The layout of poker - the basis of understanding the game

If you want to learn poker, you need to start by looking at its basics. Combinations of cards are the same for all its varieties, and the most well-known technology for their layout is the Sit-N-Go-system used in tournaments. To understand the essence of poker, you need to understand these concepts.

poker layout

The layout of poker is the basis for taking the essence of the game.

What is poker?

Card poker involves participation in the game from two to ten people at the same table, each playing for himself.

Known types of poker are Hold'em, Omaha, Stud, Draw Poker and others. The essence of each game is based on certain rules and strategies.

In today's world, there is the opportunity to take part in the game via the Internet or in special cardrooms. Companies are also gathering at home, for which a special set with chips is purchased.

A special place in the rules of the game is occupied by the poker layout. Combinations of cards deserve separate consideration.


For playing poker, a deck of 36 cards is used. This is a well-known pile from six to ace, consisting of four suits.

Combination poker layout

The game has a rating of combinations. It depends on the sequence of cards. Combinations of poker layouts with higher ratings also with the same suit. The combination of these two factors gives the most powerful royal flush. Such a layout of poker is the dream of any player, because this is a win-win option. However, royal flush comes infrequently.

In the event that the participants did not get any of these combinations, the win is determined by the weakest combination - the highest card. The rating of cards is also taken into account when determining the winner among several participants who have the same card combinations on hand.

Top rated card combinations

The chances to win are greater for the participant who has one of the highest card sequences.

The layout of poker by seniority is called hand rating. In order of decreasing significance, it has the following form.

  1. The Royal Flush (among the poker fans is called the “royal combination”) consists of 5 cards of the same suit from ten to ace. This is a win-win combination of cards.
  2. A straight flush (also called a "direct deal") is a combination of 5 cards of the same suit, standing in order.
  3. Four of a kind is the next highest poker layout, which consists of four identical cards. When revealing cards (in the game this action is called a “showdown”), the height of the rank of the cards is important if it is dropped by several participants.
  4. Full house (translated as “full house”) is also one of the most rated combinations after the previous three. It consists of 2 peer cards + 3 identical cards of a different rank.

Senior poker layout

Less rated combinations

According to the established rules, the following poker layouts are considered in descending order. They are less winning, but even such a poker layout can bring victory.

  1. A flash consists of 5 cards of the same suit and does not have any order.
  2. A straight is a poker layout in which 5 cards of different suits go in ascending order one after another.
  3. Next in descending order of hands comes thrips (set, three cards, three, triple). This is a coincidence of three identical cards.
  4. Next in the ranking are two pairs, each of two identical cards.
  5. A pair is a combination of two identical cards.
  6. A high card is the lowest winning option that a poker layout can bring. The rules stipulate that in the absence of any of the above combinations, the winner will be determined by the highest card that came to the player. Even with the weakest combination of cards, correctly applying the strategy of the game and taking into account the psychology of opponents, a participant can win a round.

Stage One Sit-N-Go Tournament Layout

There is a specific system for holding a Sit-N-Go tournament. Its layout in poker (example in the photo) at the initial stage occurs according to a certain scheme.

  1. Two players at the dealer place blind bets. The first makes a small bet (small blind), and the second - a large bet (big blind). After that, the dealer arranges 2 cards face down.
  2. The initial layout in poker (photo below) sets the participants to the trend of the game. Each participant raises, accepts a bet or discards cards.
  3. In turn, players take the highest bet or refuse to play in this round.

Photo poker layout

Second Sit-N-Go Tournament Layout

After the first lap, the time comes when the dealer carries out the second stage of the layout.

He deals three cards face up, which each player can use to form the best hand (combination).

This layout is called a flop. Again there is a betting circle, and the dealer opens the fourth card to the players (the turn layout).

The last fifth card is opened to players when the river layout. After it, the last bets are made, the winner of the round is determined.

The game continues until the last of the two finalists comes out of it. The winner takes the win.

poker layout rules

Understanding the fundamental principle of the game, which is the layout of poker, everyone can comprehend its essence. A world-famous game does not cease to be at the peak of popularity. Everyone who wants to take part in a poker tournament by studying its rules and strategies will quickly understand the general meaning. The advantages of the presented card game were appreciated by millions of people in almost all countries of the world.


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