Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral: creation history and description

At the confluence of two powerful rivers - the Oka and the Volga - towers the Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral. The time of construction of this temple was at the end of the nineteenth century.

The color scheme of this magnificent building impresses with its shades. The yellow walls and dark tents look pretty pretty and contrasting with the blue river water. In those days, the cathedral was considered the third largest in all of Russia. And in modern times, this building remains one of the highest temples in the country.

How did the structure appear

The Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral was created at the direction of the Nizhny Novgorod merchants, who decided to erect it in memory of the emperor's visit to their city fair. Thus, they tried to perpetuate the religious patriotism of the loyal subjects of their sovereign.

Moreover, this city and its inhabitants were in great need of building a new church, because the old church no longer accommodated all parishioners. And so the Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral appeared. The age of its foundation coincided with the death of the emperor, therefore, at the opening of the temple was attended by his son, Alexander III.

alexandro nevsky new fair cathedral


The construction was developed in St. Petersburg by several engineers, but, unfortunately, the author of the final project was not installed, it is only known that he was being finalized by the young L.V. Dahlem. The building is noticeable Russian-Byzantine style that prevailed in the country during the times dating back to the century of construction.

Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral represents a combination of several architectural trends. According to the structure scheme, the monastery resembles the so-called Greek cross. The temple is endowed with octagonal tents, the most central of them rises as much as 73 m. The entire structure rises above the ground by 87 m.

The construction of such a magnificent structure lasted for thirteen years. At the end of internal work, the temple was opened in 1882.

alexandro nevsky new fair cathedral building time

Decline and restoration

After the revolution, the cathedral was sealed, and its values ​​were stolen or seized. All wooden equipment of the building was used as firewood for heating the houses of citizens. Believers by some miracle were able to save some holy faces and icons.

In the 1920s, a special project was developed according to which the Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral should be demolished at all so that a lighthouse with a monument to the leader of the proletariat could be erected in its place. This plan did not materialize, but we managed to dismantle the tents in preparation for the demolition of the structure.

In the forties of the last century, a fire occurred in the temple, which destroyed almost the entire building of the monastery. During World War II, an anti-aircraft gun was installed on the surviving central part of the cathedral, protecting the heavenly expanses of Nizhny Novgorod from enemy aircraft.

In the early eighties, it was decided to restore the temple. Many volunteers actively participated in the repair of the building. After this, the Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral was returned to the diocese, and services began again in its building, although the restoration continued. So, the wall with icons in front of the altar was re-designed by architects, because the secrets of the masters of those times could not be revealed.

In 2009, the temple received the status of the cathedral. And a little later the interior decoration of the cathedral was completed and now it is planned to ennoble the territory near the structure so that it is more convenient to get to it.

alexandro nevsky new fair cathedral century

Modern look

The temple today has several ancient icons and the Life-Giving Cross, which was previously located in the Vysokovsky Cathedral. On the territory of this building is one of the largest bells of the country, which weighs about 60 tons, and its height is about 4 m.

It was cast from special bronze and delivered to the city on the occasion of the celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the militia of Nizhny Novgorod. The bell has inscriptions immortalizing the names of all those who donated funds to create this miracle. Its surface is decorated with images of Russian princes and saints.

Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral Nizhny Novgorod

Reviews of parishioners

Many residents of Nizhny Novgorod strongly recommend that all visitors or those who have not been there to visit the Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral, as it looks amazing and also has a unique look that has gathered several styles.

It is difficult to guess which architectural direction this magnificent building belongs to, and many scholars are inclined to claim that this is a clear eclecticism, although it looks very beautiful. Such a stylistic decision occurred to L. Dahl, a popular designer of those times.

Parishioners love their cathedral, due to the fact that here you can calmly stand and reflect on life, without catching on yourself numerous views. It is very convenient that there are prayer signs near each icon. Thus, even without knowing the words of prayer, it is possible to read it.

Location and directions

This temple is located far from the carriageway, so there are few people here who accidentally come here. Getting to him, located at the mouth of the Oka River, is certainly not easy. But this building is worth it.

century of construction alexandro nevsky new fair cathedral

The address at which the Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral is located is Nizhny Novgorod, Strelka Street, 3A. You can get there using public transport, but then you have to walk a bit. And for all questions of interest, you can call: +7 (831) 277-99-26.

The described temple looks very solemn, and everyone who visits this holy place finds peace and ease in the soul.


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