Sights of Tashkent: description, excursions, reviews of tourists

Tashkent is one of the most ancient cities of Central Asia. Its history goes back more than two thousand years. At different times, the city had different names Chach, Dzhadzh, Binokent, Chachkent, Shashken. He acquired his current name in the 11th century. For tourists, the sights of Tashkent will be interesting. We want to talk about them in our article.

A bit of history ...

The history of Tashkent is amazing and unforgettable. They first spoke of him at the end of the XI century, since the city was at the intersection of trade routes. Tashkent has always been the desired prey of many militant tribes. Since ancient times, it was part of various states and khanates that existed on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. In the middle of the XIX century, Tashkent was annexed to the Russian Empire.

In 1966, the city was almost completely destroyed by a strong earthquake. Very quickly he was rebuilt. Since then, Tashkent has evolved from an ordinary eastern city into a modern metropolis. Now the city is considered one of the most beautiful in Asia.

Dzhanbas-Kala fortress

Janbas-Kala is one of the ancient sights of Tashkent. The fortress was erected during the time of Ancient Khorezm. It has a rectangular shape (dimensions are 200 * 170 m). The fortress has survived to our days in very good condition, since its walls have been covered with dunes for centuries.

The height of the fortifications reaches ten meters, which indicates the scale of the structure. There is no doubt among historians that the fortress was built as a defensive complex. The main feature of the fortification is the fact that it has absolutely no corner towers, which is not typical for eastern buildings. In the center of the fortress there is a central street, on the sides of which residential blocks are built, divided into small houses.

Monuments in Tashkent

For several centuries, the fortress reflected the attacks of nomads. But in the first century AD, enemies nevertheless, with the help of a ram, broke the wall and captured the city. Since then, the fortifications have been empty and destroyed by winds and rains, gradually only ruins remained from former greatness.

Museum of History

Many tourists will be interested in museums in Tashkent. One of them is the State Museum of the History of Temurids, opened in 1996 in honor of Tamerlane - the founder of the dynasty. It is located in the very center of the city, in a building with a high blue dome, which combines modern elements with medieval traditions.

Museums in Tashkent

Inside the museum is richly decorated with gold leaf. The highlight of the institution is a crystal chandelier, the height of which reaches 8.5 meters. The museum funds consist of valuable exhibits, among which there are ancient finds. In total, the exposition consists of 4 thousand items. Among them are jewelry, manuscripts, jewelry, sculptures, paintings and much more.

Art gallery

Of the large number of attractions in Tashkent, it is worth highlighting the gallery of fine art. It was opened not so long ago, in 2004. Her collections contain a large collection of twentieth-century art and contemporary works. Among them are canvases of various directions and schools, including prominent artists of Uzbekistan.

The gallery also houses an extensive numismatic collection, which presents the rarest coins from all over Central Asia. The funds contain more than a thousand works of art and 2.5 thousand coins. The museum building consists of 15 rooms equipped with modern technology.

Tv tower

Of the interesting structures of our time, one can distinguish the Tashkent TV tower. It is impossible not to notice, because it is perfectly visible from any area of ​​the city. The height of the tower is 375 meters. In Central Asia, there is no higher structure than the Tashkent TV tower, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a city. The center is equipped with modern equipment and provides television and radio broadcasting in several areas.

Tashkent TV tower

The television tower is equipped with a viewing platform at a height of 94 meters. From such a high point, a stunning panorama of Tashkent opens. Tourists are brought to the observation deck by high-speed elevators. Guests can also visit the revolving restaurant, located at an altitude of 104 meters. Not so long ago, the tower celebrated its anniversary - 25 years. At one time, it was built in a very prominent area of ​​the city. Since the city is located in a seismically dangerous region, technologies were used during the construction, thanks to which the tower is able to withstand an earthquake with a power of 9 points. An excursion group works in the television center, which can tell a lot of interesting things from the history of the tower construction.


A must-see place should be the Tashkent Circus. Its history dates back more than a hundred years, despite the fact that in its usual form it has existed since 1976. The origin of circus art began in the region at the end of the 19th century. During this period, performances of Russian and European artists were held here. Then in a number of cities appeared semi-stationary big tops that looked like bright tents. The first real circus in the city appeared in 1914. It would continue to exist successfully, but was destroyed during the earthquake in 1966.

Tashkent circus

Ten years later, the circus was rebuilt. It is located on Khadr. The big blue dome of the circus is visible from afar. Before the appearance of the new building, artists performed at temporary venues. With the acquisition of the premises, circus art has reached a new level. The troupe of artists not only pleases with the performances of local residents, but also tours with their numbers in 30 countries of Europe and Asia.

Minor Mosque

Tourists can be advised to see the Minor Mosque in Tashkent. A new architectural landmark appeared in the city recently, in 2014. The majestic temple is located on the coast of the Anchor Canal. He immediately gained the status of one of the most important spiritual centers of the country. Locals call the temple "White Mosque" because it is lined with snow-white marble. On sunny days, it seems that the building is illuminated from the inside.

It is made in the characteristic Uzbek style and is designed for 2400 people. The building has four minarets, a two-story prayer hall and several terraces decorated with carved columns, as well as a courtyard. The interior of the temple reminds of its recent construction, since modern decoration materials were used in the work. The rest in the design of the building used traditional Central Asian jewelry.

Theater named after Alisher Navoi

Bolshoi Theater. Alisher Navoi is the pride of the country, because it is the only such institution in the territory of Southeast and Central Asia.

He once appeared on the basis of the Uzbek musical theater, underwent many transformations and association with other troupes, and only in 1948 he was named Alisher Navoi. Over the years, the theater has toured abroad more than once, took part in international festivals and interesting projects. Famous foreign guests also appear on its stage.

Tour of Tashkent

At the initial stages of the formation of the theater, the collective did not have their own building. And national architects had no experience in the construction of such institutions, where many spectators could be gathered. A national competition was announced, during which they chose the best building design. Construction began in 1939, but was then interrupted at the beginning of the war. After a turning point during the offensive operations of the army, construction continued, and in 1945 the work was completed.

The theater building has its own characteristics. Inside, there are six foyers, each of which is made in the style of one of the regions of Uzbekistan. In front of the building is a beautiful color music fountain, which can be considered an adornment of the entire architectural ensemble.


Currently, Tashkent is a modern city with many attractions. One of them, according to residents, is the Tashkent metro. Its construction was started after the restoration of the city after a terrible earthquake. The population of the capital grew rapidly and the need arose to establish a transport network. Gradually, station by station was built. The construction was completed in 1991. Over the years, two lines of the Tashkent metro were built. Ten years later, a third was opened.

Tashkent metro

Now there are 29 stations in the city, each of which is made in a unique architectural style. No less interesting is the lighting. At some stations it is incredibly bright, while at others it is completely dim. The air conditioning system maintains a comfortable temperature in the metro.

Monuments of the city

There are monuments in any city, and Tashkent has not become an exception. On its squares and streets you can see many sculptures, among which the Courage monument deserves attention. He was put in memory of the terrible events of 1966. The monument is a composition of a black cube with a crack and the figures of a woman with a child, which are covered by a man. On one side of the cube, a date and a clock are carved with the time of the onset of a major earthquake. Relief compositions telling about the restoration of Tashkent are located next to the monument. The monument serves as a silent reminder of the tragic events of past years.

Of the newer monuments, the most famous can be called: the monument to the Happy Mother and the monument of Independence. The latter was erected in 1992, and is a symbol of a new country. Later, in 2006, the complex was supplemented by the figure of a mother with a child. Gradually, a tradition arose of laying flowers at the monument on public holidays.

Mosque Mirza Yusuf

Another attraction of the city is the mosque Mirza Yusuf, built in the 80s of the XIX century. After the revolution, the hostel was in the building. And in 1943, the mosque again passed into the hands of Muslims, prayers began to take place here again. The mosque building did not die during the earthquake. For over a hundred years it has been open to people.

Museums in Tashkent

In recent years, reconstruction work has begun in the mosque, so it has significantly changed. The interiors are widely used elements of folk wood carvings. On Fridays, an incredible number of people are rushing to the mosque, hurrying from different areas.

Botanical Garden

The Tashkent Botanical Garden was founded in 1943, during the war. Its area is 68 hectares. Tashkent park is the largest in Central Asia. Since its foundation, painstaking work has been carried out to grow crops from different parts of the world. The botanical garden contains more than 4,500 shrubs, trees, flowers, vines and other plants. Among them are quite a few rare representatives.

Minor mosque in Tashkent

Due to the unique climate of the region and its own microclimate of the garden, it is possible to successfully grow plants from various climatic zones. Conventionally, the garden is divided into five parts, in which characteristic representatives of different parts of the world are located - East and Central Asia, North America, Europe, the Far East. In addition to the plants that are here under the open sky, there are also nurseries, greenhouses, greenhouses in which exotics from the tropics and subtropics grow.

The botanical garden is beautiful at any time of the year. In spring, it is immersed in the aroma of flowers and herbs; in summer, the park is cool. Even in winter, when the plants are already sleeping, a walk in the garden is simply fascinating. Guests and tourists who decide to visit the park are completely delighted with what they saw.

City Tours

Local travel agencies offer a variety of tours in Tashkent. Among them there is also a review program that allows you to learn a lot about such a beautiful place in one day. During the tour, tourists are taken to the Old City, where the Hast Imam (religious center of the city) is located. Here guests visit the Tilla-Sheikh mosque, Barak Khan madrasah, mausoleum, Islamic Institute. Then tourists walk along one of the oldest bazaars of the city - Chorsu. After the guests take the metro to Amir Timur Square, visit the Museum of Applied Arts and Independence Square. Different guides offer approximately the same list of attractions, but they may have slight differences. In general, any one-day tour allows you to explore the most interesting places in Tashkent.

Instead of an afterword

According to tourists, the sights of Tashkent deserve to be seen live. Incredibly colorful city will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition to stunning historical monuments, you should definitely visit the local circus, theater and the botanical garden. If you are not a fan of antiquity, you will definitely like modern sights.


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