US education as a state: slaveholders fight for their rights

The formation of the United States as a state occurred only in the 18th century. The Declaration of Independence is the main document from which the reference is made. It was signed on July 4, 1776. There is still a myth in Russia that Empress Catherine II sold Alaska to the USA. However, at that time, the States were just formed into a single state. No one thought about any extensions at that time. July 4 was Independence Day in the United States. How the States sought it will be discussed in this article.

education of the usa as a state

America's spheres of influence

The formation of the United States as a state took a long time. In the XVI century, the future territory was inhabited by local Indians. Later Europeans began to move here, many of whom were bandits fleeing persecution in their countries. Also among the first immigrants there were many desperate people from Old Europe. They came to a new continent in search of happiness and wealth. By the beginning of the XVIII century, Europeans had mastered almost the entire continent. The entire territory of the future USA, with the exception of Alaska, was divided into spheres of influence of the three states in order to prevent military clashes. Britain got the coast of the Atlantic, France - the area of ​​the Great Lakes, Spain - the Pacific coast, Florida, Texas.

However, not all colonies wanted to be dependent on the metropolis. The states of Britain opposed London. But no one was going to let them go so simply. The war has begun.

usa date

War of Independence (1775-1783): Reasons

One of the most bloody wars in North America was the war of independence. There were many reasons for her:

  • The metropolis treated the States only as territories for the extraction of wealth.
  • Raw materials were exported to England: furs, cotton, and finished goods were imported. Colonies were forbidden to create manufactories, produce fabrics, iron products, trade with other countries.
  • Colonists were forbidden to move west beyond the Allegany mountains, since the administration could not spread their influence there.
  • Various taxes and fees constantly increased. So, in 1765, another stamp duty appeared. It was supposed to pay for all documents with stamps.

The last point was especially sharply taken by the Americans. If earlier they understood that taxes are necessary for development, the stamp duty opened their eyes. It was an act of blatant robbery of the colonists. Due to this, the metropolis was going to contain an army of 10 thousand people in America.

4th of July

The first meeting of the "Sons of Freedom"

That "freedom" was the main credo of the colonists. The formation of the United States as a state went under these slogans. In 1765, "Congress Against the Stamp" convened in New York. It worked out a document - the Declaration of the Rights of the Colonies. This is the prototype of the future instrument of independence. Not without rituals. The “Sons of Liberty” burned scarecrows, symbolizing British officials. One of the leaders of the movement was John Adams, the future second president of the United States, one of the founding fathers of the state.

"Sons" have achieved their goal. England was frightened and canceled the stamp duty in 1766.

Boston Tea Party, the beginning of the confrontation

However, the economic pressure of England on the colony increased all the time. In 1770, the first clashes in Boston between soldiers and civilians appeared. 5 people were killed.

Here, in 1773, an event took place, which in history was called "Boston Tea Party". Locals, disguised as Indians, infiltrated British ships, delivering a large batch of tea for the colony, and threw all the cargo into the sea. The entire coast was painted black.

In response to this, England took a series of extreme measures, which led to the war:

  • The Boston port was declared closed.
  • The state of Massachusetts was deprived of the charter, and all citizens in it - the right to assembly, rallies.
  • The Governor received the status of Governor General with unlimited rights.
  • Citizens' houses were declared free for soldiers to stand, all disobedience was treated as treason and seriously punished.

The creation of Congress as an alternative to the English administration

Behind Massachusetts stood all the British colonies. In September-October 1774 in Philadelphia, 56 representatives of 12 states (all but Georgia) created the First Continental Congress. It was attended by the founding fathers: D. Washington, Samuel and John Adams and others. Congress voted on the principle of "one state - one vote." It adopted the "Declaration of the Rights and Needs of the Colonies." It reflected principles such as the right to life, liberty and property, the right to fair justice, peaceful assembly, rallies, etc. The official date for the formation of the United States falls on a later period, but this event marked the beginning of independence.

war of independence 1775 1783

Colonies prepare for war

Congress excited society. Many began to prepare for war. So, Virginia did declare war on England. The state began to form a militia - minutemans. At the same time, the Communications Committee was created - a center for coordination of all states in the war against the metropolis. The formation of the United States as a state is associated with a future bloody war.

Split society

Society was not the only one in the urge to start a war against England. There were many who actively opposed this. In general, the country was divided into supporters of independence ("Whigs") and opponents ("Tories", "loyalists"). Local Native American tribes decided to remain neutral in this matter. For them, it was just a conflict of some Europeans with others. However, evidence of the participation of some tribes on both sides has been preserved.

Slaves took advantage of the situation. They began to flee en masse from their plantations, using chaos and confusion. Slaves wanted to support England in exchange for freedom. However, she was afraid of a precedent that could provoke an uprising in other colonies.

An interesting fact, but many independence fighters proclaimed honest labor, freedom, equality, but in reality they were large slaveholders.

date of formation of the usa as an independent state

United States Date

The war of independence lasted almost ten years, from 1775 to 1783. There were many battles during this time. In addition to the Americans and the British, the French, Russians, and Spaniards took part in it. They all supported the rebels. In this war, a new tactic was developed - a quick offensive by dashes, borrowed from the Indians. It was effective against the linear British system. Also, the colonists used ambushes, difficult terrain, attacked at night, actively used camouflage. The British soldiers in red uniforms, accustomed to fighting in the open, to the beat of drums, in a linear march, were not ready for this.

1776 is the date of the formation of the United States as an independent state, and this July day is recognized as Independence Day. The colonists won the war and finally approved their Declaration, based on modern basic democratic principles.


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