How to learn to save and save money with modest income? Practical tips

There is a joke that in our country at least something is stable - this is a salary. Everything rises in price, prices rise, and wages remain at the same level. And it’s not always possible to get more income. Someone for this does not manage to be in the right place at the right time, and someone lacks education.

In this article, you will learn how to learn how to save money. The working methods below will help you start saving money for an important and treasured purchase as soon as possible.

The above technique involves working on yourself in two stages. Each of them is important and binding.

how to learn how to save and save money

How to learn to save and save money?

First of all, remember the following two steps that you must follow:

  • save;
  • save up.

How to do this correctly, we will examine further on each separately.

We pass the first stage

In order to understand how best to save money and save, you first need to track your costs.

It will be enough just to get a notebook in which to write down your expenses for a month. For convenience, you can create a spreadsheet - this will allow you to quickly and easily sort all expenses into categories at the end of the month.

how to learn to save money and save

It will help you understand how to learn how to save money and save money , the table below, which contains the categories of costs. Sort your monthly expenses according to her.


Total cost



Costs of bad habits



Entertainment, rest


Filling it, you will see where you spend more money. Next, we analyze the significance and the possibility of saving in each specific category.

Saving on housing

Let's start with how to learn how to save and save money, from the first category. In the "housing" should be the cost of rent (in case of living in someone else's apartment, house), utilities. Saving at this point is possible, but extremely difficult. Of course, you can try to consume less gas, electricity and water.

There are several ways to do this. The cheapest of them is to independently monitor the timely inclusion of electrical appliances that are not needed at the moment. As for water, you just need to try to use it only at the right time.

how to learn how to save money with modest income

For example, when brushing your teeth, after you have collected water in a glass, close the tap. If we talk about personal cleanliness, then bathing in the shower saves more than 50% of water compared to taking a bath.

In addition, swim as follows. They opened the faucet, wet their skin, closed the faucet. We washed ourselves, opened the tap, washed off the remnants of detergents, finished taking a shower.

Saving on food

Saving on food is also quite difficult. In no case should starvation be the answer to the question of how to learn how to save money. A family wallet will not get more complete from this. After all, poor nutrition will only cause irreparable harm to health, requiring treatment, which will take much more money and nerves than the saved pennies.

It is worth abandoning frequent trips to cafes, restaurants and other similar establishments where a person simply eats. This can be done at home, having prepared something tasty. In any case, home-made food is not only more useful than restaurant food, but also saves family budget money.

You can do the same during the working week at the lunch break - it is not necessary to go to the buffet and order buns and coffee there. Take along a bag of homemade food to work.

If there is an acute problem in money, then the best thing is to refuse the use of harmful products. These include sweets, sweets, chips, crackers, Coca-Cola, products from McDonald's, etc. This list can be long listed.

We give up bad habits

In times of economy, everything that is harmful to health is clearly not something you need to spend your money on. Despite the fact that smoking is officially recognized as a dangerous occupation, due to which the lungs and throat suffer, malignant tumors are possible, smoking does not become less.

And if you calculate the cost of one pack of good cigarettes, taking into account that they smoke 1-2 packs a day, then for a month or even a year the amounts are simply huge.

Alcoholic drinks also will not save your budget. In addition to the fact that alcohol destroys brain cells, it is able to pull the last money out of pocket. It’s so nice to get together with friends in the evening and talk heart to heart over a glass.

how to learn to save money and save a table

If you abandon alcohol at all, then you will feel how much more money you have in your wallet. This is not to mention the gratitude of the body, which you will receive in the form of health promotion.

How to learn to save and save money? Give up all bad habits and do not waste your time and money on them.

Communication costs

Every month we replenish the account of a mobile phone, and also pay for the services of an Internet provider.

And it would seem that this is a little money, but every month they nevertheless place a burden on the family budget. Here you can save by switching to a more optimal tariff.

For example, if you use the Internet only to read news and watch short videos, then a speed of 100 megabits per second is absolutely unnecessary. It is enough to switch to the cheapest package of services at a speed of 1-5 megabits.

For the services of a mobile operator, the saving is not to make expensive calls: to the numbers of expensive operators, abroad, in roaming.

Also, if you have free minutes, SMS, MMS, then try not to go beyond the allocated limit, otherwise you will incur additional costs.

How to save on purchases?

Exploring the question of how to learn how to save and save money, we will understand the purchases that we make. Everything is quite easy here, you just need to adhere to some rules. It's no secret that clothes that are sold out of season are put up for sale at discounts (often around 50%). You need to use this knowledge.

That is, in summer it is necessary to buy winter things, and in winter - summer things. Thanks to this, you can save a lot.

what is the best way to save money and save a table

Another good piece of advice on how to learn how to save money and save money is that you don’t need to advertise. They do not always tell the truth.

You can give a funny example: on TV they often say: "Our dog food has become even tastier!" And who checks the food and says that this one is tastier? Do people or dogs themselves tell? You should always be skeptical about advertising.

This is the case with medicines. Of course, there are imported products that have no analogues in the country. But there are those that are no worse than imported ones. They have the same active substance, but for some reason advertising makes people buy more expensive ones because they think it is more reliable.

Having fun wisely

We go further, figuring out how to learn how to save money and save. The expense item for entertainment is the one that can be completely reduced, and not spend money on them.

But this will be correct only if the money is sorely lacking. In other situations, you can simply reconsider the types of your entertainment and rely on cheaper ones.

For example, instead of a disco, you can have a party at home with friends - you don’t have to pay for tickets, and a kitchen with a drink is much cheaper.

how to learn how to save money family wallet

Reduce other expenses

Absolutely all waste can not be attributed to certain categories. Very often in life there are situations when you need some little thing and right now. In such situations, it is important to just remember that those 50-100 rubles that you spend may come in handy for you in more important matters.

So, we looked at ways to reduce your costs. Let's move on to an overview of some ways to save money that will help pick up on your dream.

Ways to save money. Advice

The main thing is to set a clear task and set a timeline for its implementation based on your income. Naturally, a person will not be able to save up for a new Rolls Royce if his salary is 40 thousand rubles. per month. Therefore, you need to soberly assess your capabilities.

Let's figure out how to learn to save money with modest income. To do this, you need to understand how much you can save on a monthly basis, following the above methods. Then, roughly calculate the amount of funds that you are ready to give for the purchase or trip that you have planned, and divide it by the amount of monthly savings.

As a result, you will find out how much you need to save in order to achieve your goal. Frustrated by the result? Two ways out of this situation - either start saving more actively, or look for additional sources of income.

how to learn how to save money working ways

Also, do not save money under the pillow. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to learn how to save money with modest income, then open a deposit account in a bank. Its validity should be the same in the time that you planned to achieve the goal.

And the farther this bank will be from you, the better. Open not even in one bank, but in several, which are located in different parts of the city. This can be done by those who notice for themselves that they have a particularly acute attraction to spend immediately the accumulated funds. Unwillingness to wander around the city and human laziness will simply repulse the desire to spend the money that has been accumulated over several months.

No time to replenish your own deposit? Activate the contract debit service from your payroll card. It’s very convenient to activate the automatic debit service. You can choose a percentage, set the amount or allow the bank to automatically round the rubles in the account to ten times the value. Yes, in the 21st century this is not possible.

And so gradually and not significantly for your pocket money will be deducted on a deposit. A savings account is also convenient because the bank will also pay you in the form of deposit interest. Of course, you won’t be able to make money on them, but it is quite possible to reduce the level of influence of inflation on your own savings.

The above material will help you learn how to learn how to save money and save. The program is effective, only desire and willpower will be required of you.


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