DIY Holi colors: how to cook

Festivals of colors - the spectacle is extremely unusual, memorable and quite rare in our country. The history of the holiday begins in India, where a solemn event is associated with the onset of spring. There are several versions of the appearance of the holiday. According to one of them, he is associated with the struggle of the bright Indian gods with a fiery demoness. Itโ€™s the effigy of Holi (thatโ€™s the name of the demoness) that they burn at the festival, similar to our Pancake week.

Currently, such festivals are held not only in winter, but the main attribute here is special dry bright colors. The article will discuss how to make Holi paint with your own hands and in such a way that it is safe.

do-it-yourself dry paints

A few words about the use of paints

Holi paints differ from other similar substances in their plant origin, and therefore they are considered completely harmless to the health of the participants in the festive event. For the manufacture of paints use starch, cornmeal, where food coloring is added. The most popular ingredients are as follows:

  • phalaenopsis;
  • turmeric;
  • sandalwood.

An extract or a food additive in the preparation of Holi paint with your own hands gives a variety of colors. But not only at festivals they use similar coloring substances, they can also be used in another area:

  • make a bright unforgettable photo shoot;
  • used in body painting;
  • at festive events for children and adults;
  • on theatrical performances.

Methods for making paints

The most ancient way to make Holi paint yourself was the following. They prepared the bark of different tree species, took the fruits and stems of some plants. All this was dried and crushed to a powder state. Corn flour was added to the resulting colored mixture, due to which it is possible to maintain a bright color and give the powder lightness.

DIY holi paints

Should I use colored crayons

Yes, such a technique is considered the least time-consuming and simple for our modern world. But there are some nuances. Colored crayons do not have a saturated beautiful color, and therefore they will not look spectacular. The composition of the chalk may include components that are not suitable for contact with the skin and respiratory system. If such paint gets into the eyes or lungs, a person can seriously damage their health.

The safest paint

Here you will have to spend some time on making Holi paint yourself. The flour is mixed with water until an elastic piece of dough is obtained that will not stick to the fingers. In the next step, you will need to add food coloring, which are purchased or made in advance. The color saturation depends on the amount of dye.

dry holi paints

Knead the dough so that a uniform shade is obtained, roll out onto small thin plates and put to dry. The dried pieces will be broken and crushed in a coffee grinder or blender to a powder state.

It turned out excellent dry paints Holi, made by hand.


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