Life forms of plants

Most of the land is populated by various plants. And although they all belong to the same kingdom of living organisms, their form and physiology are individual. For the first time, the term "plant life forms" was introduced back in 1884 by the Danish botanist E. Warming. He believed that a certain life form characterizes the state of the plant in which it ideally coexists with the environment. Subsequently, many systems for classifying plants according to a similar criterion were created.

Life forms of plants: classification of K. Raunkier

The famous scientist K. Raunkier at one time developed his own classification of plants, which is guided by a single criterion. Here we take into account an important sign of adaptation to the influence of the external environment, namely the position of the kidneys of renewal in relation to the soil. According to this system, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Plywood - the tops of shoots of such plants are located in the air even in the most unfavorable seasons. As a rule, the distance from the regeneration buds to the soil surface is more than 30 centimeters. Such plants tolerate the influence of the external environment.
  • Chamefites - the top of such an shoot is also located above the soil surface, but the distance between them does not exceed 20 - 30 centimeters.
  • Hemicryptophytes are the life form of plants, which is characterized by a low arrangement of kidney renewal. As a rule, in adverse periods of the year, the top of the shoot is on the surface of the soil, under the litter.
  • Cryptophytes - the buds of the renewal of such plants are stored either in the soil itself or under water;
  • Terophytes are another group of plants whose buds are preserved exclusively in the form of seeds.

The scientist believed that the life forms of plants are the result of centuries-old adaptations to survive in certain climatic conditions. However, such a system is not accurate. On the other hand, to this day it is popular, constantly undergoing modifications.

Life forms of plants: classification by I. Serebryakov

It is this classification, developed in 1962 - 1964 by I. G. Serebryakov, that today is considered the most complete and accurate. When it was created, the scientist took into account the features of the climatic zone and growing conditions, as well as the structure of vegetative and generative organs. Four main departments were identified, each of which includes its own types:

Woody plants (Division A). It is customary to distinguish three types here:

  • Trees - plants of this form are characterized by the presence of a powerful, lignified trunk. These are perennial representatives of the flora.
  • Shrubs are another large group of plants, which is characterized by the presence of several trunks sprouting from sleeping buds at the same time.
  • Shrubs are plants that are very similar to shrubs, but have some significant differences, including smaller sizes and longer lifespan.

Semi-wood plants (Division B). This group is divided into two types:

  • Shrubs — plants are quite similar to shrubs and shrubs, but has their own distinctive features. For example, their skeletal axes live no more than 5-8 years, and after dying do not form sleeping kidneys.
  • Half shrubs.

Ground grasses (Division B) - the name clearly indicates which representatives of the plant world are united in this group. There are two types:

  • Polycarpic herbs are perennial herbaceous plants whose flowering can be observed every year, sometimes even several times a year.
  • Monocarpic herbs - these plants can live from one to several years. A distinctive feature is the flowering that occurs only once during the period of plant development, after which the body dies.

Water grasses (department D) - this includes organisms whose vital activity is somehow connected with the aquatic environment. It is customary to distinguish two types:

  • Amphibious floating grasses - the vegetative body of such a plant, as a rule, is located on the surface of the water, on the border of the earth and water.
  • Underwater grasses are plant life forms that have an exclusively aquatic habitat.

In fact, the life forms of plants and animals are very diverse. And today there is no ideal system for their classification.


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