Terni, Italy: description, main attractions, reviews

The green heart of the country, as locals call Umbria, is located in the center of Italy. This territory includes the provinces of Terni and Perugia, the latter is also considered the capital of the region. Umbria has a hilly landscape, dense forests, olive groves and vineyards.

general information

The population of Umbria reaches almost 900 thousand inhabitants, while in Terni (Italy) no more than 200 thousand live. The province is part of the region relatively recently, since 1927. There are no large industrial complexes on its territory, 95% of the companies registered here are small, with an average number of employees of 10-15 people. At the same time, Umbria has the lowest unemployment rate in Italy, about 5.2%.

It is important to note that domestic tourism plays a large role in Umbrian income, while external tourism is less developed. Tuscany, which borders this region, attracts a significant flow of visiting tourists who agree to spend large sums to relax there for a couple of weeks. Perhaps this is why Italians prefer to relax in Umbria, where there is no such flow of tourists, prices are lower, and rest is no worse. There are many objects for attention, including the sights of Terni (Italy).

The region has a continental climate with warm summers (average temperature is 20-22 ° C) and not very cold winters (in January +2 ° C). In mountainous areas it is slightly colder with a predominance of precipitation. For example, in the commune of Norcia, located at an altitude of more than 60 m above sea level, the average temperature in the year does not exceed 11 grams. heat.

A favorable climate contributes to the development of agriculture. The region grows crops, grapes, olives, tobacco. In Italy, Umbria is known as the main supplier of rare black truffles. Among other things, tourism is well developed here, the food industry, there are numerous craft enterprises.

How to get to the region

First you need to apply for an Italian visa. There is no direct flight from Russia to Umbria. At the airport, located in the suburbs of Sant'Egidio, some low-cost airlines arrive at Ryanair, Wizzair, Albawings, Mistral Air. The best way to get there is to fly to Rome, and from there go by bus, train or rented car.

You can get from the capital of Italy to the city of Terni by train from Roma Termini station. The whole journey will take about an hour, the distance is 95 km. On weekends, you can save up to 50% on the ticket price.

Comfortable Flixbus buses run from Rome Airport to Terni several times a day. Distance - about 75 km, non-stop. Travel time will be about one and a half hours. Also, Rome bus can be reached from Roma Tiburtina station, the distance is 103 km, travel time is about one and a half hours.

In a rented car from Rome to Terni (Italy) you can drive in less than an hour and a half, the distance is 103 km.

Gastronomic tourism

In addition to the truffles mentioned, Umbria is known for its sausages and various types of smoked meats. Certain types of local pork delicacies are protected by geographical name and cannot be prepared elsewhere.

In the local kitchen there are many dishes of poultry and game - pheasants, pigeons, ducks, geese, hares. One of the favorite local dishes is gnocchi - this is goose stew with potato dumplings, and the traditional dessert is a donut-shaped cupcake with raisins, pine nuts and anise.

Chocolate is in great demand among residents of the region. They have been producing it here since the beginning of the last century. Since 1994, in the last decade of October, the Eurochocolate festival, oriented to the sweet tooth, has been held here.

It is impossible to ignore the local wines, among which white varieties are very popular. Winemaking has been developing here recently, it is no more than 30 years old and, despite the small volumes, the products are of high quality.


There is no exact data on its construction, however, according to legend, Bishop Anastasius ordered the construction of a temple on the ruins of the pagan altar of Jupiter in the sixth century. The reliability of the data is confirmed by scientists who have studied the foundation and details of the external masonry of the structure. Terni Cathedral is located on Cathedral Square in the historical part of the city.

the cathedral outside

The altar with the relics of the bishop was not preserved to our time, but graves belonging to Christian martyrs were found in the cellars of the cathedral. According to experts, the building was originally intended for burial. However, it is not possible to unequivocally state this, since little has been preserved from the past.

In the XII century, the cathedral began to expand, which took about 300 years. In the twelfth century, the first and central portal was erected, and the last was completed only in the XV century. Later, in the XVII century, the interior of the cathedral was also redone - a font, a dome and side chapels were erected.

cathedral decoration

The main planning detail of the cathedral is the Latin cross. Well-preserved carved wooden choirs, a font and a fresco “Holy patrons of the city and angels” of the XVI-XVII centuries. There is an organ in the cathedral, and in the crypt you can see the tombstone of St. Bishop Anastasius.

Church of St. Francis

It is another historical landmark of Terni. During his lifetime, this saint preached in these places and, with the permission of the local bishop, a site was allocated for the construction of the church, which his followers could attend.

church of saint francis

Initially, it was a one-nave building, and only at the beginning of the 15th century the Church of St. Francis became three-naved. In the XVIII century, after the earthquake, it was rebuilt and restored, changing the exterior decoration. During the Second World War, as a result of the bombing, the building was badly damaged, and the 2009 earthquake did not pass without a trace.

Despite all the events, the facade of the temple has largely retained its appearance - a tympanum, a large round window, a portal in the center and Romanesque arches. Of particular interest is the design of the bell tower with multi-colored majolica, quadriffs and bifors in the Gothic style.

St. Francis Church inside

Inside the church is decorated with numerous frescoes from different times, partially preserved to the present. Here you can also see the sacristy of the 16th century with murals and stucco work by the artist-mannerist Sebastiano Flori da Arezzo.

The main shrine of the church is a piece of the cross. According to legend, Christ was crucified on it. The relic is considered miraculous and attracts pilgrims from around the world.

Palace of Recession

The construction was erected in the 16th century for Count Michelangelo Spada. Composed of powerful stones, it looks more like a fortress than a palace. The rough facade is slightly facilitated by a portal consisting of three arches. The side parts of the structure are raised in the form of towers. Initially, they were not there, the terraces were built in only in the XVIII century, later they were walled up, and they began to resemble towers.

Palace of Recession

Inside the Palazzo Spada, frescoes of the 16th century are preserved, in some places covered with murals of masters of the 18th-19th centuries. Many of the plots depicted on them are taken from ancient mythology. Their author is considered the famous artist-mannerist of the time Van Munder.

City Spoleto

Spoleto Cathedral

40 km from Terni (Italy) is the city of Spoleto, recognized by contemporaries of that time as one of the most beautiful colonies of Ancient Rome. A 200-meter aqueduct and arch, the construction of which dates back to 23 BC, has survived to our times. Walking around the city, you can see the buildings of the V century and later, erected in the X-XI centuries. Among them is Spoleto Cathedral, founded in 1175 and named after the Ascension of the Virgin.

The tallest building in the city is considered the fortress of Albornocian, built in the XIV century. For a while, it was the seat of the local dukes. Since 1817, it has been used as a prison, and today it houses a historical museum.

Albornocian fortress

What else to do in and around the city

In February, the city celebrates Valentine's Day, born in Terni, and the chocolate festival, where you can participate in contests and workshops. In March, a Norwegian truffle fair is held with a tasting of dishes from these mushrooms.

In the spring, in the nearest cities to Terni (Italy), a kite festival takes place, costumed processions to mark the arrival of spring and a candle festival in honor of St. Ubalda.

In summer, Perugia is worth a visit to the jazz festival; it takes place in July. In autumn, a historical military festival is held in Terni, where military bands perform, equestrian tournaments, fancy-dress processions, etc. At the end of autumn, an annual truffle fair is organized in Gubbio every year.


The opinions of those who were lucky enough to relax in Italy and visit Terni, speak of this time with admiration. People are surprised by the rich nature, emerald greenery and natural landscapes.

Travelers are also pleased that the process of obtaining an Italian visa is quite simple and does not overshadow the preparation for a vacation.

Absolutely everyone likes historical sights, friendly people and Italian cuisine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13885/

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