Project "Dary Bury": reviews, general information

Earning on the Internet has always been and remains a welcome way of income for a huge number of people. It sounds really tempting - everyone thinks that practically nothing is needed to get started. In addition, everyone believes that making money online is much easier than in real life. That is why a large number of users are looking for different "topics" on which you can earn income.

In the process of searching (beginners - first of all) they find various “projects”. By themselves they represent a simple resource, functioning in the form of a pyramid, which allows you to earn. In today's article, we are talking about such a project. The “Dari Bury” site, reviews of which many users are looking for, will become today's subject for analysis. We immediately warn that now this structure has ceased to conduct its activities, and the people participating in it are left with nothing. Therefore, if someone offers you to make an investment in this project - refuse without any hesitation.

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The essence of the pyramids

To begin with, we will describe what the financial pyramids are, to which the “Dari Bury” project should be included. Reviews about these services go very different, often diametrically opposed. Someone claims that with their help everyone can earn on partner contributions, simply bringing people to the system. Others warn that the pyramids are evil, which is better not to mess with. So who to believe?

The meaning of structures called the "financial pyramid" is that the user must bring other participants who make a contribution. Since the amount of the minimum contribution is clearly fixed, in the future this money is distributed between the participants in certain proportions. For example, the one who brought in receives a portion of the money of his brought. Thus, a chain of people is created. If we take into account “Dary Bury”, the project to which this article is devoted, then a 7-level chain of people was established here, between which the income of the listed participants was distributed.

How did it all start?

The advertisement for the project that we are considering here did not say in plain text that it was a pyramid. Everything looked as if we had before us a social project, giving the opportunity to receive passive income for all its members.

Some users are really interested in this site (if you believe their activity on the forums and in the topics that described the project). However, it’s hard to say whether they really made any contributions or were simply employees advertising this service. In any case, information about “Dary Bury”, reviews about the site began to spread over the network. More and more people learned about the project.

Scheme of work

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The meaning of the site was as follows. To register in the system it was necessary to purchase a package of services. Its cost varied depending on how much in the future the participant will be able to receive, and he, in turn, will bring to those who brought him. So, it was proposed to deposit 1400, 2800 and 5600 rubles into your account as a first payment in order to participate in the project. If, for example, a person made an investment of $ 1,400 rubles, his referrers (those who brought him) received from 100 to 700 rubles. Most of all received the one who turned out to be the final link in the chain (that is, he brought people before everyone else). And the interest of the project participants was that those whom they attracted also invited the following people into the system, and thus a real network was created.

Payout Reviews

In order to make money in such structures, you need to attract new participants who would make contributions. The same funds are subsequently used to pay for other users, and thus the money cycle.

In order to attract new people, you need to “lure” them, promise some real benefits from registering on such a site. This may be, in particular, an opportunity to earn more. Only “Dary Bury” photo payments can prove its existence. They can be found on the Internet, but to say that they are real with complete confidence is impossible.

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As already mentioned at the very beginning of the article, the project ceased to exist. This is the most vivid demonstration of the reliability and results of such pyramids. Whether it is “MMM” or “Dary Bury” - the project and its name do not play a role. The very structure of the structure - the flow of funds - is obviously losing. Therefore, the "pyramids" and are closed. Such a phenomenon is inevitable, and it would be naive to believe that you have invested in a reliable organization and you will not lose your money.

Even the “Dari Bury” reviews of “successful” depositors can be safely called into question, since any payment photographs can be faked. Since this is beneficial to the project organizers, it can be assumed that they are engaged in the creation of such materials. After all, they need people who read reviews about “Dary Bury” to have a positive opinion about the project.

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If in the future you see information about such “miracle projects” that contribute to earning and generating passive income, carefully analyze the scheme of their work. Most often, services like “Dary Bury” are high-risk projects. Yes, they offer their participants a good interest rate, the opportunity to increase their investments at the expense of others, or some other way by which it is theoretically possible to earn big money.

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In practice, everything is different, and the story of “Dari Bury” is the clearest confirmation of this. We do not know how many people were able to earn here and what is the number of those who lost their money. But we can say for sure that, if you had invested in this project, your money would have been lost.


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