Commercial real estate is a way of investing and generating income.

Commercial real estate is a room or other object that is acquired for profit and has an appropriate purpose. The rapidly developing and growing megacities, including Moscow, have a high demand for objects of this type. The commercial real estate market is growing annually. It is difficult to find a house under construction or a cottage village, where the project would not have such objects.

commercial real estate is

Types of income from commercial real estate

Residential real estate is less popular than commercial real estate. Moscow has great prospects in generating revenue from such facilities.

With the help of commercial real estate receive active and passive income.

Active is income that requires vigorous activity. In the event of termination of activity, earnings cease.

Passive - income that does not depend on a permanent job and does not require personal presence. It has many advantages and is for many the ultimate dream.

Commercial real estate is an opportunity to receive passive income.

How to make money on commercial real estate

They earn money on commercial real estate, engaged in the acquisition and further sale of objects. But this is associated with certain risks.

This kind of activity is better not to carry out during a crisis and instability. Instead of making a profit, you can get one loss. In addition, for the rapid sale of commercial real estate requires widespread and active advertising.

The second common way to make money is to use commercial real estate. You can buy a house or building, open a store in it and receive a steady income. Or rent out the property, which will be a passive income and associated with less trouble. The amount of profit depends on the size of the object: the larger it is, the higher the income.

commercial real estate moscow

When selling real estate, you need to draw up and sign documents. Lease of the object is not provided.

What to look for when buying a commercial property

Commercial real estate - these are objects, when buying which it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • Legal cleanliness. Before purchasing an object, it is mandatory to check for restrictions.
  • Objectivity of the declared price. Monitoring of the real estate market must be carried out constantly, since price fluctuations can affect the value at the time of transaction.
  • The presence of a full package of documents. Also, checking the absence of payment arrears will be useful.
  • Where is the commercial property located? Moscow is replete with multi-story office centers that are designed to do business. However, the rent for a facility located in the center is several times higher than a similar one located in the suburbs. The central part of the city and developed infrastructure will increase rent several times .
  • The area of ​​the room. When buying, it requires more costs, but when renting it brings more income.
  • The presence of parking and convenient entrances, storage and other premises. Actual for objects purchased for shops or offices.

commercial real estate market

There are situations when a commercial real estate object is being sold, the land of which does not correspond to the intended purpose of such an object. For example, retail premises are located on lands of industrial importance.

In this case, the planned period for paperwork will increase, since it is necessary to change the purpose of the site, and only then draw up the right of ownership.

Commercial real estate.

These include:

  • office rooms and entire buildings;
  • warehouses;
  • hotels and rest houses;
  • shops, boutiques, shopping centers;
  • garages, service stations, car washes;
  • cafes, restaurants and so on.

Anyone who believes that commercial real estate is an exclusively non-residential building is wrong. Residential premises can also be attributed to commercial, if the owner has acquired it and leases it.

Bidding as a way of acquiring commercial real estate

It is no secret that the market value of commercial real estate is not limited to tens of millions of rubles.

Anyone who realizes all the benefits of earning from commercial real estate, but does not have such funds, is looking for alternative ways to acquire it.

Bankruptcy bidding has recently become particularly popular for buying commercial real estate.

Very often, commercial real estate is put up for auction, their prices are minimal. A public offer makes their value lower each time. There are precedents when objects went under the hammer for 5 thousand rubles. The uniqueness of sales of commercial real estate through tendering is that after the lapse of time the price of a lot decreases on completely legal grounds. You can wait for the most reasonable price and then buy the object you like.

commercial real estate

This is a real life buoy for those who have decided to engage in commercial real estate, but are short of money.

There is one drawback: you should not hope that an object purchased at auction cheaply immediately starts to generate income with five- or six-digit numbers.


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