Where is Armavir located? Description of the city

Where is Armavir located? If we are talking about a Russian city, then in the Krasnodar Territory. The city is located on the banks of the Kuban River, just in the place where the Urup tributary flows into it. This settlement has 3 sister cities: the city of the same name in Armenia, Theodosius in the Crimea and Gomel in Belarus. It can be found on the map of the Russian Federation, knowing the coordinates: 45 Β° 00 β€² 00 β€³ s. w. 41 Β° 07 β€² 00 β€³ c. d.

where is armavir

Armavir (Armenia)

Hearing the name of the city, many are wondering where is Armavir? This is easy to explain. This situation arises for the reason that a settlement with that name is not only in Russia. Armavir is a small settlement in Armenia. It is located at the foot of the southern slope of Aragats (Ararat Valley).

Briefly about the main thing

Armavir (Russia), together with three rural districts (Starostanichny, Prirechensky, Zavetny), is part of the municipality whose center it is.

The city is located in the eastern part of the region, 202 km from the capital of the Krasnodar Territory.

If you compare other cities in Russia, Armavir can be called small. Its area is 280 square meters. km And the population is almost 191 thousand people, the data on the number are relevant for 2016.

Armavir city

Take a look at the story

The history of the city begins in the first half of the XIX century. In 1839, Major General of the Kuban line allocated land at the mouth of Urup for settlement by Circassian Armenians. At the beginning of the century, a conflict situation began to mature between them on religious grounds. Adygs living in the North-West Caucasus oppressed the supporters of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Those, in turn, decided to leave their lands and move closer to the Orthodox.

Initially, in the territory where Armavir is currently located, there was a small village, surrounded on all sides by a moat. Its population adhered to mountain laws. Even the name of the city was given in honor of the long-standing capital of Armenia.

By 1876, Armavir received the status of a village. The line of the Vladikavkaz railway was built. In 1914, the settlement was given the status of a city.


Currently, most of the city's residents are Russians. As a percentage, they occupy 86% of the total population. About 8% of Armenians are left here. There are representatives of other nationalities in the minority: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Circassians, Tatars, Georgians and so on.


If you look at the map where Armavir is located, you can find out what climate is here. The city is located within the temperate zone. Remoteness from the seas and the ocean makes the climate in the region typical of the continental. The hottest months of the year are July and August. The average temperature is +24 Β° C. In winter, the thermometer rarely drops below 0 Β° C. The average annual rainfall is 600 mm, most of which falls between May and June.

Streets of Armavira Krasnodar Territory

City development

Currently, the city of Armavir looks quite comfortable. The infrastructure is highly developed. There are a lot of industrial enterprises. The largest of them work in industries such as food processing, instrument making, mechanical engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and others.

From public transport in the city there are buses and trolleybuses. There are also two railway stations: one works in the Rostov direction, the second - the city of Tuapse. Armavir even has its own airport, but recently it has not carried out passenger transportation.

Streets of Armavir (Krasnodar Territory)

There are 241 streets in the city of Armavir. The main ones are Lenin, Marshal Zhukov, Komsomolskaya. Considering that there is quite a lively movement of cars on them, in 2007 the Electron technical center installed several video cameras. Such street equipment was made possible thanks to the Safe City program.

Culture and education

Armavir is a friendly, clean and cultural city. Among its attractions, much attention is paid to monuments of architecture, art and military history. In total there are about 400 units in the city. In Armavir, there are 8 universities, 11 vocational institutions, 27 schools, 34 kindergartens, 13 sports complexes, and there is even a mathematical lyceum.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13939/

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