Prefix DVB - T2. How to connect?

How to connect t2? This question puzzled millions of Russians last year. To this day he worries many.

What is t2? For the uninitiated, it’s worth explaining that the second generation digital television standard, which is currently used in Russia to broadcast twenty free channels, is so briefly called. Its full name is as follows: dvb-t2, and stands for “second generation digital video broadcast”.

digital television

The essence of the problem

Why is the question of how to connect t2 so exciting for thousands of our fellow citizens? Because in 2019 there will be a complete disconnection of analog broadcasting. An exception is made only for regional television channels, and then, only for one year. After this period, all local television companies will have to switch to the "figure".

Modern TVs

The question of how to connect t2, may not be puzzled only by owners of plasma and liquid crystal TV receivers of the most modern models. They provide the function of watching digital television in dvb - t2 format through the built-in tuner. Therefore, all fans to spend free time at the blue screen should carefully read the instructions from their TV sets. If the TV is equipped with the function mentioned above, it remains only with the remote control to go into its settings and start searching for dvb-t2 broadcast channels. Usually they are easy to find. Technique without human intervention perfectly copes with this task.

If the automatic search was unsuccessful, then you need to use the manual option. In this case, you will need to know in advance at what frequency the digital television is broadcast in your area and enter this parameter. Immediately after this setting, all twenty channels will be available for viewing.

TV set-top boxes

One of the most sought after products currently on the shelves of electrical equipment stores is digital television tuners. They are also called receivers or set-top boxes for digital TV. If your TV is not equipped with a built-in model of such a device, the answer to the question of how to connect t2 will sound something like this: purchase a tuner in the store, connect and configure it. Receivers, in addition to watching digital broadcasts, as a rule, have some more additional functions. One of the most useful features of such devices is the recording of television broadcasts.

If for some reason you can’t watch your favorite TV show, you can save it to a flash drive, which usually connects to the console using the USB port. Recording can also occur in time shift mode. In this case, watching the program will resemble using a DVD, blu-ray or media player: you can pause at any time. In this case, you will search the program already in the recording. With the excellent quality of the video that this function provides, the difference between the recording and the broadcast is most often imperceptible.

If you do not need the device to perform any other functions besides receiving television waves, then you can choose the simplest, budget model. The main thing is that it provides stable signal reception.

How to connect the prefix t2?

When this device has already been selected and purchased, then the question arises before its owner, which is indicated in the section heading. So how to connect t2 tuner? This can be done using a connecting cable with HDMI or Tulip plugs, depending on which connectors are present on the rear panels of the TV and receiver.

rear console

If the type of “nests” is the same, then you are incredibly lucky, especially if the kit from the purchased receiver includes a connecting cable with suitable plugs. What to do if the ports of the TV tuner and the TV receiver are different from each other? And in this situation, do not be upset. The way out of this situation is quite simple. You need to purchase a special adapter. Such devices can be called differently (modulator, for example).

The old reins horse will not ruin

But how to connect T2 to an old TV, which on the rear panel has only a connector for the antenna? Experts say that a digital receiver can be connected to almost any model of a TV receiver. So, if your TV is equipped with one single “socket”, the one that is intended for the antenna, you will need to buy a device that converts the signal from the set-top box into one that can be transmitted through the antenna connector. This device is called an RF modulator. It is he who helps to connect t2 to the old TV.

Audio signal

If you are used to watching movies only with high-quality sound, then, in addition to the TV, you should also connect a stereo system to the TV tuner. This can be done using the two components of the “tulip” connector, which are responsible for the right and left channels of audio.

Tulip plugs

Also, many receivers have “sockets” for connecting to multi-channel systems.

High-quality sound will be needed not only to watch television, but also if you plan to play any media files (audio or video) on the console. It is known that most tuners are capable of performing such a function.


Do not forget to connect a decimeter antenna (indoor or outdoor) to the tuner. Digital broadcast as well as analogue can only be watched with this device.

TV antenna

The question of how to connect t2 to the TV is almost resolved. It remains only to configure the reception of channels. Here, most often, a technique comes to the rescue of a person, which performs this task in automatic mode. If such a setup fails, then, as already mentioned in one of the first chapters, the frequency at which the broadcast is conducted will have to be specified independently, using the remote control, going to the desired setting item.

set-top box

Consideration of how to connect t2 to the TV can be considered complete. Now you can enjoy the excellent picture and sound quality this broadcast provides.


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