Rest in Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia)

In our country there are many corners that amaze with the beauty of landscapes and are an excellent place for a summer vacation. These include lakes located in the Sharypovo region (Krasnoyarsk Territory). And the city itself and its surroundings can be interesting for lovers of excursions.

How to get there

Usually, they go to the city of Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory) or to the Sharypovsky Lakes from Krasnoyarsk. To do this, you will have to overcome the car first 179 km to Achinsk and turn towards Nazarovo. Having traveled 114 km from Nazarov, tourists will find themselves in Sharypovo. If you intend to immediately go to the lakes without stopping in the city, then you need to go towards the village of Parnaya and after 15 km turn off the main road (at the junction at Goryachegorsk) to a secondary one. Another 6 km of the path, and travelers will be at Lake Lineva, which can be reached from the district center the fastest.

"Tourist" lakes Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

The main thing for which tourists come to these places is rest on the Sharypovskie Lakes. In total, there are from 273 reservoirs in the territory of the region. The largest of them is Lake Beloe with a length of 16 and a width of 5.5 km. The total area of ​​the lake mirror is 52.8 square meters. km, hunting and fishing are allowed on the pond. Another large lake - Bolshoi - is known for its nearby deer farms. In addition, on its shores there are many recreation centers. But the most famous among the lakes Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory) is Lake Ingol, whose water, according to ancient legends, has healing properties. If you believe the stories of local residents, then at times, even in very good weather, strong excitement can suddenly begin on the lake. This is probably due to the strongest vertical currents.

Sharypovo City, Krasnoyarsk Territory: Attractions

If you are going on a beach vacation, you should at least briefly stop in the regional center. Indeed, in Sharypovo and its environs there are many interesting sights. For example, in the city you can see the Holy Trinity Cathedral - one of the most beautiful and largest in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The temple was built in the style of Russian Orthodox architecture of the 16th century and has a height of 47 meters. Of particular interest is the interior design of the cathedral, where murals predominate on the model of the capital's Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Another engineering and architectural miracle is the winter fountain on the artificial reservoir lake of the Berezovskaya state district power station. In addition, in the vicinity of the city, near the village of Orak, travelers will be able to see a unique scribble - images of domestic scenes carved on the plane of a sand tiler, which are more than three thousand years old. Of particular interest is the so-called "scene of torment", in which you can see how the wolf, clinging to the neck of a deer, trying to knock him to the ground. It was this "picture" that made the words "Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia" famous for thousands of scientists from around the world involved in decoding ancient images.

Where to stay

Some tourists prefer to settle in the city and already from there go on excursions to the natural and archaeological sights of the Sharypovsky district. In such cases, it is best to choose as an option for hotel accommodation in Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory). In total, there are about a dozen hotels in the city, designed to accommodate from 20 to 60 guests. Most of them have cafes where travelers can organize their meals. In addition, you can rent houses for several hours or a couple of days, located on the shores of some Sharypov lakes. Well, those who like to relax "savage", usually put up tents. Experienced travelers recommend choosing not a beach, but a forest zone, for example, a birch grove near Lake Ingol, to protect yourself from wind and rain.

Rest on the lakes Sharypovo

The most popular among tourists is Lake Linevo, which, as already mentioned, is located closest to the city and is a favorite vacation spot for Sharpovites. There are several recreation centers along its shores; there is a well-developed infrastructure. Among other things, there are often organized evenings of a song with the participation of famous bards from all over the region. A β€œcivilized” vacation can also be organized on Lake Ingol or Bolshoy, where you can rent a summer house, have fun at a disco or engage in various sports, for example, badminton, tennis, rowing, table tennis, etc. But for those who prefer to spend vacation away from the benefits of civilization, Lake Maloe and Krugloye will do.

Attractions in the vicinity of Sharypov Lakes

To make the rest on the water bodies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory even more interesting, tourists can take walking or car excursions, for example, to the holy spring in the village of Dubinino. They say that at the beginning of the 20th century they found the icon of the Mother of God, and since then the water of this spring has gained miraculous power and began to heal from all diseases. It is also worth seeing a ten-meter waterfall formed by the waters of Lake Krugloye at the place where it flows into Maloe. By the way, it is believed that those who stand under streams falling from a great height will be a couple of years younger.

So, everyone who wants to see the incredible beauty of the scenery and swim in the crystal clear water should come to Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory), where guests will be offered many options for spending their holidays or long weekends.


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