Mysterious AI-nutrition - what is it?

How often do we hear from the co-workers, neighbors, and relatives who came from vacation the mysterious phrase “AI-food”. What it is - not all of us know. However, the overseas abbreviation caresses the ear and causes a burning curiosity. Meanwhile, everything is quite simple. AI is the type of food offered in many resort hotels.

ai nutrition what is it

Features of modern relaxation

Today you will not surprise anyone with a vacation spent outside your own country. The reasons for this are many. The prices there are quite affordable, but the level of service is much better. And to whom of us do not want to see the world, the more travel agencies take on the solution of many issues.

However, for a long time already all progressive mankind has not broken off in a hurry and has carefully planned it. This helps to avoid many unforeseen situations and troubles.

First of all, of course, we are interested in the choice of country and resort. Some stop there. Others specify the entertainment program, the opportunity to go on excursions. And most often choose AI-nutrition. What does this give them?

Firstly, it helps to make the right choice. Secondly, it provides an opportunity to spend a chic vacation and return with a baggage of new, moreover, positive impressions.

Decipher Abbreviations

A huge number of tourist brochures and brochures are full of abbreviations incomprehensible to uninitiated travelers. Among them, AI-nutrition is quite common. What it is?

Let's try to understand these abbreviations so as not to get into a mess and not spoil the long-awaited vacation.

ai type of food

In total, 5 main food classes are distinguished. Information about them is usually indicated immediately after the type of number.

  1. RO, EP, BO, AO, NO. All these reductions indicate that on vacation you will need to take care of the food yourself. That is, the hotel will not feed you.
  2. BB You are only offered breakfast. Moreover, in different hotels the meal is different. You may be served an English breakfast, which is considered full. There are also American and continental breakfasts, called lungs.
  3. HB. Two meals a day (breakfast and dinner or breakfast and lunch).
  4. Fb. Meals 3 times a day.
  5. AI The full name is all inclusive, which means “all inclusive” in translation. That is, you are provided with not only 3 meals a day, but also drinks throughout the day, and lunches, afternoon snacks, barbecue.

What does AI nutrition mean?

As you already understood, with this type of food you do not need to think about where to eat, and you certainly will not stay hungry. However, this type still has subspecies:

  • AI light. Eating 3 times a day and an unlimited number of local drinks at a certain time of the day.
  • Royal AI. Additional meals: lunch, late dinner, afternoon tea.
  • AI hard. In addition to food, you can use the additional services that the hotel offers. For example, pool, sauna, massage.
  • Select AI. You are given the choice of any restaurant that is located on site.

what does food ai mean

From the notebook of experienced tourists

All subtypes of AI are slightly different from each other. In any case, you don’t have to worry about provisions. According to experienced travelers, there are several nuances.

  1. Most often, free meals are offered from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. At night, you have to pay for food. The same applies to imported spirits and freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Each hotel has its own list of services that are provided by the All Inclusive system. It’s better to clarify this moment right away.
  3. When traveling with children, you need to be interested in the features of the children's menu. Most major hotels offer special food for children.

That's all the secrets that AI-power hides in itself. What it is, you now know perfectly well, it means it's time to choose a suitable resort and go on vacation.


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