What Slavic state arose before the rest? Slavic theory of the origin of the Old Russian state

Events of ancient times always cause controversy: if there is no reliable information, it is difficult to prove their case. After all, writing appeared in later times than the well-known historical events that were not recorded and have come down to us in the form of myths and legends. Disputes are being held about the origin of the Slavs, about the creation of ancient Russia, and about which Slavic state arose before the rest.

The origin and settlement of the Slavs

According to historical data, in the VIII millennium BC, Indo-European tribes lived on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Three branches emerged from these places and peoples, which migrated in different directions:

- Celts, Germanic and Romanesque peoples settled in Western and Southern Europe,

- the Baltoslavs settled in the interfluve of the Vistula and the Dnieper,

- Iranian and Indian peoples settled in West and South Asia.

This happened in the 2nd century BC. It was only in the 5th century AD that the branches of the Slavs who settled in Central Europe stood out from the Baltic Slavs. What Slavic state arose before the rest, in what century did this happen?

The resettlement of the Slavs

It was from the Baltic Slavic peoples that the Western, Southern and Eastern Slavs arose , occupying respectively: Central Europe, the Balkan Peninsula and Eastern Europe. Western Slavs include Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Pomors from the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, tribes from the eastern side of the Laba River. The southern Slavic peoples settled on the Balkan Peninsula: Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians. Under the Eastern Slavs are meant the ancestors of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples.

During the period of the great migration of peoples, the Slavs occupied vast territories of the eastern part of Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. From the 7th century AD, information about the first Slavic states has already appeared. The neighboring peoples united and formed into state structures and began to oppress the Slavs. What Slavic state arose before all among the tribes that occupied considerable territories?

Himself and his power

It was in the 7th century AD that the first union of tribes arose under the leadership of the leader of the Slavs - Samo. This power included the territories of Moravian, Slovak, Czech. Their capital they declared the city of Vysehrad, which stands on the Morava River. This Slavic state arose earlier than the rest.

Very little is known about life and personality: it was the Frankish merchant who became the creator of the empire in 620-623. In the chronicles of Fredegard there is a brief mention of the life of Samo and that he was a pagan. Although at this point the Franks were already Christians.

Slavic state arose earlier than the rest

The very first ancient Slavic state arose due to the constant raids of Avars on their lands: it was a neighboring empire located on the territory of today's Hungary and constantly sent its marauders to devastating raids, created violence against civilians. As a result, there was an uprising of the Slavs against the Avars. Itself with its fighters supported the Slavic uprising. He won all battles and was a strong, brave warrior.

Years of rule

Courage and leadership skills Itself led to the fact that he was elected king. He ruled the empire until 658 AD - 35 years. The Frankish chronicler Fredegard wrote about Samo that during the years of his reign no battles were lost. Even the battle with the Frankish Empire and its ruler, Dagobert, in 631, ended in victory for the Slavs.

Samo died in the year 658 - 659. As follows from the records of Fredegard, the ruler of the empire had 12 Slavic wives, who bore him 22 sons and 15 daughters. All 35 years they happily ruled the empire and did not have defeats from enemies. What happened to the power after the death of Samo? Historians suggest that it fell apart again into separate tribes.

Now that it has become clear which Slavic state arose earlier than others, the reason for its appearance is clear - for protection against enemies.

Great Moravian Power

Later, at the beginning of the 9th century, another West Slavic state arose in the same territories - the Great Moravian Empire. Initially, it was a state dependent on the Franks. Then it was subordinate to Germany. But soon the power achieved independence and entered into an alliance with Byzantium. Freed from German influence, the Moravian princes decided to get rid of their clergy: they asked Byzantium to send missionaries - priests for preaching in the Slavic language. So in Moravia in 863 there appeared enlighteners from Bulgaria - Cyril and Methodius. They did a great job: created Slavic writing using the Greek alphabet, translated several church books. In Moravia, many temples were built.

ancient Slavic state

But still the principality collapsed in 906: the constant struggle with Germany made it weak, and the Hungarians were able to defeat it, and seize part of the land. Understanding which Slavic state arose before the rest, one cannot but say about the Bulgarians.

Bulgarian kingdom

The emergence of the Bulgarian state dates back another 681 year. It was a strong union of Slavic and Turkic tribes. The Bulgarian kingdom was actively developing, fought with Byzantium, with the Slavs. The rulers of the country, Boris I and his son Simeon, strengthened it and expanded its borders to the Black Sea. The capital of the kingdom was the city of Preslav. This Slavic state arose earlier than the rest, even before the Great Moravian Empire.

Simeon became one of the rulers who introduced real Christian customs in the country. He was literate, educated in Constantinople, an erudite king. Simeon conducted a competent economic policy, expanded the borders of the state, and even tried to become the ruler of Byzantium.

which Slavic state arose before the rest

After the death of Simeon, in 927, the state began to be subjected to raids by the Byzantines and Rus. Yes, and internal contradictions tore the country. In 1014, the fall of the Bulgarian kingdom began. The Slavic state that arose earlier than the rest can be traced from the chronicles, which also speak of the creation of Russia.

Slavic theory of the origin of the old Russian state

Kievan Rus

The state of Kievan Rus arose at the turn of the 9th century. These were the tribes of the Eastern Slavs, who began to unite. But the formation of the country took place over the centuries, in several stages. The chronicler Nestor in The Tale of Bygone Years gave a description of Kievan Rus, its formation and formation. Gradually, the country became one of the most powerful and influential in Europe. It is important to know not only which Slavic state arose before the rest, but also its phased formation and power.

formation of the old Russian state Slavic theory

The first and key stage is the unification of the two principalities: Novgorod and Kiev. Thanks to the activities of the Prophet Oleg, who captured Kiev in 882 and established diplomatic relations with Byzantium, the borders of Russia are expanding. The fact of the unification of the two principalities was marked by the emergence of the state of the Eastern Slavs. By 1054, all Slavic tribes from the east were part of Kievan Rus - it was its heyday. For a long time the country was united, but the threat of collapse still existed. In 1132, Kievan Rus fell apart completely.

which Slavic state arose before all

Slavic theory of the origin of the Old Russian state

There are several theories of the emergence of the Old Russian state, one of them is Slavic, or it is also called โ€œautochthonousโ€. According to this theory, statehood existed in Russia long before the ninth century. Historians say that in ancient times there were even three centers of the Slavs: Cuiaba, Artania, Slavia.

The Varangians played a unifying role between north and south. From them came the name: Rus - from the tribe "Rus". The chronicler Nestor in the "Tale of Bygone Years" described the life of the Eastern Slavs before the Varangians arrived. He spoke of three brothers - Slavs: Kie, Cheek, Horeb. The eldest of them - Kiy, reigned and campaigned until Constantinople himself, was considered the founder of the Slavic dynasty. Kiev was the center of the union of the ancient glades.

what Slavic state arose before the rest in what century

Additional confirmation

The formation of the Old Russian state, the Slavic theory , is also confirmed by the legend of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, who had three daughters. He lost all his sons in campaigns and battles with the Scandinavians. When he became old, it turned out that he had no one to transfer his dynasty to. One of his daughters, Umila, was given for the Varangian - Ross, and she had three sons. Then he called on Gostomysl of his grandchildren - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, as representatives of the Slavic clan, to accept the Principality. The legend is confirmed by the Joachim Chronicle.

ancient Slavic state

The Slavic theory of the origin of the ancient Russian state was founded by the scientist M.V. Lomonosov. In the 19th century, historians such as Belyaev, Ilichevsky and Zabelin became its supporters. In his theory, MV Lomonosov proved back in the 18th century that Rurik was not a Scandinavian - he was a Slav. The Varangians appeared much later than the Slavs and had the same roots with them. The existence of the Old Russian state, long before the advent of Kievan Rus, is evidenced by Jordan, the Gothic chronicler, and the Elder Edda, and the Veles Book. They describe the conquests of the Goth Germanarech, who came to the Volga and the Caspian with battle.

formation of the old Russian state Slavic theory

War with the goths

Arriving on the Old Russian lands, Germanarech first made peace, and then married to the sister of the Slavic Prince Bus, her name was Swan-Swa. She was married to 110-year-old Germanarech in the form of payment for a peace treaty. And only then tragic events happened: Germanarech executed his wife and son, returned and defeated the Slavs. But the defenders of Ruskolani stood in the way of the ready and did not allow to reach the heart of the country. The Swans-Swa brothers, Princes Bus and Zlatogor, avenged their sister and killed Germanarech. Thus began the Slavic-Gothic war. The statue of Bus, found in the North Caucasus, proves the fact of its existence:

which Slavic state arose earlier than others

The debate of historians lasts for many centuries: one theory refutes another. But the truth of the Slavic theory is evidenced by irrefutable facts, which were described by Nestor. Can an unorganized society, which is small and wild, be able to assemble and equip an eighty-thousand-strong army with 2,000 ships, which, moreover, can move on land? And the Prophetic Oleg led this campaign and nailed his shield on the gates of Constantinople - Constantinople! So, Rurik came to reign not in an empty place, but in a completely independent Slavic state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13777/

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