Splitter is a modern solution for network branching

Wired Internet connection is famous for its speed and the ability to download data unlimitedly. Connection to the network is carried out through the cable of a landline telephone, and if you do not need the latter, then you will not have problems. However, when you need a stable Internet connection and a clear phone connection, you must use a splitter. This device will create a clear and stable signal for both lines.


A splitter is a compact electronic device, a filter of digital signals with different frequencies. The presented device allows you to connect several types of equipment to one coaxial line. For example, a TV and a modem.

splitter is

Structurally, it is a connector that is equipped with several ports for connecting devices. The main parameter that characterizes the splitter is the number of connectors for connecting devices. Their number varies from 2 to 16 or more. The more ports, the more functional the device is considered.

In addition to standard devices, on the market you can find reinforced options for splitters. Such products separate and simultaneously amplify the signal to transmit it over considerable distances, which is very convenient in the absence of fiber optic cables.


ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) - the technology on which the splitter runs. This made it possible to achieve high speeds of data reception and transmission in subscriber telephone lines in public networks. The flow rate of the information flow varies:

  • from 128 Kbps to 8 Mbps for receiving data by the user;
  • from 64 Kbps to 1 Mbps for transmitting information from the user.

During operation, the device sorts the signals for the phone and Internet modems. Data streams differ in frequency: only 0.3-3.4 KHz is typical for a telephone line, while a network transmits information with a frequency of 0.26-1.4 MHz. This manages to completely eliminate the mutual influence of devices on each other's work.

antenna splitter

In addition, protection against various types of current, which can disable equipment, is additionally built into the splitter splitter. When you turn on the device in the network, you can not be afraid of the pulse overvoltage arising during thunderstorms, short circuits, and directive power lines.

TV equipment

Along with devices for separating the signals of the Internet and the telephone, splitters are used that are designed for the device of the television network. They are ordinary splitters that evenly distribute the signal between different devices. The more branches from the connector, the weaker the transmission to each individual “box” will be.

splitter for tv

Very often, a splitter for a TV is used to connect several devices to one antenna, a satellite receiver. But you should only trust devices with a built-in signal amplifier, otherwise it will not be possible to get a high-quality image.

Varieties of Splitters

Each of the splitters has its own special functionality. They depend on the technology by which the splitter was produced. This leads to two main varieties:

  • PLC devices work with radio waves in the range from 1260 to 1650 nm, which allows their use in most modern networks.
  • FBT devices are capable of unevenly distributing the signal for several sources.

To choose the right device for your network, you need to focus on two parameters. The first of these is the signal frequency necessary for the receiver to operate. The splitter must work in the same range.

splitter splitter

The second thing that needs attention is the degree of attenuation of the signal, indicated on the body of TVs and other devices. The lower the value, the stronger the transmission. In this case, the need for an amplifier built into the splitter will disappear.

Connection Rules

There is nothing complicated in connecting the divider to the network. First, the input cable is connected, and wires that lead to various receivers are connected to the branching sockets. But in order to provide the equipment with a clear and stable signal, two rules must be observed:

  1. Insert the antenna splitter into the system in front of the active equipment.
  2. Do not interconnect two splitters.

If after connecting the TV to the splitter the image began to double, then between the cable and the connector for the connection should be installed ferrite ring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13938/

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