The future of smartphones: forecasts and concepts

Smartphones today are a mirror reflecting the most innovative technologies. Already now they are “able” to perform so many diverse tasks that they truly amaze the imagination. But smartphones of the future will become truly fantastic devices, the capabilities of which today can be reflected only in the wildest fantasies. In this article we will share with you the most amazing and promising forecasts about the future of these devices.

Three amazing new opportunities

The future of smartphones, of course, lies in the introduction of fundamentally new features and capabilities. Consider the most amazing of them:

  • Biometric features. Our smartphones have already "learned" to distinguish the owner by fingerprint - as you remember, the well-known Apple Corporation presented this innovation. But this is not the limit at all - in the future devices will be able to recognize us by facial features. The same Apple is working on a new fingerprint sensor - user retina identification. And Lenovo smartphones are already able to determine their owner by voice (Baidu-Lenovo A586 model, already available in China).
  • Thermogram. Speaking about what will be the smartphone of the future, we note that he will "learn" to see in the thermal range, receive thermal photos and videos. Although such devices will be of interest only to a narrow audience of specialists (for finding places with high humidity, determining the location of pipe leaks, finding wiring defects), it is possible that the developers will make this function interesting for most, adding a night vision function to the smartphone.
  • Personal doctor. Many at one time were struck by the Samsung Galaxy S5, equipped with a heart rate monitor. But in the future this is not the limit. Apple and Samsung have received or are seeking to obtain a patent for the following amazing options: calculating the percentage of body fat, a predictor of a heart attack, a smart bracelet that measures body temperature and heart rate.

the future of smartphones

What will be the "iron"

Those who are interested in the future of Windows, Samsung, iPhone, Lenovo, etc. smartphones are also curious about the “stuffing” of new gadgets. Intel Corporation assures reporters that in 5-10 years it will be able to introduce a 48-core processor for these devices. 3D video, multi-speed smart search, voice assistant that predicts your desires - this is only a small part of what a gadget with such hardware can offer.

Fantastic nanoscreens

We are in a hurry to inform you that in the future gadgets will become a pass to virtual reality in which even the most picky eye will not find an unfortunate partition of the image into pixels - the resolution of the screens of smartphones of the future will exceed 4K! It will be possible to enjoy a world that can replace the real one with colorfulness by wearing a special face mask. Steps to a new reality are palpable today - on the shelves of stores it is possible to find devices whose screen resolution exceeds 2K.

It is also known that Amazon is currently working on a “smart” with a 3D screen. Its advantage is that the technology allows you to enjoy three-dimensional three-dimensional image without special 3D glasses.

smartphones of the future

All familiar displays may concede to projections on large-scale planes. This unusual option can already be tested by owners of Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Pro tablets. The sound capabilities are not far behind - the sound from the speakers will amaze you in the future with stereo and even quad-volume. Therefore, it is likely that each of the futuristic devices will become, to some extent, a personal pocket cinema.

Case - transparent, flexible, stronger than steel

The concept of the smartphone of the future will be directly related to the achievements of Russian scientists. In 2010, Konstantin Novoselov and Andrei Game were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of such material as graphene. It has a lot of amazing qualities: flexibility, transparency, extraordinary strength (100 times stronger than steel), insensitive to the effects of most liquids and gases. It was he who was noticed as the future material for his creations by Apple, Microsoft, and Samsung. The very first graphene devices should be expected no sooner than in three years.

smartphone of the future photo

Developers are also preparing us for qualitatively new forms of the device case. Already presented curved Samsung Galaxy Round. The new form also brings a new Roll Effect option - with a certain tilt, the phone will show the time and date. The same Samsung promises that in the future, its devices can be twisted, bent, wrapped around a hand like a bracelet or put on a face like glasses. Of course, these manipulations will not only be performed for fun - each particular bend will perform a function: viewing email, receiving a notification signal, etc.

Management features

Smartphones of the future, the photos of which are presented in this article, will not allow your hands to freeze in the cold season - you can use them with gloves, not even touch ones. For fans of pushing buttons, they promise to introduce Tactus technology - the touch screen will rise and fall under your fingers. A very bold statement from leading manufacturers was voiced - devices in the future can be controlled without material contact - with a look, virtual touch, or even the power of thought.

Smartphone camera concepts

It is not surprising that future smartphones will have a fundamentally different camera. A new standard, which, incidentally, device manufacturers are already starting to implement in their development, will be a dual camera. One of its sensors will be responsible for the color image, the other for black and white. This will allow you to get better and richer images.

It is also possible that smartphones of the future will generally be released without cameras. That is, without traditional cameras, mechanically duplicating the image on the screen. Scientists plan to "teach" a smartphone to recognize objects. Neural networks, navigation tools, special programs and machine learning will help him in this. As a result, having recognized the orange, your “smart” will photograph it as a perfect orange, regardless of the quality of lighting and the presence of other interference. The same with portraits. You can ask the device the best expression of your face, and he will copy it in different variations to your selfies.

smartphone concept of the future

Already today Google and Apple are “teaching” their devices to take their first steps in this fantastic direction. Phones are able to recognize faces and objects in photographs taken and, according to this, sort the latter into the corresponding albums. In the future, devices will be able to do this in real time. The neural network will also help the smartphone instantly rid the photo of interference, unnecessary details, filling the vacated space with a suitable texture.

It is possible that by analyzing your location, time of day and year, weather conditions, as well as having studied the millionth photo base from this place, the gadget will be able to offer you the best angle and pose for your picture.

Data transfer options

The fastest mobile Internet today is LTE (4G). The network allows you to transfer data at a speed of 75 Mbps. However, for what will replace smartphones in the future, these are truly ridiculous numbers. Recently, the Korean corporation Samsung has tested a new 5G-technology that allows you to transfer information at a speed of 10 Gb / s. In other words, you can download a movie in HD quality with its help in just a few seconds. Samsung plans to start massively introducing technology in Korea by 2020.

future smartphone news

Progress prepares us for the fact that the future of smartphones is, among other things, replacing a wallet, a bank card, a ticket, car keys, an apartment, and even a passport. All this diversity will provide the development of NFC data technology. It allows smart devices to exchange necessary data only when they are in close proximity to each other. We can already see the first steps in the field of cashless payments - the same Apple Pay system.

Charge the battery in 10 seconds

As you know, time will become the main currency of the future. Therefore, it is not worth wasting an hour, or even two, to charge your gadget. By the way, already in 2015, many phone models were able to charge in half an hour. But for smartphones of the next generation, these are ridiculous numbers.

Back in 2014, the Israeli StoreDot Corporation patented a technology that allows you to charge your gadget in seconds. Surprisingly, it was based on the properties of the molecules of the family of peptides responsible for Alzheimer's disease in humans. These tiny elements of matter have an incredible ability to store energy.

StoreDot planned to mass distribute its nanobatteries back in 2016, but as they say, things are still there. The company also announced an important drawback of its invention - it discharges 30% faster than conventional lithium-ion batteries. The developers of the latter also do not stand still. ROHM, Aquafairy, Kyoto University are already working on new batteries, whose energy consumption will increase significantly due to hydrogen molecules. And the University of Illinois is working on a new concept for a lithium-ion battery, whose capacity will be 2,000 times more modern, and the charging speed will increase 1,000 times! It will be possible to evaluate the development in 2020.

To charge the battery in the near future will not need wires. Pioneers with this innovation are already released by Sony. However, wireless charging in them is a bit arbitrary - you need a special mat at a certain distance.

Built-in SIM Cards - No Roaming

Before us was the evolution of the usual "sims" to micro- and even nanoscale. But apparently this is not the end. Scientists tell us that we can’t even see the SIM cards of the future with the naked eye - a specialist can install this part on your gadget only with the help of special magnifying devices.

what will be the smartphone of the future

In addition, the flagships behind the future of smartphones - Apple and Samsung - share plans for the development of e-SIM. Such a SIM card will not need to be bought and inserted into your smartphone - its architecture will certainly include this detail. The advantages of this SIM card are as follows:

  • You can choose your favorite carrier in the settings of your device;
  • switching between tariffs, options will take a couple of clicks in the same settings;
  • the abolition of roaming as such - on the trip it will be enough just to switch to local operators.

The introduction of the invention to the masses is expected in 2018.

What will happen to accessories

Until recently, leading corporations sought to offer the necessary arsenal of additional gadgets designed to expand the capabilities of the smartphone - headphones, virtual reality glasses, smart watches. Devices of the future will not need all this cumbersome accompaniment.

But the wireless headset will not leave us soon. It is planned to increase the power of its battery, improve sound quality, minimize size. But with covers, bumpers, most likely, you will have to say goodbye, even to those that make an interactive pair with a smartphone or have a built-in power bank: their capabilities will simply become irrelevant.

What will replace the smartphone

Future models of smartphones will supplant the tablets that many have become fond of - they will be something between the phone and this device, and will become the so-called phablet. Maybe some models will combine a “smart” and an e-book: on the one side of the device there will be a full-color screen, and on the other, an “electronic ink” display. It is very likely that the smartphone of the future will be modular - the buyer will be able to assemble his gadget, as a designer, from a set of modules interesting to him. The first such models, by the way, are already available - Project Ara.

future smartphones windows

In the future, a smartphone will help us to say goodbye to PCs and laptops forever - you only need to put the device on the docking station, connect a keyboard, mouse and, if necessary, a widescreen monitor. The first steps in this direction are already being taken by Canonical, which released in 2013 the Ubuntu OS, which works equally well on phones, PCs, and tablets. Windows 10 has similar qualities.

Having familiarized with these stunning announcements, we can only wait for their speedy implementation and hope for their financial availability.


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