for options on how to make LD beautiful, and this is one way.

Why do I need a personal diary?

Different people need a personal diary for different purposes. So, some make a “paper friend” in order to capture their thoughts and emit emotions. Such entries are purely personal in nature and are entered into the diary from a pure heart. In most cases, such an LD is simple and concise, although there are exceptions if, for example, it is led by a teenager who seeks to put his whole soul into it.

There are people who need a diary for creative implementation. They bring into it various thoughts and plans that arise throughout the day in their heads. Especially often this is done by creative individuals who need to remember a new idea. Before making an LD with their own hands, such people spend a lot of time thinking about its design and way of doing it, because this notebook will accompany them constantly and help to keep all kinds of interesting thoughts. Such diaries often contain not only text entries, but also thematic illustrations, clippings from magazines, stickers, photographs, lines from songs, drawings, poems.

how to make a page in LD

Another function that can be assigned to the LD is self-control. The question "how to make LD?" often asked people who need a “paper friend” to stimulate them to achieve a specific goal. This may be a desire to lose weight, overcome any complex, learn a foreign language, etc. The entries in such diaries are often accompanied by evidence of the work done. These can be photographs of floor scales with indications, written test papers, a receipt from a beauty salon, etc.

LD from a notebook or notebook

A 48, 60, or 96 sheet notebook or A5 notebook is the most suitable base for LD. In such a diary, it’s not only convenient to write, but also you can put all kinds of additional elements, such as stickers, diagrams, photographs, etc. In addition, there are a huge number of options for decorating it both externally and internally. The main thing, asking the question “how to make LD from a notebook?”, Is not afraid to show imagination and use all kinds of materials, even those that at first glance are absolutely not suitable for decorating a diary.

how to make LD from a notebook

LD from the sketchbook

Owners of creative and creative thinking can choose an album for drawing as a basis for a diary. Such an LD will make it possible to make not only notes on its pages, but also drawings. Of course, no one can forbid you to draw in a regular notebook, but remember how quickly paints or felt-tip pens interrupt on the opposite side of such pages, in connection with which the text on them is practically not visible. The album is a completely different matter. Its thick pages will allow you to use any felt-tip pens or paints in your work, keeping the page clean from the back. In addition, it is easier to stick various design elements to such sheets - cardboard inserts, pieces of fabric, buttons, etc.

Old book - an unusual basis for LD

If the option with neither a notebook nor an album suits you and you still think how to make LD yourself, then look for an old book and use it as a basis for a diary. Spending time with such a “paper friend” will surely make you feel like an extraordinary and unique person. If the book is very thick, then it is worth deleting some pages from it, but not all together, but, for example, every third or fourth. An exception is the case if it is planned to draw in such a diary, then some pages will first have to be glued together in two.

But how to make entries in such an LD if printed text is already present there? And herein lies the whole interest of this process! First you need to cover up the printed text. Of course, this process is rather laborious, but at this time you will have the opportunity to think about what you want to share with your “paper friend”. For glossing, it is best to use paints with a small addition of gouache, since the text does not appear through them, unlike watercolors.

how to make LD beautiful

The external design of the diary

So, the basis for the LD was chosen, the tools were prepared, it was time to take care of the appearance of your “paper friend”, namely, decorate its cover. To do this, you can use a variety of materials. You can make a removable cover of bright gift paper or sew it from fabric of interesting colors and a pleasant to the touch texture. On top you can also sew guipure, braid, beads, bows, paste rhinestones or fix two pieces of fabric from different edges of the notebook and make an imitation of lacing. In a word, there are a huge number of ways to make LD original, the main thing is to let your imagination manifest.

If needlework is not your path, you can restrict yourself to a simpler option and decorate the cover of a notebook, album or book with funny stickers with images of your favorite characters from films or stick out clippings from magazines.

Diary Interior Design

Having designed a beautiful cover, you simply cannot allow that there was no “highlight” inside the diary. Agree, if you don’t know how to make an original page in LD, then communication with a “paper friend” can become quite boring and very annoying. That is why recordings should be done with multi-colored pens. Moreover, the author can use colors depending on his mood. For example, black - in a state of sadness, blue - calm, pink - a romantic mood. Drawings or pasted illustrations can also be attached to the records, which will give a more complete picture of the event or emotions.

what can be done in LD

Interesting notes, drawings, diagrams - this is only a small part of what can be done in LD. Each person is unique, which means that all diaries are different. Making your LD and making entries in it, it is important not to limit yourself, because this is one of the few ways to splash your emotions.

Envelope for a personal diary

For even more individuality and creating the effect of secrecy, you should make an envelope for LD. To do this, use double-sided standard or colored glossy paper, fabric, newspaper, gift paper, foil and other materials. The manufacture of this accessory should not cause any difficulties, just ask the question "how to make an envelope for LD?" and prepare the necessary materials.

how to make an envelope for LD

In addition to the materials listed above, you will also need a needle with a thread or decorative tape. It doesn’t matter if you decide to make an envelope out of paper or fabric, you will first need to cut a rectangle two and a half times larger than the pages of the diary. It needs to be folded in three, while the two halves should be the same, and the third smaller to close. Then two large parts must be stitched or glued together. If desired, you can decorate the product with various elements. You can carry the LD in the finished envelope with you everywhere and take notes at any convenient moment.


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