Landscape park, Buki: description, mode of operation, how to get, reviews

In the age of high technology and constant hustle and bustle, I really want to spend time where you can relax and touch the natural beauties. It is from nature that a person receives an incredibly strong charge of energy, which improves well-being and even allows you to conduct some re-evaluation of values. If you want to visit a similar place, then you will like the landscape park (Buki), located near Kiev. Not all locals know about it, not to mention tourists. But in the near future, he has every chance of becoming the main attraction of the Skvirsky district.

beech park

Buki village: some historical facts

A small town was formed in ancient times, the first written mention of it dates back to the eleventh to thirteenth centuries. The village is located twelve kilometers from the center of Skvirsky district and one hundred and ten kilometers from Kiev. This region is considered a hinterland, where even buses go only twice a day, and even under favorable weather conditions. Therefore, ten years ago, no one even thought that there would be a park in the village of Buki in the Kiev region, which would attract a large number of people who want to admire this man-made miracle.

History of the park

The landscape park in Buki arose by the efforts of one of the richest people in Ukraine - Ivan Suslov. Once upon a time there was a landfill that almost completely clogged the bed of the Rastavitsa River. Every year the environmental disaster took on an increasingly serious scale, but in 1996 Ivan Suslov decided to buy land that nobody needed for his own purposes.

Almost three hectares of land, along with part of the river, were spent on the ransom ; the landfill cost the businessman twenty thousand dollars, which is very little even for that time. It was on this seemingly useless land that the enterprising businessman created an amazing park. Beeches are now becoming more and more known and popular, because a talented businessman plans to further develop these territories, attracting investments that promise great prospects for the region. However, the theme of our article is precisely the park.

beech landscape park

Brief description of the park

The landscape park (Buki) is simply a unique place where you must go at least once in your life. It seems unbelievable that the former dump turned into something surprisingly beautiful and fabulous with an abundance of flowers, fountains, sculptures and even a small hydroelectric power station. You can walk around the park in Buki all day, and the photos here are simply extraordinary.

Conventionally, the territory is divided into two parts. The first is accessible to absolutely all vacationers; a church and a bell tower are built on it. But on the second is Suslov’s personal residence, which can only be accessed as part of an excursion group. Every corner of this beautiful place deserves a detailed description. However, it is rather difficult to describe everything in detail within the framework of one article, so we will try to describe both parts of the park in a short but colorful way.

beeches Kiev region park

Territory with free entrance

If you are going to the Buki village of the Kiev region in the Suslov park, then keep in mind that entry here is absolutely free. Almost from the first meters you will see an incredible sight of well-groomed paths, stone fences and buildings made in an unusual style reminiscent of castles from children's fairy tales.

The first thing visitors see is the fountain. For many years it served as a decoration of Independence Square, but was decommissioned as unnecessary. Suslov reconstructed it and installed it in his park. Beeches acquired not only a beautiful fountain, but also a beautiful bell tower, named after the father of the former president of Ukraine - Leonid Kuchma. The story goes that once Daniil Kuchma was able to help Ivan Suslov get expensive foreign medicines needed to treat his son. By building the bell tower, the businessman thanked the savior of his child.

Nearby is a church where you can freely go in and light a candle. Surprisingly, they are free. Everyone who comes in will be invited to inspect the temple and go downstairs to admire the baptismal hall. It’s worth noting, it’s really great.

On the river bank there is a sculptural composition of three toads, they can throw a coin to never be jealous of anyone. Here is a monument to Maxim Gorky. They say that he is the favorite writer of the owner of the park. From here you can clearly see the Suslov estates, built in the form of a huge castle, but you can get here only through the bridge and as part of a tourist group.

park beeches how to get there

The second part of the park

A visit to the territory costs ten hryvnias, and only groups of at least ten people are allowed behind the bridge. Therefore, you have to wait for the right amount of people to gather. However, this happens rather quickly.

The bridge leading to the second part of the park is rather unusual. Pedestrian tremors are laid on both sides of it, and the whole middle is filled with water. This is done so that cars passing through the bridge can wash their wheels and drive clean through the park. On one side of the bridge lies the residence of Suslov, and on the other side a lovely waterfall is made.

A guide will guide you along the second part of the park, which will show you all the most beautiful places and sculptural compositions. The newlyweds chose the Holy Stone, which was brought from Israel. According to the guide’s story, it was taken from the place where Jesus turned water into wine. A talented sculptor very organically entered it into a composition of bronze and iron.

Kids will love the mini zoo, where you can see lions, bears, deer and various pets. With the latter, you can take pictures and feed, so the children first of all strive for this part of the park.

The recreation area is often called the Alley of fairy tales. There are sculptural compositions depicting fairy-tale heroes or just funny characters with whom they have fun taking pictures.

At the exit of the park is a beautiful wrought-iron gazebo over a pond with carps. Visitors say: there are so many fish that it literally jumps out of the water. Here you can sit, admiring the river and reflecting on something sublime.

beeches park reviews

Infrastructure for visitors

The park is gradually developing, and its visit is becoming more and more comfortable for tourists. Recently, a small restaurant was opened here, where you can eat delicious dishes in the heat of the heat. By the summer, the businessman built several fancy cafes with tables in the shape of mushrooms. Here they usually order light snacks and coffee, for kids there is ice cream on the menu.

Road to the park

Many people are interested in visiting the landscape park in Buki. How to get to this amazing place located in the outback? In principle, it is not difficult, especially with your own car.

In this case, you should leave Kiev on the Odessa highway early in the morning, most of the way passes along it. Naturally, you need to take a card with you so as not to miss a turn to the village of Buki.

If you plan to go to the park by buses and minibuses, then get ready for a real adventure. There is no direct connection between Kiev and Buki, so you will have to travel with transfers. Most people choose a bus to the city of Squira, it departs from the Lybidskaya metro station and the Southern bus station. The bus traffic interval is approximately one hour, the first flight leaves at eight in the morning, and the last at ten in the evening.

In Squire, you need to get off at the bus station, from where bus routes leave via Buki twice a day. The first leaves at ten twenty in the morning, and the second - exactly two hours later.

beech landscape park


The landscape park (Buki) has a rather unusual mode of operation - on weekdays the park is closed to visitors. You can only walk around the fountain and go into the church. If you plan to explore the entire park, then come from Friday to Sunday from nine in the morning until five in the evening.

Buki village, park: visitor reviews

All visitors to the park leaving reviews on the Internet were divided into two groups. Some were delighted with the architecture of the park, beautiful plants and amazing sculptural compositions. They recommend it for families with children and anyone who wants to spend an unusual time in nature. But the latter are extremely dissatisfied with everything that Mr. Suslov did on his land. They believe that the natural landscape was spoiled, the park itself is rather tasteless, and the prices in the cafe are unreasonably high.

Skvirsky district, Buki village

Therefore, we can not clearly say whether it is worth recommending this place for you to visit. However, we think that everything needs to be formulated. And that means you should definitely go to the landscape park and tell about it in your reviews.


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