DIY gift for grandfather on February 23 from paper: a master class

Every grandson or granddaughter wants to give an original gift to grandfather on February 23. With their own hands, children, using various materials for child labor, can make many interesting souvenirs that will pleasantly surprise their close relative. Of course, creating a gift from paper will require a lot of effort and time, but what can’t you do for your beloved grandfather!

Origami shirt: do-it-yourself folding sleeves

One of the most unusual gifts that a child can make with his own hands using paper is an origami shirt. Such a homemade present is capable of simultaneously playing the role of a souvenir and postcard. So, to make this gift to grandfather on February 23, do it yourself, you will need to prepare colored paper and pencils or felt-tip pens.

Creating a souvenir should begin by folding the rectangular sheet in half, but not across, but along. Next, you need to expand it, and then bend the edges to the middle. As a result of the action taken, a two-layer rectangle should be obtained, the lower layer of which is solid, and the upper one consists of two halves. After this, it is necessary to straighten all the bends again and lay the sheet vertically on the front side. Now the upper corners of the workpiece must be bent to the middle, then bent and turn the sheet upside down. Next, you need to again wrap the upper corners, but only to those bending lines that were made in the previous step.

The next step for those who make a gift for grandfather on February 23 with their own hands should be folding the top of the page at the intersection of the edge of the sheet with the fold lines of the corners. Next, you need to fold the edges of the workpiece to the middle, and form sleeves from the upper part. How exactly this should look can be seen in the picture below.

do-it-yourself gift for grandfather on February 23

So, the sleeves are ready, then you need to do the production of a collar.

Making a collar for an origami shirt

To create a collar, the lower part of the sheet will be used, which, after making the sleeves, must be turned on the other side. Next, the paper should be folded so that the collar is two times narrower than the sleeves. Then flip the sheet over again and make the corners of the collar, the vertices of these rectangles should be in contact with the center line. Now it remains to fold the workpiece so that the collar protrudes beyond the sleeves and fix the product using the corners of the collar, which must be laid on top of the “shirt”. At the final stage, a gift for grandfather on February 23 with your own hands can be decorated with a tie made of paper, a bow-tie, as well as painted or glued buttons.

do-it-yourself gift for grandfather on February 23 from paper

Picture from pencils and paper: preparing parts

Another interesting craft for presenting to grandfather may be a picture of pencils and paper. To make it, you will need a wooden frame 10x15 in size, colored pencils, a sponge, an adhesive thermal gun, a sheet of paper.

The frame, which will become the basis of the picture, will need to be decorated with colored pencils, and a bulky boat pre-folded from paper should be placed in its center. That is why first you need to create the main element of the composition, and then continue to make a gift for your grandfather on February 23 with your own hands. A photo of the finished boat can be seen below, and it must be folded according to the instructions given.

gift grandfather on February 23 do it yourself master class

Making a boat out of paper

First you need to fold a rectangular sheet of paper across, and then slightly bend the workpiece along, but not to the end, but only so as to outline a line. After that, you should bend the upper left corner to it. Do the same with the right side. One layer of the lower free edge should be tucked up, the fold line should be the lower edges of the triangles made in the previous step. Next, the workpiece should be turned over and a similar action should be done with the opposite side.

At the next stage, you need to fix the edges on the craft, bending all the protruding corners around it. Next, the resulting triangular pocket should be opened and folded along the opposite fold lines. The resulting part must have a square shape. After that, one free edge of the workpiece must be folded diagonally, and then do the same with the second. The resulting product should be taken at the opposite edges and neatly stretched - this will be the boat necessary to make an original gift for Grandfather on February 23 with his own hands. The master class above will help create even the smallest grandchildren without the hassle of time and effort.

Assembly of pictures from pencils and paper with your own hands as a gift for grandfather

Finally, all the materials and details at hand, it remains only to collect the picture. For this, the photo frame must be pasted with pencils in three rows. It is necessary that they cover the entire length of each of its sides. It is important not to forget to insert a clean sheet inside the frame on which this composition will be formed. When the frame dries, it will be possible to proceed to the next stage of making a presentation for grandfather.

DIY gift for grandfather on February 23

A previously made boat should be attached with glue in the center of the base. The lower part of the picture can be painted in the form of sea waves, and at the top - clouds and the sun. Such a gift will surely please your grandfather.

Quilling picture for grandfather on February 23 from granddaughter: the preparatory phase

Thinking about what a gift grandfather can make on February 23 from paper, girls should pay attention to the picture made using the quilling technique. To make this souvenir you will need a special set or double-sided white and colored paper, which can be cut into narrow strips and continue to work. In addition, you need to prepare glue, scissors and a sheet of cardboard for the base.

a gift for grandfather on February 23 with his own hands from his granddaughter

We all know that girls really like to use the quilling technique for making flowers, so we suggest that they be made the basis of the product, which will be presented as a gift to grandfather on February 23. With your own hands from the granddaughter, you will need to make a lot of curls from paper strips using a toothpick. Next, each received part will need to be shaped into a petal by stretching its edges, or left round - they will be used to make the center. The leaves for the composition are created in the same way as the petals, and green stripes will be used as stems. You can create several elements and any other bizarre shapes.

Creating a picture

When all the details are at hand, it remains only to assemble a composition from them. To do this, cardboard, preferably color, is needed and stick on it the parts prepared in advance, forming flowers or any abstract shapes. At the bottom of the card, you need to leave 3-4 free centimeters. In this place, with white stripes for quilling, you will need to build the inscription “February”, and stick a large number “23” on top of the entire color composition. Of course, it will not be easy to make such a gift for grandfather on February 23 with her granddaughter, but the result is worth all these incredible efforts.

a gift for grandfather on February 23 do it yourself

Tank from matchboxes and paper to grandfather from grandson: master class

Boys from a very young age love to lay down weapons and tanks from various materials, so why not put this hobby into a presentation for grandfather? Having planned the production of this craft, you will need to prepare 6 matchboxes, green paper, glue, black braid, adhesive tape, a pencil and black cardboard. So, everything you need is collected, you can start making a gift for your grandfather on February 23 with your own hands. How to make a basis for a tank, you still do not know, but believe me, there is nothing complicated about it.

a gift for grandfather on February 23 with his own hands from his grandson

First you need to use 4 tape to connect 4 boxes - two at the bottom and two at the top, and fasten two more separately. The resulting blanks should be pasted over with green paper. Next, you need to get an image of the tracks. To do this, black tape should paste over the edges of the blank of 4 boxes. Then you will need to attach the tower to the appropriate place - a part from two boxes. The wheels and the gun remained. To make the first part, you need to cut out the required number of circles from black cardboard, and the second one to make from a strip of paper, folding it into a tube. After that, you only need to attach all the details to the corresponding places in the tank’s hull - and you can hand the gift made to grandfather on February 23 with your own hands. It is always pleasant to get a present from a grandson, and if it is also so original, then the pleasure is simply indescribable.


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