Phone brand: which is still preferable?

Before buying a new mobile phone, the following question surely arises: "What brand of phone is best for today?". After all, such a device is not bought for a year or two. Therefore, you need to choose it so that it lasts as long as possible, but at the same time meets the requirements of its owner. As part of this material, flagship models of the main manufacturers of such devices will be considered. Based on a comparison of their technical specifications and cost, the best one will be made among them.

Phone brand.

Major manufacturers

The leading companies in the segment of mobile devices today are the following companies:

  • Apple
  • Samsung
  • HTC
  • ASUS
  • Blackberry.
  • Motorola
  • Nokia
  • Sony
  • Meizu.

Each of them has its own leading brand of phone, which combines phenomenal technical specifications and high cost, which corresponds to its status. Comparing these indicators, as well as taking into account personal wishes, you can choose exactly the device that will best suit your requirements.


Apple’s new touchscreen phone brands are a landmark event for the entire mobile gadget industry. All other manufacturers are guided by them. But the iPhone 5S did not become one. He didn’t bring much innovation in himself. Essentially, there are two of them: 64-bit processor architecture and data protection with a fingerprint scanner. The first of them is not used yet. We need new software, which so far is not so much. And the second is a really useful thing, but, as practice shows, this protection can still be fooled if desired. The rest is a well-equipped smartphone, which, according to its technical specifications, looks good against the background of competitors. The weaknesses are as follows: a small screen diagonal (only 4 inches is not enough today), a low resolution display (640 by 1136 pixels) and a small battery capacity (1570 mAh). We do not affect hardware resources in this case, since they are the best for iOS today. But these shortcomings allow us to say that this is not the same iPhone that was before. It is well suited for adherents of the products of the "apple" company. But for other potential buyers, the acquisition of such a device is impractical.

Brands of touch phones.


The Korean giant Samsung’s cell phone brands are direct competitors to Apple. Among their main advantages are the lower cost and openness of the architecture. If you compare the iPhone 5S (902 USD) and Galaxy S5 (668 USD) in the maximum configuration, then the choice becomes obvious. However, technical specifications are not in favor of the first of them. The diagonal is 5.1 inches versus 4, the resolution is 1920 × 1080 against 640 × 1136, the battery is 2800 mAh versus 1570. This comparison can be continued further, but for most parameters S5 is ahead. It loses only by the amount of internal memory (16 MB versus 64 MB). But this problem can be easily solved by installing a memory card up to 128 GB in size. In addition, its software part is made on Android. This is the main operating system for mobile devices today. So all other smartphones will be appropriate to compare with the Galaxy S5, and not with the iPhone 5S.

What is the best brand of phone?


Until recently, the leading brands of mobile phones HTC were direct competitors to the previous two manufacturers. But now the situation has changed. The positions of this company were shaken. But still she makes high-quality smartphones. While its flagship is the HTC One M7, but the release of the M8 is just around the corner. But even this “outdated” phone looks worthy against the background of competitors. The diagonal is slightly less than that of the S5 - 4.7 inches, but the resolution is similar. The amount of internal memory is 2 times more - 32 GB, and it is possible to install memory cards up to 64 GB. The battery is slightly smaller - 2300 mAh. It is worth noting the autonomy of the work. At S5, it will be larger, although it has a larger diagonal. The problem is that the M7 has two SIM cards, and the Korean device has one. Therefore, the gadget from HTC is perfect for those who need a device for 2 SIM cards. In other cases, it is better to purchase the Galaxy S5. Moreover, their price is almost the same.

The best brand of phone.


It is difficult to add ASUS PadFone mini to this list according to technical specifications, if not for one “but”. The processor is weaker than the previous two devices, the battery is also smaller, the diagonal is smaller, as is its resolution. With memory, a similar situation. But there is one “but.” Included with this smartphone is the PadFone Station, with which it can turn into a 7-inch tablet. An original solution, which is now irrelevant in most cases. Buying a PadFone mini is justified only if you need a smartphone and tablet in one person. In other cases, he is not a competitor to the Galaxy S5.


Just some 5 years ago, if you ask the question: “What is the best brand of telephone in North America?”, The answer to it was unequivocal. This is a BlackBerry. Now the situation has changed. The rapid development of Android and its community has put this Canadian company on the brink of survival. Its lead device today is the P'9982, codenamed “Porsche Design”. It is built on the basis of the Z10. Their hardware is identical, but the exterior is significantly different. But the price of 2500 USD is clearly overpriced. At the same time, the filling is not the best, and the software part is incompatible with most software. In general, the purchase of P'9982 is justified only in two cases. The first one is if you are a fan of this brand. And the second - if you need an iconic and stylish thing that perfectly complements your image. So today he certainly does not pretend to be the best smartphone.

Brands of mobile phones.


Motorola is another once-popular manufacturer of mobile gadgets. But now he is going through hard times. This is confirmed by its main smartphone RAZR MAXX HD. This is a device whose price is comparable to the Galaxy S5. At the same time, the phone is equipped with a 2-core processor, its diagonal is smaller and the resolution is only 1280 by 720 pixels. Among the pluses, only the increased battery capacity, which with the RAZR MAXX HD is 3300 mAh, can be noted. According to this indicator, it is out of competition. A reasonable purchase, it can only be for fans of this brand. In other cases, it is better to pay attention to the S5. He has much better technical specifications, but the price is the same.

Brands of cell phones.


The best brand of phone for Europe 5 years ago was Nokia, as for North America - BlackBerry. Now the situation has changed dramatically. The old Symbian platform has gone into oblivion, and the new Windows Phone has not yet received much distribution. This led to the fact that the Finnish manufacturer lost a significant part of the market and was absorbed by Microsoft. Now the leading smartphone model of this manufacturer is Lumia 1020. In terms of technical resources, it loses much to its competitors. The diagonal is 4.7 inches and its resolution is only 1280 by 768. The processor is 2-core. The internal memory is 32 GB, but there is no expansion slot. For the “Windows Phone” platform, this is a great device, but against the background of the “Android” devices it looks really bad. It makes sense to consider buying it only if you need a smartphone running on the Microsoft platform.


Sony's flagship phone brand today is the C6902 model of the Xperia Z1 line. According to technical specifications, it is a direct competitor to the Galaxy S5. But his price is almost 100 USD less. 564 dollars against 669. The difference of 0.1 inches diagonally is insignificant. Battery 200 mAh more. Also, the processor part in S5 is focused on energy saving, but on the C6902 performance comes to the fore. In general, whatever one may say, the flagship device from the Korean giant loses to the leading smartphone from Sony. Therefore, the Galaxy S5 moves to second place, and Sony's Xperia Z1 lineup becomes the review leader.


The MX brand of the phone from the Chinese manufacturer looks on the background of the rest of the “Android” devices as a “whipping boy”. The price is clearly overpriced, the 2-core processor, which is weaker than its competitors, has less memory, and the battery is modest. The diagonal is the smallest - 4 inches with a resolution of 640 by 960 pixels. As a summary, for MX we can draw the following conclusion: it is good that Chinese manufacturers are trying to penetrate this niche, but it is too early for them. If they manage to keep the cost (it is now 60 USD lower than that of the Galaxy S5) with equal technical characteristics, then there will be a worthy alternative. Well, now this is not a competitor. Only for the price.

The best brand of phone.


So to summarize. Although the devices from Samsung and Apple are popular and popular, their purchase is not entirely justified. The high price with a poor technical base does not allow us to say that they are the best. In this regard, the approach of the Japanese company Sony is really justified. At a lower price (about $ 100 less), you get a more productive device. It is from the standpoint of value for money 6902 - the best brand of phone today. It is recommended to buy it.


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