Crocodile from a cucumber: photo, description of the craft. How to make a crocodile from a cucumber?

With the onset of autumn, it is time to harvest. What bizarre forms nature does not create! What a rich food for the development of the imagination! And children need help, suggest that such bizarre figures can be created by ourselves.

Those parents whose children attend kindergarten and go to school often think about the problem of what crafts to help the child do at the next exhibition. Such events are usually called "Gifts of Autumn". What only crafts created by children's hands, you will not see there! Very popular figures from vegetables.

For example, you can get an original crocodile from a cucumber. Now consider how to do it.

cucumber crocodile

First craft

First you need a long cucumber. On one side of it will be a crocodile tail, and on the other, a head. The crocodile will be lying. Therefore, from the side where the belly of the figure will be, it is necessary to cut a thin layer for stability. Now you need to make a head. It is necessary to cut off a cone layer of skin on top of the future muzzle. There should be eyes on this section, so you need to make two indentations and insert two peas of allspice. The same cone-shaped layer is also cut off from the bottom of the head - the jaw of a crocodile mouth has turned out. A corner is cut out of the mouth. The teeth will be small, even slices of white onion. A piece of sausage will serve as a tongue. Cucumber should be laid on a flat stand. Now, from the cut cucumber residues, you need to create the hind and front legs, making small cuts so that the legs are with claws. It’s boring for a crocodile to lie on an ordinary board, therefore, in order for the craft to have a finished look, you can pre-paint the stand in blue and this will represent water. On the edges you need to lay out thickets of onion greens to show a predator emerging.

Crocodile Gena

Everyone remembers the famous cartoon about Cheburashka. You can make an interesting craft, only now it will be Gene. How is such a crocodile made from cucumber? We need to take two fresh green cucumbers. One is suitable for the body, the other, smaller, for the head of a crocodile. In order for the animal’s figure not to fall, on the one hand it is necessary to trim the cucumber-body, and on the other we perform a similar action to fasten the head. For a greener vegetable, which is smaller, you need to cut the very top at an angle, make small holes for the eyes.

The jaws, two front straight legs and two solid hind legs should be formed from the remains.

The last stage of manufacturing

The most important thing is the assembly. To get a crocodile from a cucumber, reminiscent of a cartoon character, you need to try. The body is placed vertically, on top we place the lower jaw with teeth and tongue from carrots. Do not forget that the crocodile Gena wore a small hat. You can cut out a small bell from sweet pepper and put figures on your head. The lower limbs are quite simple to put next to, as the gene will be in a sitting position. In the front legs, you need to pierce the holes and attach to the body using pieces of toothpick.

How to do without a tail, because this is a crocodile made from cucumber? You should cut a piece from the green vegetable, cut it in half, make cuts on the side, cut several triangles on top. It remains to attach the tail to the body. So the crafts from cucumber are ready. Crocodile Gena will occupy a worthy place on the exhibition and will remind many adults of his childhood. Because it should turn out very similar to the real friend of Cheburashka.

Crocodile for the smallest

crocodile cucumber photo

How to make a crocodile from a cucumber is now clear. The main thing is to show imagination, use a variety of improvised materials. For the smallest, one more crocodile craft item is offered. Why exactly him? The color of the vegetable is green, and in reality this ferocious animal is also the same color.

how to make crocodile crafts

So, how to make a crocodile from a cucumber? It will take one whole cucumber and one for the details of the figure. There is a torso, two even circles should be cut from the second cucumber - these are legs. Toothpicks attach them to the body. Eyes are cut out of cardboard. It is carried out simply, but it looks like the original. This craft will not help to win a prize at the competition, but will contribute to the development of children's imagination and creative abilities.

how to make crocodile from cucumber

The last version of the craft

And how to make a crocodile cucumber craft? We need to take three cucumbers, two round-shaped berries and toothpicks. It is advisable to find one curved cucumber to make the body. The crocodile will be assembled from separately executed parts. Cucumber is cut into two parts. One of them needs to sharpen the end, it will be the tail. Teeth should be cut from the second part. At the other cucumber, cut off the ends on both sides to make paws.

The second half will play the role of the head. Billets of the elements of crafts made, it remains to assemble the crocodile. All parts will be attached with toothpicks. Berries are eyes. The eyes will be red, like a real crocodile who saw the victim. You can compose a fairy tale with a good ending with your baby. Like a crocodile, upon seeing the victim, he was ready to rush at it. But the poor unfortunate animal ran away from the evil predator. Let dad tell such a fairy tale. Let a strong person set the baby to compassion and mercy.

Cucumber craft crocodile


Now you know how to make a crocodile from a cucumber. A photo for clarity is presented in the article so that you know which particular animal should turn out.

Moms and dads will be able to help your baby do a lot of other similar crafts. It is necessary to teach the child to see the unusual and the beautiful in the most ordinary things, in that which you constantly see, but pass by. You need to teach your baby to be careful. Notice the fancy, most unusual form of cucumbers and tomatoes. You can specially grow decorative pumpkins on your personal plot . It is useful to walk with the child in the forest, in the park. If you are lucky and the baby finds a snag that reminds him of a deer with horns or a character from a fairy tale, he should be praised. In the future, he will see in the cucumber not only a crocodile. The ability to fantasize later will serve the child a good service in compiling retelling of the text, writing essays. Let him play with fictional characters, and also compose all sorts of fables.


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