How to make lily of the valley from beads. Beadwork Patterns

Flowers created from beads fascinate with their beauty, brightness and realism. They make the interior of any living room warmer and more comfortable, creating a special romantic mood. Lilies of the valley are especially tender and charming.

beaded lilies of the valley

These spring flowers are easy to make with your own hands, even without the skills to work with bugles. In this article, we will present a simple and understandable master class on making a delicate composition of snow-white flowers. In order to make this amazingly beautiful decorative thing, you only need your desire and some free time.

Lily of the valley from beads: a master class with photos

To make a bouquet of delicate forest flowers, you will need to prepare some supplies and tools, including:

  • green beads (No. 10) - 60 g;
  • white beads (No. 10) - 40 g;
  • thin wire (0.3 mm);
  • thicker wire (1 mm);
  • green thread floss;
  • a small vase;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

You may also need a small piece of polystyrene or alabaster. We advise you to purchase Czech glass beads for weaving flowers and jewelry. It is inexpensive and at the same time characterized by a fairly high quality. Unlike Chinese-made Czech beads, they generally have the same shape and size, so itโ€™s much more convenient to work with them. And besides, they retain their rich color and pleasant shine for a long time, without fading over time.

beaded lilies of the valley master class
After purchasing all the materials and preparing the workplace, you can proceed to the execution of a delicate and beautiful craft made from lilies of the valley beads . How to do it - we will tell further.

The first stage of work: we create buds

First, we will make buds and flowers of lily of the valley. To do this, we will rely on the technique of flat parallel weaving. The principle of operation is simple. We will prepare white beads and cut a wire of sufficient length (15-20 cm). Weaving the first petal of the bud will be performed as follows. First, we draw three beads on the wire that will form the first and second row. Pull them to the middle of the wire and pass one end of it (towards the other) through two beads. So we will form the first two rows of petals. Then we put three beads on one end of the wire, and two on the other. It remains to fix the petal of the bud. To do this, we will extend one end of the wire (with less glass beads) into the third bead, towards the second end. All - the first workpiece is done.

beadwork lilies of the valley

We also need to make four of the same bud petals. To do this, again take a small piece of wire and string three beads on it. We form the first two rows. Next, insert one end of the wire into the two side beads of the first petal. And on the second we string three more beads. Thread the end of the wire, attached to the first petal, into the third bead of the second segment. It turns out two petals connected together. By analogy, we make three more such "details", fastening them together. The ends of the working wire of the last petal are threaded through the beads of the first and fourth petals, thereby forming a bud. We fix the ends of all wires. That's all, the first lily of the valley bud is made. On one stalk 3-4 buds will be located. If you plan to make a bouquet, weave another 18-20 such elements.

The second stage of work: weaving flowers

From beads, lilies of the valley (inflorescences) we will create almost in the same way as the buds, again using the parallel weaving technique. The difference in their weaving is only that, creating the third row of the flowerโ€™s petal, one should not string two or three beads, but three or four. In this case, the fourth bead will fix the ends of the working wires. We hope you do not have any difficulties with the implementation of inflorescences. In total, we need about 6-7 such elements to create one branch of lily of the valley. If you want to create a lush bouquet, we advise you to perform a sufficient number of inflorescences (about 30-35 pcs.).

The third stage of work: we fix the buds and flowers on the stems

When all the details are ready, we take a thicker wire and attach several buds and then lily of the valley flowers to it from above. Try to fix the elements on one side of the branch and direct the "heads" of flowers down. It is advisable to maintain a uniform distance between the elements. Remember that the lower the flower is located on the stem, the longer the peduncle should be. Then we decorate the stem with green floss threads. If necessary, they can be fixed with a small amount of PVA glue. After manufacturing the first, by analogy, we carry out several more branches.

lily of the valley bead photo

The fourth stage of work: we perform leaves from beads

Lilies of the valley are decorated with large, dark green leaves of a wide elliptical shape with a pointed tip. In order to make them as realistic as possible, we suggest you use the French axial technique. For greater clarity, we present you schemes for beadwork of leaves.

beaded lilies of the valley diagram
For work, prepare a wire about 60 cm long. At one end, make a small loop. Twist the wire under it several times. String enough green beads on the axis (to make a โ€œtrackโ€ 6 cm long). Bend the wire at a distance of about 20 cm and twist it by 1 cm. Next, perform three arcs, not forgetting to increase the beads. Now make one arc equal to half the length of the part. This will make the sheet wider in the center. Then weave two more long arcs and fix them, leaving the stalk. That's it - we have one sheet of beads ready. Lilies of the valley will look beautiful in a bouquet framed by several such leaves. Therefore, we advise you to make a few more of the same wide and long elements.

The final stage of work: the design of the bouquet

Take ready-made stems and attach leaves to them. Decorate the places where the wires are fastened with green floss threads so that there are no ugly gaps left. Here we have such tender and spring lilies of the valley made of beads (photo in the article).

patterns for beadwork
Give the bouquet a realistic shape. Congratulations - weaving is finished with beads, lilies of the valley are ready! It remains only to come up with a beautiful design for our floral arrangement. For example, you can put a bouquet in a small vase. If the container has a too wide neck, use a piece of foam. Fix the stems of lilies of the valley in it and place it on the bottom of the vase. If you do not have polystyrene, take gypsum and dilute it with water. Pour the mixture into a vase and insert a bouquet. So your composition will stand well and keep in shape. Gypsum can be decorated with decorative pebbles, glass beads or fabric. Now you know how to make beautiful lily of the valley from beads. We hope you enjoyed the workshop and came in handy. Creative success!


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