Where to go for a vacation in May: options and directions

After the New Year holidays, the working population of our country begins to think about a well-deserved summer vacation. Not everyone has a vacation in the corresponding months, which is why the question of where to go for a vacation in May, April or September can be really relevant. May is especially popular, there is no snow at this time of the year, and the air temperature is sometimes no different from summer.

We master water skiing and surfing

First you need to decide where to go on vacation in May: at sea, to relatives in the village, on an excursion to another country, or stay at home and spend your vacation on the couch. Do you like a beach holiday? Then pay your attention to Tel Aviv: the closer to summer, the higher the daytime temperature here, and the water gets warmer. Already at the beginning of the month, excellent weather is established here, suitable for walking along the sand, swimming and playing sports in nature.

It is here that those who want to learn surfing, water skiing, and also learn to ride a yacht go. For this, there is everything you need: modern equipment, professional instructors, clear water and wonderful weather. The air temperature in Israel in May rises to +30 degrees, so you need to bring along tanning products and generally observe safety precautions on the beach. Among the purest sands, time flies by unnoticed, and there is a chance of getting sunburn and heatstrokes if you do not prevent their appearance in time.

Dive into the depths

Exotic and unusual surroundings always attract the attention of tourists and travelers. These words are quite appropriate in relation to the Maldives - a small paradise on planet Earth. If you still have not decided where to go for a vacation in May, and you really want to go to the sea, consider this option. Nature lovers will be shocked by the local sunsets, incredible landscapes and rich sea air. Air at this time of the year warms up to +31 degrees, and water - up to +28.

where to go to relax in may

Fans of deep sea diving often come to the Maldives - divers, the most experienced of them claim that here you can admire the unique underwater world, which has no analogues anywhere. Those who start diving for the first time, later return to the Maldives for this reason. If you are tired of lying on the beach, you can go for a walk along the ocean on foot, on ATVs or horses, as well as visit local restaurants with exotic cuisine, get acquainted with monuments of architecture and architecture.

Exploring the past

History buffs who have not yet decided where to go for a vacation in early May can head to Jordan. It is usually very hot here in summer: sometimes the air temperature reaches +40 degrees, but in spring weather conditions for the trip are quite acceptable. When traveling, be sure to visit Mount Nebo. According to legend, it was there that Moses saw the Promised Land. It is also worth visiting the Wadi Rum desert and the city of Petra, which was previously the capital of the Nabatean kingdom.

In Jordan, you can see the fortresses of Montreal and Al-Karak, built during the time of the Crusaders and survived more than a dozen armed clashes. Pay special attention to the city of Jerash, where the ruins of the ancient city of Geras once belonged to the Romans are located. Locals in themed costumes, original colonnades and ancient amphitheaters will allow you to feel the atmosphere of Ancient Rome and enjoy a wonderful vacation.

Visit former neighbors

Russians working on a standard schedule often go for a trick: they plan their vacation so that part of the days is distributed between the May holidays, and the rest after them. Given the statutory weekend, some of our compatriots manage to rest for 20-25 days. However, a trip somewhere in the May holidays can be expensive, therefore, in order to save money, it is best to go on a trip in the 10-15th of the month. Deciding where to go on vacation in mid-May is not so difficult; you will be gladly welcomed by residents of one of the former CIS countries - Georgia.

where to go to relax in mid-May

This small state is characterized by incredible hospitality, which you will not find anywhere else. Just ask a passerby for time, and you yourself will not notice how you sit at his place and talk about how much you like to relax here. Be sure to visit Kakheti, it is there that 90% of all famous Georgian wines are produced. Of great historical interest is a small town called Vardzia, built under Queen Tamar. Mountain lovers will enjoy Mountain Svanetia, there are practically no tourists there, and you can enjoy magnificent views in absolute silence.

Forgetting about megacities

Usually, the question of where to go for a vacation at the end of May is decided as soon as possible - in almost all countries it is already warm and sunny, and choosing the only one among them is not difficult. But beach holidays in some states are not yet available, so you can consider the island of Crete as a place for a vacation. In the territories that have belonged to Greece for several centuries, there are a large number of resorts, as well as archaic attractions. At the end of May, air and water warm up to +30 degrees, the weather becomes quite sunny and the number of working entertainment facilities is increasing.

A distinctive feature of the Greek island is the complete absence of plants and factories, the only exception being institutions involved in agriculture or food production. The vast majority of the inhabitants of the island work in the tourism sector, which is why foreign tourists here are very fond of and try to do everything possible to make their stay go well. Among the attractions you can highlight the Knossos Palace, according to legend, it is he who is the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, sung in ancient Greek myths.

Learning the East in reality

Today, a Russian has a large number of options for spring breaks and can even visit those countries that he read about in fairy tales. For example, we are talking about Tunisia - an incredible country that combines three cultures at once: European, Arab and African. If you choose where it is better to go on vacation at the end of May, it is recommended to stop at a state that has managed to preserve the old noisy markets with noisy merchants and harmoniously fit them into modernity with mansions and high-rises.

where it is better to go to rest in may

If you want to improve your health, pay attention to the Hammamet resort, there are a large number of thalasso centers and spas intended for this. In the evenings and nights you can visit the local bars and clubs, for them they even allocated a separate quarter. For those who prefer a secluded holiday, Djerba is a great place - a small island where you can stroll along olive groves, admire flamingos or simply sunbathe on the pristine beaches.

Traveling with the whole family

Each trip should have its own goal, it can be educational, entertaining or even business. If you travel alone, you can not spend a lot of time choosing a place for a vacation. But if you decide where to go for a vacation with your child in May, you will have to consider a number of features. Your baby should have only positive memories of the trip, so it is best to choose a country where there is a lot of entertainment and fun, for example, Vietnam.

For a family vacation, Nha Trang resort is perfect. Its main attraction is an entertainment park called "Little Hollywood", there are a large number of unusual attractions for children, including the popular "Monkey Island". You can also visit Chi Nguyen - an open aquarium where your child will be able to explore modern marine animals, as well as have fun while admiring the colorful fish.

Enlighten the younger generation

Does your fidget like to learn something new? Then you should think about where you can go on vacation in May, so that he receives the maximum of interesting information. In this case, it is best to choose European countries, there are always a large number of excursions for children, during which they walk along the old streets, visit theme museums and parks, and also make new friends.

where to go to relax with a child in May

Statistics say that European cities such as Bratislava, Sofia, Krakow and Bucharest are especially popular among children. Of course, when visiting European powers, you need to consider your own financial capabilities. If you want to save on vacation, you can go to visa-free countries or to countries with a facilitated visa regime. This option can be used if your child has never been abroad before, 4-5 days will be enough to explore local attractions and get a good trip experience.

Celebrating the holidays in the European Union

The Russians are used to celebrating Labor Day and Victory Day, but are completely unaware of the existence of May holidays in other states. For example, May 5 and 9 in all countries of the Schengen Agreement celebrates Europe Day - a holiday of peace and unity. These days, residents of European countries go to visit their neighbors to express their respect and love, as well as to relax. Choosing where to go to rest in May abroad, it is worth considering the option of traveling to the EU powers, since this holiday is celebrated everywhere and on a large scale.

where to go to relax in May at sea

Anyway, May can be safely called the month of culture in Europe, it was at this time that a large number of relevant events were held here. The most significant of these is the Cannes Film Festival, where new names are constantly being opened and the latest trends in the film industry are being discussed. Every year, in early May, the Eurovision Song Contest is held in Europe, where each of the participating countries sends only the best songs. In addition, at this time in Europe there is a festival of jazz, gothic and original songs in which you can take part as a spectator or even a performer.

Choosing Extreme Vacation

If you still have not decided where you will go for a vacation in May and are considering Asian countries, you need to be very careful in your choice. At this time of the year tropical showers often occur here and the sea behaves very restlessly. Despite this, some Russians always go to this region, the main reason for this is low ticket prices and the ability to change the situation at least for a short while. With a minimum budget, it is best to choose Indonesia, the weather here is much less common than in neighboring states, and water and air warm up by the middle of the month to plus 25-28 degrees.

where to go to relax in May abroad

When traveling to this country, be sure to visit the island of Bali, it will be especially comfortable for all surf lovers because of the longest waves that you can frolic on. In addition, there are a large number of natural monuments: reserves, waterfalls, tropical forest belts, as well as volcanoes. Absolutely unique vegetation in combination with unusual birds and animals forms a unique flavor that cannot be forgotten.

Do not forget about the homeland

When planning a vacation, you will probably wonder about where it is better to go on vacation in May: abroad or stay in Russia? Despite the large number of profitable last-minute travel packages at travel agencies, you can enjoy your holidays at home, while saving a lot of money. In addition, inside our country you can travel on your own without using the services of tourism managers.

where better to go to rest in late May

You can go to the Black Sea coast, where by Victory Day the air temperature warms up to +20 degrees. A large number of palaces, caves, zoos, waterfalls, amusement parks - all this at your disposal at relatively inexpensive prices. As an alternative, you can consider the Altai Mountains, Karelia, Karachay-Cherkessia, as well as Lake Seliger. These options are suitable for those who prefer to attend excursions, conquer the mountains or just walk through the local forests.

Getting ready to travel in advance

If, after much thought about where to go for a vacation in May, you still choose a trip abroad, you need to get a passport in advance. It can take one and a half to two months to complete, and you will need to pay a state fee and visit the FMS department. If you have no time to do this, you can contact a travel agency, purchase a tour there and order a passport for an additional payment.

We observe safety precautions

As soon as you decide where you will go for a vacation in May, study the mentality of the chosen state: specify what practices are there, what kind of behavior is welcome, what you can talk about, etc. Remember that the locals are quite friendly to foreigners, but at the slightest misconduct, the situation can radically change. Specify in advance where the Russian Embassy is located. If you have any difficult situations, you can contact them at any time of the day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13764/

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