Cape Verde, Georgia: photos, accommodation, reviews of tourists

You have a vacation soon and you choose where to go to relax? Do not think for a long time - let all the beloved Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam this time do without you, and you go straight to wonderful and hospitable Georgia. Yes, not somewhere, but on Cape Verde. Rest there you will definitely be remembered for a long time!

What is Cape Verde

The Cape Verde in Georgia, or, in other words, Mtsvane Kontskhi (you must admit, the Cape Verde sounds much simpler and lighter) is a small resort-type settlement, sprawled at the foot of Batumi, only eight kilometers north of this settlement . It is an ideal option for a family vacation - on the one hand, the village is located very close to the large center of Batumi, where there is everything - cinema, theaters, entertainment centers for children, and restaurants - on the other hand, there is no city noise but, on the contrary, silence and calm reign. This is exactly what families with young children need, and everyone who is tired of the city rush and din.

The resort village of Mtsvane Kontskhi

The Cape Verde in Georgia (see photo in the article) is interesting in that there are almost no locals in the village itself - one or two have miscalculated. Perhaps, only holders of private houses and cafes live there. But there are a lot of tourists who both stop in it and come from other settlements, as they say, "take a look." The fact is that it is in the Cape Verde that one of the Georgian attractions is located - the Batumi Botanical Garden, where hundreds of curious holidaymakers flock. This makes Cape Verde a truly attractive place.

History of Mtsvane Kontskhi

This territory began to be actively developed and built up in the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. It was here that when mushrooms after the rain began to appear, summer residences and private estates of wealthy industrialists who moved to this warm land from the Urals and Siberia. They chose Cape Verde as the location for their proximity to Batumi and the subtropical climate.

Cape Verde in the Soviet years

When the Soviet Union appeared, the former summer cottages and private houses became boarding houses and sanatoriums. A cableway to the coast was specially laid. And in 1913, the Society of Physicians declared the village a resort. During the Soviet period, he was in great demand; Now, of course, its popularity is much less.

Cape Verde, Georgia: beaches

Despite the fact that the resort village is relatively small, it has not one, but two beaches. The first of these is called central; it is easy to find if you turn left from the main entrance to the Botanical Garden and walk a little down. The beach is quite large, it stretches for five hundred meters - so there is no risk of pushing against each other in different parts of the body, being on a tiny patch. For lovers of clean sand, the beach is hardly suitable - it is pebble; however, it should be noted that in Georgia, in principle, almost everywhere pebble beaches, sandy beaches are extremely rare, literally in a couple of resorts.

The bottom by the sea is rocky, but this should not bother you - you almost immediately stop paying attention to it, dissolving in warm, clean and clear water. You can lie on your own towels, or you can, after paying only one or two lari, take a sunbed and enjoy the sun on it. There are also cafes on the beach, so it is easy to stop bouts of severe hunger at any time.

Pebble beach of Cape Verde resort

If you want privacy and don't mind risking your neck a bit, then you can go to the wild Cape Verde beach in Georgia. Why risk a neck? Yes, because it is quite difficult to get there.

At the north end of the central beach is an old rusty staircase. It leads to a wild beach - straight across the cliffs. This is pretty dangerous; Cases of falling from a ladder are known, and therefore it is most often closed. But you can get to the wild beach in another way - bypassing the water, at the very cliffs. It’s pretty shallow, so you can’t be afraid to drown. And in the rocks there are cute little grottos.


Of course, you do not have to necessarily look for housing in the Cape Verde. Georgia is rich in resort villages, and if you wish, you can very well stay somewhere else (at least in Batumi or Tbilisi, if you are not saturated with the rhythm of city life), and go for a ride in Mtsvan-Kontskhi. This is your business. However, if you decide to drop anchor here, it would be nice to know in advance how things are with renting a room or apartment.

The first thing to know: there are no hotels in the Cape Verde of Georgia. They simply do not make sense - after all, huge Batumi is very close. It is still not profitable to keep a hotel (but who knows, maybe in the future it will appear in this village as well), and therefore, if it is important for you to stay in such a place, Cape Verde as a place to stay will not suit you.

Cape Verde Resort

But there are private houses that are willing to surrender to visitors. At the same time, you can rent a room or a whole house - there are a lot of options, and the prices are very reasonable. So, ten minutes from the beach is Holiday House Green Cape Batumi, which visitors rated as "excellent." The rooms there are clean and comfortable, with balconies and air conditioning, and the owners are very welcoming and welcoming. An important point: all the houses in Cape Verde are on the mountain.


With entertainment, honestly, it is tight in Cape Verde. There are almost no ordinary shops here - what can we say about large shopping and entertainment centers. However, if you came to relax, swim in the warm sea and "seal" on the beach, this alignment should not really confuse you. In the end, Batumi is just a stone's throw away, and any other place in Georgia can also be reached without any problems. Of the entertainment in the Cape Verde - only the Botanical Garden.

Batumi Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden in Cape Verde Georgia has been around for many years. He has been known since the end of the nineteenth century - it was in those years on his territory that a man worked who later became his founding father - Andrei Krasnov (botanist, geographer, soil scientist, first doctor of geographical sciences in our country; took part in many expeditions to Asia, North America, the Tien Shan).

Bamboo Grove in the Botanical Garden

What is the Batumi Botanical Garden? This is a whole complex on a vast territory, divided into geographical zones. You can find here plants from the equator, tropical and subtropical trees and plants, and a luxurious bamboo grove stands apart. In the garden you can walk alone or accompanied by a guide. It is interesting that if you get to the northern edge of the garden, you will find yourself on the very wild beach that was mentioned above.

In the Botanical Garden you can not just walk and enjoy the stunning nature. Here you can ... live! There is a campsite in the garden - the opportunity to spend the night in a tent. True, this pleasure is not cheap - from 15 GEL per day per person. But if you are with the money, then why not? You will definitely remember this unique experience for a long time.

How to get there

How to get to Cape Verde Georgia? Of course, the easiest way is from Batumi - eight kilometers is truly a tiny distance.

Cape Verde Botanical Garden

You can overcome them on a minibus (anyone going north; most often goes number 31) in about twenty minutes, or you can take a taxi, spending even less time on the road. Taxis, however, are more expensive: from 15 GEL one way. A minibus ticket costs 15 times less - one lari per way.

What's nearby

What else is interesting not far from the village, in addition to the central city? Many other settlements, each of which is interesting enough to visit it at least once. Just a kilometer from Mtsvane Kontskhi lies the village of Makhinjauri (easy access is via the beach - the central beach of Cape Verde smoothly flows into Makhindzhaursky), in two - Sakhalvasho. Fourteen kilometers away, Kvirike and Charnali lie, and at fifteen - Thilnari.

Cape Verde, Georgia: reviews

Reviews about Mtsvane Kontskhi are usually positive. Tourists especially note the sea: it is much cleaner here than in Batumi, that's why most of those who stayed in the city go to the Cape Verde.

Cape Verde Beach

Also, people like silence, unity with nature and a kind of idyll reigning throughout the village.

Interesting Facts

  1. At the beginning of the new millennium, a little more than two and a half thousand people lived in Cape Verde, almost all of whom were Georgians.
  2. There are a lot of banana and citrus trees in Cape Verde.
  3. The former name of Cape Verde is Sasire-Keli.
  4. An agricultural technical school used to work in Cape Verde - today it still functions, but is part of Batumi State University.


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