LTE frequencies in Russia. LTE networks in Russia: reviews

Mobile access to the Network is an area characterized by the highest dynamics of the introduction of new technological solutions and standards. For example, more recently, 3G-Internet was considered one of the most advanced channels. Today, experts argue that the flagship of the mobile industry will be 4G technology.

There are many specific implementations of it. But one of the most popular in the world was LTE technology, which is also actively being introduced by Russian operators. What are its features?

wireless communications

What is LTE?

The LTE standard, also called 4G, is one of the most modern and promising technologies that can provide quick access to the Internet and other services provided by mobile operators. The LTE infrastructure - in any case, this is expected by market experts - is intended to replace communication networks operating within the framework of 3G standards. The main advantages of the new technology are the incomparably higher speed and stability of the connection.

Subscribers of mobile operators can, thanks to the advantages of this standard, expand their capabilities in terms of the collective use of the Internet. The fact is that, for example, when distributing access to a network based on 3G technology via Wi-Fi, everyone who wished to connect simply lacked the channel speed. Using LTE, WiFi infrastructure should be more efficient. For comparison: in most 3G networks, the access speed does not exceed 7-8 Mbit / s. In turn, the claimed indicator of some Russian mobile operators when using LTE is 100 Mbps.

LTE frequencies in Russia

Distribution of LTE in Russia

Since the communication standard under consideration is quite new, Russian operators have not yet managed to implement it in all regions of the country. However, communication networks that use LTE technology are being built very actively by mobile service providers. Now, not only subscribers of the capital and largest cities, but also residents of regions of Russia quite distant from megalopolises can take advantage of this communication standard.

LTE Reviews

Actually, what do the subscribers themselves say about the experience of using the new technology? First of all, the majority of owners of mobile devices that support the LTE standard are impressed by the fact that there is no need to overpay for the ability to use the Internet within the framework of this standard. Unless, perhaps, you will have to purchase a device that can work in LTE mode. In general, according to many subscribers, the new technology meets expectations. Internet access speed is really higher than when working with 3G and 4G standards.

Communication networks

The stability of the connection also in most cases does not cause complaints from users. At the same time, when traditional channels of mobile access to the network are activated, communication is lost quite regularly (especially if you are not using computers, but smartphones, tablets, i.e. devices are purely wireless).

At the same time, there are comments regarding the not too wide coverage area where the LTE standard operates. But this is obviously a temporary phenomenon. Once upon a time, the 3G standard was only available to residents of certain areas. Experts believe that the pace of deployment of LTE-infrastructure in the near future will be sustainable.

LTE operators

The new technology is now supported by the largest Russian mobile operators - Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Yota (considered an independent market player). LTE is also actively mastering Rostelecom. Representatives of the Russian market call the main advantage of the communication standard under consideration high compatibility with the existing infrastructure, within which 3G networks operate. That is, it is possible to introduce a new technology without resorting to forced disconnection of subscribers from certain services. In addition, the Russian LTE frequencies are such that devices supporting only the 3G standard can work in them. Thus, there is backward compatibility of the new technology with the previous ones.

lte frequency megaphone

Actually, about the frequencies. Which of them are most often used by Russian and global providers of mobile services? In connection with what it can be interesting? The fact is that the prospects for the development of the latest communication technology, as well as the speed of its implementation, according to analysts, depends on the resource determined by the frequency spectrum available to the operator. The specifics of Russian mobile networks is such that the shortage of necessary frequencies can be felt quite sharply by mobile service providers. But that is not all. The situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that the lower frequency spectrum is very actively used by law enforcement agencies, as well as navigation systems.

Now a significant part of Russian operators operates within a single range. However, the market requirements are such that mobile providers will need at least one more band for organizing channels. LTE networks require more capacity. In addition, as subscribers connect to operators who use the capabilities of the new communication technology in different modes - in an apartment, in a car, outside the city, in a park - the provider needs to have a resource for quickly redistributing traffic, optimizing it from the point of view of subscriber activity. If the provider has only one frequency band at its disposal, this is problematic, and as a result, the quality of the corresponding services may decrease.

Frequency spectrum of LTE networks

Now in the world there are more than 200 networks based on the considered communication technology. What frequencies does LTE work most often? Experts believe that this is the 1800 MHz band - it is most often used in the world. According to some analysts, more than 40% of modern commercial operators use it. However, there are other popular channels. So, in particular, the widespread LTE frequency range corresponding to 2.6 GHz. No less popular is the one that is characterized by a figure of 800 MHz. True, in the Russian Federation its use is among the promising ones. Later we will find out why.

frequency range lte

What are the most commonly used LTE frequencies in Russia now? Actually, the most popular is the already mentioned 2.6 GHz band. In it, in particular, the capital's MTS operates. LTE frequencies in some regions are used in the 2.3 GHz band, there are prospects for the development of channels in 450 and 900 MHz - we will talk about them separately. According to experts, the use of low-frequency resources is especially promising in regions with a low population density. The reason is that in this case it is possible to build a network infrastructure of small capacity.

Why does frequency matter?

We noted above that there are cases in which lower LTE frequencies in Russia are sometimes more expedient to use than the upper ones - this applies to regions in which subscribers are spread over a large territory. What other patterns reflecting the specifics of using certain ranges can be identified?

Note, for example, the fact that the frequency in the value of 1800 MHz, according to experts, is economically much more profitable for the operator. About 60%. If the operator has the opportunity to work at this frequency, then the speed of construction of the necessary infrastructure can significantly increase. In addition, in some cases, the construction of networks in the 800-900 MHz band can be even cheaper.

Another advantage of low frequencies: the radio signal generated through the corresponding channels, as a rule, penetrates into buildings more easily. This allows the operator to provide a larger area coverage. True, there is a nuance here - most likely, it will not be possible to place a large number of base stations on the corresponding territory .

what frequencies lte in russia

More frequencies - better service

The ideal option is if LTE frequencies in Russia will be available to operators at all levels. The work of the communications provider in this case will be, as experts say, the most effective. On the one hand, it will be possible to service large areas, and on the other, it will provide the required signal density by placing the necessary number of base stations or auxiliary infrastructure elements in the region, such as, for example, femtocells. Actually, we have already noted above that a resource in the form of several frequencies directly determines the quality of the operator providing relevant services.

Office allowed

Do Russian telecom operators have the resource in question? According to analysts, there is. In the summer of 2014, the State Commission on Radio Frequencies approved the use of very promising frequencies by the providers of mobile services - 450, 890-915 MHz, as well as 935-960 MHz. Russian operators can use this resource throughout the country. Thus, at the disposal of suppliers - in addition to those high frequencies that we indicated above - lower ranges. This will help accelerate the deployment of advanced communications infrastructure in Russia, as well as improve the quality of relevant services for subscribers.

lte frequencies in Moscow

Among other notable initiatives of the department is a possible permission to conduct a specialized auction between mobile providers for the possibility of using additional frequencies in the range 2570-2620 MHz. However, as some experts note, the State Commission will probably prefer to investigate trends in the international 4G technology market before that.

Prior to the relevant initiative of the department, one of the allowed frequency ranges - 900 MHz - could be used by operators to provide services using GSM technology, that is, within the framework of the second generation standard, 2G. Now, the largest Russian communication providers - MTS, Beeline, Megafon - LTE frequencies can, from a technological point of view, use it in this range.

We also note that before permission was received to use the frequency of 900 MHz under the new standard, operators had the opportunity to work with another band (in 2G mode) - 1800 MHz. However, his majority of experts are among the highest. That is, as noted above, it is not very advisable to use it in regions where the population density is low. In order for the infrastructure in the framework of the new communication standard to actively develop not only in large cities, operators needed low ranges. The high frequencies of LTE in Moscow, which we indicated at the beginning of the article, no longer allowed mobile operators to count on active expansion in neighboring regions.

LTE frequencies: theory and practice

Let's consider what are the real resources for using the mentioned technology by the largest Russian operators today. Let us examine the available LTE frequencies for MTS, Beeline, Megafon and compare them with those of their strong competitors. We can consider the reserves of service providers in relation to the ranges in which they are entitled to provide services, provided, of course, that there is a license. In practice, thanks to the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies, operators can use most of the licensed frequencies.

at what frequencies does lte work

Frequencies predetermine competition

Let's start with one of the newest Russian operators - Yota. He is considered an independent player in the market, despite the fact that 100% of the brand’s shares are owned by Megafon. Regarding the availability of frequencies, Yota can operate in the 2.6 GHz band. Moreover, as experts say, in fact, this operator provides services as a virtual provider. The real owners of the infrastructure channels used are Megafon, and also, as some analysts believe, MTS.

In turn, Megafon itself can technologically launch LTE networks in 3 bands - 700, 800, as well as 2600 MHz. True, this operator is only able to use some high-frequency channels in Moscow and the region. But problems with resources for the further development of infrastructure, experts say, Megafon will most likely not have. This mobile operator is one of the first in the Russian Federation to introduce commercial LTE networks.

What frequencies of LTE in Russia does MTS use? In principle, this operator has no smaller range of available ranges, when compared with those that Megafon has. MTS can operate at frequencies of 700, 800, 1800, as well as 2600 MHz. At the same time, as in the case of Megafon, some channels on high-frequency bands can be activated by the operator only in the capital and the Moscow region.

What are the frequencies used by Beeline LTE? Their spectrum is also quite wide. At the disposal of the operator are the ranges of 700, 800, as well as 2600 MHz. Almost the same opportunities exist for Rostelecom, which is no less actively involved in the development of a new market. There is another promising LTE-operator in Russia - Osnova Telecom. It can operate at 2.3 GHz.

An interesting story is the development of the promising LTE market by Tele2. For a long time, this brand was not present in this segment. However, in December 2014, the company nevertheless launched the LTE infrastructure. And she did it in Tula. Experts call the Tele2 experience somewhat unique. The fact is that this mobile operator uses the range that is rarely used by other Russian suppliers - 1800 MHz. The entry of Tele2 into the LTE arena, experts believe, will significantly aggravate competition in this segment of mobile services.

mts lte frequency

In addition to the 1800 MHz range, the company also has the technical ability to use the 450 MHz frequency, which, as we noted above, is now allowed in Russia for LTE networks. By the way, the very procedure for the appearance of a low range at the disposal of Tele2 is also quite interesting. Initially, another brand had access to this frequency - Sky Link. However, due to the merger of Tele2 and Rostelecom assets, it became controlled by T2 RTK Holding. Which, in turn, owns the Tele2 brand.

LTE frequencies in Russia are now allowed in a fairly wide range, and this, experts say, will play a positive role in the development of the mobile industry. Also, this circumstance will affect the Internet market as a whole. Wireless networks are increasingly competing with broadband access. Of course, Russian users do not lose ties with traditional-type providers. However, the percentage of mobile traffic, according to experts and analysts, is already very close to the indicators that are typical for wired Internet access channels.


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