Andaman Islands: tourist reviews

Forbidden is always most desired. And if you can get into Egyptian territories or Turkey without much effort, and it’s all the same to relax there, what to go out of town, the Andaman Islands, due to their inaccessibility and primitiveness, are gaining popularity points among tourists.

For a start about geography

The islands are in places a flooded archipelago with an area of ​​about six and a half thousand squares. They remain almost untouched, because getting here is not easy. The Andaman Islands on the world map an attentive traveler will find in the Indian Ocean, more precisely in the Bay of Bengal, somewhere between Myanmar and India.

andaman islands on a world map

For the first time, these territories were settled, according to historians, more than seventy thousand years ago. Our very oldest ancestors still live here. How they got to the islands, science is not yet known, but most likely Africa was the beginning of their route. Now the islands have a population of about three hundred thousand inhabitants. Of these, five hundred are hiding from civilization in tropical thickets. The negros, as they are called, are alien to communication with the inhabitants of the mainland, have preserved their dialects, and the indigenous islanders have several of them, and continue to survive, getting food and using only the services of mother nature.

andaman islands

They are small in height, some do not grow up to one and a half meters. The remaining representatives of the population of the islands are Indians. Rumor has it that some of them are children of freedom and equality fighters, revolutionaries, who were once accepted by the Andaman Islands as prisoners.

andaman islands tourist reviews

Britain in the middle of the last century used local territories, expelling politically unreliable members of society. In terrible conditions, few of them survived until the end of the term. And untouched nature was raging around, and clear waters were pouring ...


For those who wanted to visit a desert island, God himself writes a ticket to the Andaman archipelago. There are places where, in fact, the human foot did not step. Due to this, all the delights of the tropics have been preserved in their original form. Fertile lands give a rich harvest of coconut, tea, mango. The climate on the islands is humid. Who has been, he says that there are three hundred days of summer. The temperature is on average +30 degrees, regardless of the season. It will not flood tourists with snow, but it irrigates with rains, and torrential. A storm of violence was observed between the end of summer and the middle of autumn.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

One of the most attractive destinations for visitors is the beaches that the islands in the Andaman Sea can boast of . White clean sand, clear water, visibility in places up to thirty meters. Exotic fish, triggerfish, stingrays, and dorades curl under their feet in packs. On the islands, the largest leatherback turtles weighing up to 600 kg, two and a half meters tall, nest every year. Coral reefs, like many aquatic inhabitants, are strictly protected by law. And how many sharks are here!

andaman islands reviews

Gray, leopard, reef. They are extremely peaceful, probably due to the fact that they are not "spoiled" by the presence and participation of a noisy crowd of tourists.

How to get to the Andaman Islands?

Even if you have an Indian visa, only a special permit will bring you closer to your arrival on the islands. It can be obtained without much difficulty upon arrival at the airport of the local capital Port Blair. By the way, it is by air that the fastest way to get to this fabulous corner. True, direct flights have not yet been launched from Russia, so dear compatriots are waiting for a transfer. It is possible to come from the mainland to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands by water. It will take more time than all flights, but will add romance to the trip. About once a week, ships sail from Calcutta and several cities in India on a long journey to the islands.

islands in the Andaman Sea


Before you go to the Andaman Islands, the reviews of tourists who have already been here are worth reading. If you expect a luxurious service from a vacation, then experienced travelers will disappoint you. Hotels here, of course, are. And the number of stars is, however, in the maximum quantity - three pieces. Noisy parties, round-the-clock dancing are also not the most popular entertainment on the islands. Paradise relaxation will be with divers.

The rich underwater world, uncharted depths attract thousands of divers from all over the world. The average water temperature during the year reaches 28 degrees. Storm restrictions for divers may be in August. And the most comfortable time for underwater travel is considered to be the period from November to March. Considering the needs of tourists, numerous diving equipment rental centers are open here, special schools and professional centers work. Diving is inexpensive, especially if you can bargain.

andaman islands reviews


By the way, in India it is customary to enter into financial disputes with sellers, it is rather a tradition that the local population actively welcomes. The diving tourism center is located in the capital of the island territories, Port Blair. Vacationers are offered diving in the most remote corners of the archipelago, where no one has visited exotic marine inhabitants.

Ayurveda will help distract from the whole world, correct the organism tormented by civilization. On the islands you can comprehend this famous system of knowledge, which has been developing in India for more than five thousand years. In SPA centers, local folk healers will cleanse your body, carry out procedures, and treat you with healing infusions.

Anyone who is going to the Andaman Islands, experienced reviews will help to find out some features of the stay.

To always feel “with the money”, it is recommended to stock up on cash. Outside the capital, the system of card payments is practically not developed here, and you will have to look for an ATM for a long time.

andaman islands reviews

Local dishes

Indian cuisine is original and for an unprepared stomach is fraught with many unpleasant "surprises." Small eateries are not a tourist option. It is better to sit in the hotel restaurant. Water from direct sources is not recommended. You can buy bottled for mere pennies, thereby protecting the stomach from a negative reaction and not spoil your entire rest.


There are hotel rules that must be observed on the islands without fail. It is strictly forbidden to tear or break corals - both living and dead, this is punishable by law. The same goes for sinks. They must not be lifted to the surface. There is a taboo on spearfishing and fishing for any fish near the islands. You can throw a fishing rod in designated areas by renting a boat.


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