Documentary Chronicle of the War: 1941-1945. World War II: history of events with photos

Looking back, it seems that these events are several centuries old. Life is boiling around, everyone is scurrying, in a hurry, and sometimes even events a year ago have no meaning and are ingloriously covered with dust in memory. But humanity has no moral right to forget the 1418 days of World War II. Chronicles of the war of 1941-1945 - this is only a small echo of that time, a good reminder to the modern generation that the war never brought anyone any good.

Reasons for the war

As with any armed confrontation, the reasons for the outbreak of war were very commonplace. In the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (war of 1941-1945) it is indicated that the battle began because Adolf Hitler wanted to lead Germany to world domination: to capture all countries and create a state with pure races.

The Great Patriotic War

September 1, 1939 he invades the territory of Poland, then goes to Czechoslovakia, conquers more new territories, and then violates the peace treaty concluded on August 23, 1939 with the USSR. Intoxicated by his first successes and victories, he developed the Barbarossa plan, according to which he was to capture the Soviet Union in a short time. But it was not there. From this moment begins a four-year chronicle of the events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

1941th Start

In June, the war began. During this month, five defense fronts were formed, each of which was responsible for its territory:

  • Northern front. Defended Hanko (from 22.06 to 02.12) and the Arctic (from 29.07 to 10.10).
  • Northwest Front. Immediately after the attack, he began to carry out the Baltic strategic defensive operation (06.22-09.07).
  • Western front. Here the Bialystok-Minsk battle unfolded (06/22/09/07).
  • Southwest Front. The Lviv-Chernivtsi defensive operation was launched (06.22-06.07).
  • South front. Founded July 25.

In July, defensive operations continued on the Northern Front. On the North-Western Front, the Leningrad defensive operation began (from 10.07 to 30.09). At the same time, the Battle of Smolensk begins on the Western Front (10.07-10.09). July 24 Central Front founded, he took part in the battle of Smolensk. On the 30th the Reserve Front was formed. In the South-West began the Kiev defensive operation (07.07-26.09). On the Southern Front, the Tiraspol-Melitopol defensive operation begins (July 27-28.09).

recruitment of volunteers

In August, the battle continues. The forces of the Reserve Front join the battle of Smolensk. On the 14th, the Bryansk Front was founded, the city is being defended on the Odessa Defensive Region (08/05/16/10). The Transcaucasian Front is formed on August 23, and two days later the Iranian operation begins.

Records for September in documentary chronicles about the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) indicate that most defensive battles have ended. The forces of the Soviet Union changed their place of deployment and launched new offensive operations: Sumy-Kharkov and Donbass.

In October, the Sinyavskaya and Strelninsko-Peterhof operations are carried out on the Leningrad Front, and the Tikhvin defensive operation begins (from October 16 to November 18). On the 17th, the Kalinin Defensive Front was formed, the defensive operation of the same name begins. On the 10th, the Reserve Front ceased to exist. The Tula defensive operation began on the Bryansk Front (10.24-05.12). Crimean troops began a defensive operation and entered the battle for Sevastopol (10/10/1941/09/07/1942).

fierce battle

In November, the Tikhvin offensive operation began, which ended by the end of the year. The battles went with alternating success. On December 5, the Kalinin offensive operation began, and on the 6th, the Klinsko-Solnechnaya and Tula offensive operations. On December 17, the Volkhov Front was formed. The Bryansk Front was formed again, and the Kerch landing operation began in the Transcaucasian (26.12). The defense of Sevastopol continued.

1942 - a brief military chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

On January 1, 1942, an anti-German bloc was formed, which included 226 countries. Meanwhile, on January 2, the city of Maloyaroslavets was liberated, on the 3rd near the city of Sukhinichi, the Russian army defeated the Germans, on January 7, German shock forces were defeated near Moscow.

New offensive operations begin. Mozhaisk was completely liberated on January 20. In early February, the entire Moscow region was liberated from the Germans. Soviet troops advanced 250 km in the Vitebsk direction. On March 5, long-range aviation is created. May 8 begins the German offensive in the Crimea. Battles are under way near Kharkov, on June 28 a large-scale offensive of German troops begins. The forces were mainly directed to the Volga and the Caucasus.

battle of stalingrad

On July 17, the legendary Battle of Stalingrad begins, which is mentioned in all chronicles of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (photos of the confrontation are attached). On August 25, a state of siege was introduced in Stalingrad. September 13 begins fighting at the Mamaev Kurgan. On November 19, the Red Army begins an offensive operation near Stalingrad. On December 3, a group of German troops was defeated in the Shiripin area. On December 31, the troops of the Stalingrad Front liberate the city of Elista.

1943 year

This year was a turning point. On January 1, the Rostov offensive operation began. The cities of Mozdok, Malgobek, Nalchik were liberated, on January 12, Operation Iskra began. The military, who took part in it, had to break the blockade of Leningrad. Five days later, the city of Velikiye Luki was liberated. January 18, managed to establish communication with Leningrad. On January 19, an offensive operation began on the Voronezh Front, and it was possible to defeat a large military group of the enemy. On January 20, enemy troops were defeated in the vicinity of the city of Velikoluksk. January 21 Stavropol was liberated.

On January 31, German troops surrender near Stalingrad. On February 2, it was possible to liquidate the army near Stalingrad (nearly 300 thousand fascists). Kursk was liberated on February 8, and Belgorod on the 9th. The Soviet army advanced towards Minsk.

Assistance on the battlefield

February 12 liberated Krasnodar; 14th - Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovgrad and Krasnodon; February 16 managed to free Kharkov. On March 3, Rzhevsk was liberated, on the 6th, Gzhatsk, on March 12, the Germans left their positions in Vyazma. On March 29, the Soviet flotilla caused significant damage to the German fleet off the coast of Norway.

On May 3, the Soviet army won the battle in the air, and on July 5, the legendary Battle of Kursk began. It ended on August 22, during the battle 30 German divisions were defeated. By the end of the year, successful offensive operations were carried out, one after another the cities of the Soviet Union were liberated from invaders. The German army is defeated.

1944 year

According to the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the war took a turn favorable to the USSR. Offensive operations began on all fronts. Ten so-called Stalinist strikes helped completely free the territory of the USSR, military operations were now carried out in Europe.

Way to victory

The German command understands that it will not seize the strategic initiative and begins to take up defensive positions in order to preserve at least those territories that they managed to seize. But only every day they had to retreat farther and farther.

Yak-18 and pilots

On April 16, 1945, Soviet troops surrounded Berlin. The Nazi army is defeated. On April 30, Hitler commits suicide. On May 7, Germany announced its surrender to the Western Allied forces, and on May 9, it surrendered to the Soviet Union.

In the chronicles of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the war appears to the reader as a list of dates and events. But we must not forget that behind each date there are human destinies: unfulfilled hopes, unfulfilled promises and uninhabited lives.


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