How many years does a person grow and how long do his organs develop

How many years does a person grow? The development and growth of our body - both the whole body and internal organs - is unstable and, one might say, spasmodically. The fastest increase in body weight and size occurs in the period of intrauterine development. For nine months, a small egg reaches a weight of three kilograms. But even after birth, growth does not stop, although it slows down. In the first year of life, a healthy baby grows on average by 23 centimeters, but in the second year he adds only ten centimeters. Then, up to 11 years for girls and 13 years for boys, growth slows down, although it does not stop at all, so that during puberty it will rapidly increase, immediately by ten or even more centimeters. Then, as they say, the child "stretched out" and turned into a tall and angular teenager.

But even later, the body continues to grow in height, albeit imperceptibly - by a couple of millimeters-centimeter per year. Previously, there was no consensus on how long a person grows. It was believed that up to twenty, although this figure is very generalized and conditional. At 25 years old, the formation of the body, all organs and vital functions is completely completed. From adolescence to twenty years of intensive work is underway to strengthen the internal organs - heart, lungs. Sexual development is rapidly occurring - a surge of hormones literally redraws the female body, in one to two years turning an awkward pimple teenager with protruding collarbones and sharp knees into a seductive beauty with soft feminine features. Usually, body lengthening in girls stops at sixteen to nineteen years, since all development resources are used to prepare the body for procreation.

How old is a man growing? Its growth upward continues on average up to twenty, and for some young men it continues further - up to 25 and even up to thirty years. At the age of 20-25, the last period of rapid growth occurs, when a person can add half a centimeter per year. This marks the fact that the internal organs have finished forming, becoming stronger, denser, and the rest of the resources for increasing the body has been thrown to lengthen the skeleton. After this "golden age", when they say about a man that he is in the prime of life, and about a woman - that she is "in the juice", the development of the body in this regard stops.

In the question of how many years a person grows, the key role is played by racial affiliation and genetic inheritance. The period of puberty and the general formation of the body in the Negroid race of people who live in southern Asia, passes a little earlier. If European boys (especially in the northern countries) at the age of 14 are still real children, then in India and on the African continent they are already well-formed young men. This is even more true for girls, with which the tradition of early marriage is connected. On the European continent, an earlier cessation of growth among the southern peoples and a longer period of growing up among the northern ones were also noted.

Heredity is also a decisive factor in how long a person grows. If both parents are tall and slim, then there is a 90% chance that their children will be above average growth. And, on the contrary, in short people and children grow up small. Of course, another 10% remains. What are these factors? Can we somehow influence them and, therefore, adjust our growth? Yes, because if you eat right and lead an appropriate lifestyle, then this, although slightly, can affect the length of the body.

Knowing how many years a person grows, you can add yourself an extra centimeter or two not assigned to nature. By eating certain foods that help strengthen the spinal bones and increase the elasticity of the intervertebral discs (cottage cheese, oily fish, aspic or aspic), you can enhance body growth. They also help to add special physical exercises that stretch the spine in the metric characteristics. But the influence of carrots on the aspiration of our body upwards was too exaggerated. Carrots have only a strengthening effect, like other fruits and vegetables.


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