Quilling Easter Egg. Do-it-yourself easter egg

The quilling technique allows you to make amazingly beautiful eggs for Easter. In addition to them, you will need colored paper, glue and a wooden toothpick. These are all items that are necessary to realize interesting ideas using quilling. The Easter egg will turn into a real work of art and become the subject of your pride.

How to make an egg

It’s easy to make such a beautiful craft yourself. You can buy an egg blank or make one yourself. If you want to use the second option, then you will need newspapers. They need to be wrinkled and lowered for several minutes in water. From this begins the Easter quilling.

When they get wet, wring out, removing excess moisture, and form an egg from them. Put it in a bowl and put it in a warm place until it dries completely. After that, you will have to prime the surface of the workpiece with white acrylic paint, then cover with PVA glue and allow to dry.

Now the quilling itself begins. The Easter egg will soon turn out to be as beautiful as in the photo. For this you need to prepare the necessary.

Sample No. 1 - for beginners

quilling easter egg

If you want to decorate the blank with pink-blue elements, take double-sided paper of such colors. In addition to it, you will need a thin iron ruler and stationery glue. Cutting thin strips with scissors is inconvenient, so here we do not need them.

Attach the ruler to the straight edge of the blue paper. Step away from it 2-3 mm, cut a thin tape with a clerical knife. Move the ruler and cut the next strip of the same width. You will need approximately 150 strips. If you do not want to cut so much, do less. Then you do not decorate everything, but part of the egg, laying a picture on its surface. If you want to have not only small, but also large flowers, then cut out strips of pink paper. Glue some ribbons of this color to the blue stripes.

We continue not difficult, but painstaking work

Wrap paper tapes on a toothpick, then slightly loosen the resulting spiral, glue its free end to the base. So make all the paper parts.

quilling easter egg

Now you can start decorating the workpiece using the quilling technique. The Easter egg will turn out as shown in the photo, if you stick on the newspaper blank just made elements, looking at the prompt. To do this, glue large pink-blue spirals in the form of flowers on the sharp and dull end of the egg, on its sides . Fill the space between it with blue blanks. Let the craft dry, after which it can decorate the Easter table.

The second idea - we start with an egg

easter eggs quilling master class

If you want to reproduce more intricate patterns, then you need paper in pink, green, red, yellow. You will make such a craft even faster than the first, since here you do not need to make many elements. In addition, there is no need to tinkering the workpiece, take a chicken egg, but first boil it hard boiled. To prevent the shell from breaking, remove the egg from the refrigerator before cooking and let it warm at room temperature. Then salt the water well, then the shell will not burst.

While the boiled egg cools in cold water, we will make decoration elements using the quilling technique. The description of this process begins right now.

Decorating a boiled egg

You can buy strips that are designed for this type of needlework, or make them yourself. If you prefer to tinker everything from start to finish on your own, then lay a sheet of 2-sided pink paper in front of you and, as described above, cut several strips 3 mm wide.

Of them, turning on a toothpick, make a few spirals. Do not forget to glue the free end to make the figures complete. Now each spiral needs to be given a slightly different shape. It can be a drop, a bird’s foot, or a curved drop. The following section will explain in more detail how to make these and other basic elements of the quilling technique. You can decorate an Easter egg with any of them.

do-it-yourself easter eggs quilling

In the meantime, slightly loosen the twisted spiral, squeeze it on one side so that the inner curls slightly unfold. You got a “drop”. Glue this element to the egg and several similar ones next to it.

To make a flower stalk, cut a strip of green 3 mm thick, 15 cm long. Screw it onto a toothpick or needle spirally, placing the subsequent curl under the previous one. From the same paper, cut out semicircular leaves, glue these parts of the flower into place.

This is how you can decorate Easter eggs with your own hands.

Quilling - basic elements

They will help you find new ideas for the design of Easter paraphernalia. How to make a “spiral” and “a drop” was described above, now about how to make an element called “bird's foot”, or, as it is also called, “cross”. It is also made from a "spiral." Loosen it a little, give the shape of a triangle. Do not clearly indicate one of the corners. Pull the opposite side towards it, press on it with your finger so that the straight line becomes concave.

quilling description

If you are making an Easter egg using the quilling technique according to the above pattern, this and the following elements will come in handy.

The “arrow” will turn out from a weakened spiral, from which you also first form a triangle, and then you pull two of its corners together and press them with your fingers to fix it.

The heart will look very touching. You can present an Easter egg decorated with it to your loved one. Divide the thin ribbon of paper in half. Twist from opposite ends in a spiral. Leave a small distance between these shapes so that the bend turns into the center of the heart. Fasten the two spirals at the top with glue.

The “S” element is almost the same done, only the upper spiral is slightly smaller than the lower one. When almost twisting together, turn the top to the right and the bottom to the left.

How to make leaves

An Easter egg in the quilling technique looks beautiful, where elements decorated in the form of a flower are adjacent to those that look like leaves. To make the latter, slightly stretch the spiral in opposite directions, squeeze each of the two resulting corners. Define one of them more clearly - this is the top of the sheet. The second let it be semicircular, bend it slightly to the left.

Armed with such useful knowledge, you can easily make other voluminous Easter eggs.

Quilling, master class

Cut green strips, twist tight spirals out of them, glue them, laying in the form of ovals, from one and the other side of the egg. If you want these blanks, as in the photo, to have a dark green core, glue these beads on these places.

easter quilling

From the orange paper ribbons, twist the “S” elements, glue them inside and outside the green ovals.

Now you need to make roses. To do this, wind a strip of orange on a toothpick. Make 2 turns - this is the core of the flower. Now twist the paper tape. Make each turn two such folds - on opposite sides of the flower.

Before sticking roses, make long “leaves” from long stripes of green. Glue them first, then the roses, after which your Easter eggs will be ready. Quilling (the master class of this technique presented in the article helped you master an interesting type of needlework) allows you to create a real miracle from simple materials!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13992/

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