Kant's Theory of Knowledge - Report Material

Emanuel Kant - the great German philosopher of the 18-19 centuries, the founder of German classical philosophy. Without the teachings of Kant, it would be unthinkable to develop all of world philosophy from the 18th century onwards to the present day.

The fundamental principles of Kant's worldview are set forth in two of his fundamental theories: epistemology (theory of knowledge) and ethics (theory of morality).

Theory of knowledge - the main provisions

The main work, in which the foundations of Kant's philosophy are concentrated, is "Critique of pure reason."

The purpose of the work is the analysis of a theoretical concept, which will later be called subjective dialectics. In it, the philosopher explores the phenomenon of the mind.

Kant's theory of knowledge says that human activity in its main form is represented by knowledge. This fundamental phenomenon is associated with the ability of an individual to identify himself with all of humanity. In knowledge, a person gains the potentiality of his existence, endowed with limitless possibilities.

The emerging personality masters human experience, and therefore is also associated with cognition.

Kant introduces the concepts of the object and subject of knowledge. They enter into a dialectical opposite relationship, which is a contradiction of knowledge. The source and leading principle in this dialectical pair is precisely the subject of knowledge. He introduces the object into a relationship of submission and is able to translate the energy essence of the object directly into his own.

What structure does the subject of knowledge have?

In answer to this question, Kant's theory of knowledge distinguishes two levels: psychological and pre-experimental.

  • The psychological level means the following. The sense organs exist in an ever-changing quality, according to which their tasks take place in the form of curiosity, sensitivity, etc.
  • Under the experimental level (transcendental, innate) is understood as the existence of primary inclinations, allowing you to feel, for example, time and space, home, etc.

The most important questions of cognition:

- what are its steps or stages;

- what are its criteria.

Kant identifies three stages of cognition:

  1. sensual;
  2. rational;
  3. reasonable.

Practical activities to transform the mind is the criterion of cognition. Homo sapiens creates new ideal objects, concepts and ideas. Of particular criteria are the ideas that develop and lead all of humanity, for example, the idea of ​​God.

Outside of ideas, knowledge is impossible; there simply does not exist.

Thus, Kant's theory of knowledge for the first time in world philosophy raises the question of what are the boundaries of knowledge.

Despite the extremeness of epistemology, according to Kant, reality can be cognized in the fullness of the mind. This is true for objects created by man himself, i.e. for the world of ideas. The most fundamental, great ideas personify the mind of mankind, they are the essence, source and foundation of faith (for example, the idea of ​​God).

Kant's theory of knowledge for such objects introduces the concept of “things for us”, contrasting it with “things in ourselves”. The latter belong to the world that lies on the other side of ideas. He is opposed to man; this is the very embodiment of the unknown. Kant argues that there is no and cannot be any transition between the "thing in itself" and the "thing for us". They are originally and forever isolated from each other.

Theory of Morality - Fundamentals

The oldest philosophical discipline - ethics - studies morality. It can be argued that Kant's ethical doctrine in the philosophy of the New Age represents the pinnacle of critical ethics.

Theoretical philosophy, as you know, is busy solving questions about the existence of truth and scientific knowledge.

In turn, practical philosophy, which should include Kant's doctrine of ethics, considers the problem of the relationship between moral law and real freedom.

Kant's work, A Critique of the Power of Judgment, is devoted to elucidating this problem.

Kant's theory speaks of the unity of the critical philosophical doctrine and ethical philosophy. This unity is revealed due to the fundamental position of man in the universe. It is this position, as well as human behavior that can push the boundaries of knowledge, essence, and unity.

Morality should not be considered as a tool for obtaining any results. In it, the subject himself is aware of the obligatory need for certain actions, and he compels himself to these actions.

Morality is autonomous, says Kant. People who claim freedom are the creators of their own morality. The laws of moral action they create for themselves.

Humane behavior is measured by the attitude to the imperative: moral law must be respected. This is the main statement of Kant's ethics. An expression of respect can only be a personality phenomenon, since such respect is an a priori feeling. Aware of it, the individual identifies in an identical manner the law-forming duty and acts in the character of the necessary-universal.

The moral principle is significantly different from the religious. Recognizing that thanks to God, happiness and duty coincide (not in this world), Kant emphasizes, however, that a sense of morality has nothing to do with faith, its main attribute is autonomy, and it is born of itself.

Moral phenomena indicate the fact of absolute inner human self-worth. Cognitive attitude does not keep them within its borders. The theoretical mind in them is incompetent.

Kant's theory of knowledge and ethics are the greatest achievements of world philosophy. The whole history of the culture of subsequent centuries is somehow based on Kantian foundations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13775/

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