Ski Tours to the Czech Republic: Resorts Overview

With the onset of the winter season, more and more Russians who love and appreciate outdoor activities, think: where to go for a ride? Alpine resorts, of course, are beyond praise, but very expensive - not everyone can afford it. Yes, and the "Schengen" is also difficult to obtain. Domestic slopes and roads, and, alas, are still not very close to European standards. An acceptable "middle ground" can be skiing tours to the Czech Republic, whose resorts beckon for their low cost, accessibility and high quality services. And a visa can also be opened at the consulate of this country, which is much easier than at the embassies of the old members of the European Union.

Ski tours to the Czech Republic

Ski tours to the Czech Republic are very diverse, which is not surprising - there are many places for skiing in this region. The Ore and Eagle Mountains, Sumava, Krkonose, Krushna, the Carpathians - yes, the Czech Republic cannot boast of “three thousandths” like Switzerland, but skiers go there to conquer the mountain peaks. Well-groomed slopes, properly functioning lifts, guns, which in case of inclement weather will correct the ski cover, pleasant protected coniferous forests - what else is needed for a daring vacation?

Winter holidays in the Czech Republic

Spindleruv Mlyn in the Krkonoše Mountains is perhaps the most popular resort where all ski tours to the Czech Republic flock to. The local tracks will satisfy both aces and green beginners. At 26 km of mountain and hundreds of kilometers of cross-country trails, each guest will find their ski track. There is also a halfpipe for snowboarding, and riding on inflatable rafts, there are opportunities for bobsledding. T-bar and chair lifts will easily bring vacationers to the starting point, and artificial snow will help even in very warm winters. You can go to Spindleruv Mlyn with your whole family - there are ski schools for children and adults, and for younger guests - a water park, pony riding, sleigh rides and other entertainment.

Ski tours to the Czech Republic often involve accommodation in the resort of Harrachov, also in the Krkonoše. He, in addition to the usual tracks, sled tunnels and cross-country skiing trails, is known for its ski jumps. So brave jumpers should like it here. On the slopes of the highest mountain in the Czech Republic, Snezka Mountain, the Pets resort is sheltered - a favorite place for luxurious presentations, corporate events and similar events. Here you can meet celebrities, but at the same time Pets is very democratic: here you can easily find cheap housing.

Skiing Tours

Winter holidays in the Czech Republic will be truly God's gift if you spend it in a resort of the same name. It is located in the very center of the Krushna ridge. Excellent infrastructure, a large number of saddle and rope tows, cable cars, sleigh rides and snowmobiles - all this attracts a lot of outdoor enthusiasts. In addition, God's Gift is also the highest city in Europe. It lies at an altitude of 1025 m above sea level. Thanks to schools and gentle slopes where you can hone your skills, the Neklid, Klinovets and Bozhi Dar ski areas are the most popular among beginners.

Visiting the Czech Republic, you can combine sightseeing (Prague), therapeutic (Karlovy Vary) and winter sports tours. Alpine skiing is not a hindrance, but a very successful addition to the wine and gastronomic cruises in this gourmet country, where wonderful beer and excellent wine are produced in abundance. The edge of Moravia in the summer pleases the eye with green vineyards, and in winter with open arms takes skiers and snowboarders. In the north of this region, on the slopes of the mountain range Hruby Jeseník and the peak Praded (1491 m), the resorts Ganuszowice, Keprnik, Velke Losiny and Petrikov settled down.


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