What is a counter? Device, types, application

Today it is rarely possible to meet a person whose apartment is not equipped with water metering devices. There is no need to talk about electric meters; energy is not supplied without such a device at all. Also, many install such appliances on gas, heating. Such an action is not yet mandatory, but the need for savings dictates its own rules. What are counters, what types of them can be found on the shelves of Russian stores and how their principle of operation is the same - this will be discussed in today's article.

Gas flow meters quickly pay for themselves

What is a meter

A meter is a device that can convert the flow rate to a numerical value, according to which payment will be charged according to the tariff rate. Such devices may vary by area of ​​use. The following types of flow meters are available:

  • electricity;
  • hot and cold water;
  • gas;
  • gigacalories - installed in the heating system.

Such metering devices are used for domestic needs, however, there is equipment of an industrial type that can work with large volumes. Such counters are installed in the cellars of multi-apartment buildings and are called common houses.

Old disk counters are a thing of the past

Design differences metering devices

Here you can also distinguish several types. The simplest and cheapest devices can only calculate how much energy or fluid is consumed. If you pay attention to more expensive devices, then among them you can see the transmitting meters, which do not require a monthly reading by the owner himself. Data is automatically displayed in your account on the website of the supplier company or UK.

If we compare the meter for water and heating, then their designs are radically different. If a disk rotates in a hot water and cold water meter under pressure, which creates a magnetic field and transfers it to an electronic microcircuit or an analog dial, then the situation is different with batteries. A device installed at the coolant inlet to the radiator reads the temperature. The second sensor, connected to the device by a wire, reads data from the output. Based on the difference in indicators, the microprocessor performs calculations, displaying the consumption of gigacalories on the display. These data can also be transferred to the management company by the owner or automatically, via the Internet.

It is such water flow meters that are more common than others

Differences of metering devices by the method of information output

In order to make it easier to deal with this issue, it makes sense to consider it on the example of various types of electric meters. The most common today are induction devices with an analog dial. Their popularity is due to their low cost with almost absolute reliability. The problem can only be called the fact that they are all able to take into account only one tariff. Therefore, if the owner needs to take into account the consumption of electric energy at a preferential price (nightly), such a device will not suit him. In this case, it is necessary to purchase a different type - electronic meters with a higher cost, capable of switching from one tariff to another at a certain time of the day. Almost all such models are transmitting.

Electronic models are equipped with a liquid crystal display, which displays information about the current date and time, consumption, both instant and for the entire period of operation, as well as what tariff is currently in effect.

Installation locations for metering devices

It all depends on what kind of meter is meant and how it is installed. For example, if it comes to a gigacalor consumption meter, then there are 2 options - installing a meter on each radiator or arranging with neighbors and placing devices on the top floor. In this case, the total expense will be divided by all. Despite the fact that the cost of such devices is quite high (from 8000 rubles), they quickly pay off. Indeed, subject to good insulation of apartments, radiator taps will almost always be covered. In addition, the overrun recorded by the house meters will not concern those with their own installed.

Electric metering devices are most often installed on the stairwell, although some owners transfer these meters to the apartment. In fact, there is no difference. The only thing that is not very convenient when the device is at home is the need to provide access to the controllers to check the seals and the correct operation of the device.

Electronic water meters in Russia are not yet widespread

Water meters are mandatory mounted inside the home, in the immediate vicinity of one of the points of the fence. It can be a sink with a faucet, a shower cabin or a drain tank in the bathroom.

How many meters should be in the apartment

Here a lot depends on the number of rooms and connected equipment. For example, if 1 electric meter is installed on an ordinary apartment, then in the absence of gas supply, a second one can be installed. Tariffs for such metering devices are usually lower. The second counter is connected separately to a socket for an electric stove, hob, oven.

The number of water meters depends on the area of ​​the apartment. For a one-room, with one riser, two metering devices are installed - one at a hot water supply and a hot water supply. Standard “two”, “three” - 4 devices.

The average apartment is equipped with six devices:

  • HVS - 2 pcs.;
  • DHW - 2 pcs.,
  • electricity meter;
  • gas flow meter.

Devices for heating systems in Russia are still not very common. If you want to install them, you will need to calculate the number of radiators (in an apartment building). For private sectors, everything is simpler - you need only one gigacalor meter.

Bypass or trick counters: is it possible

In Russia, it was always considered quite natural if a person is trying to pay less than it really should be. Previously, it was easy to stop the counters or even reverse them so that the readings did not increase, but decrease. Now to do this has become quite problematic.

Increasingly, people are choosing multi-tariff meters.

Old electricity meters with a third accuracy class had a very serious vulnerability. "Craftsmen" interchanged the input and output phase wires, as a result of which the counter disk began to spin in the opposite direction. Modern devices have no such problem. Regardless of the connection order, they will work as usual.

Water meters of the first generation were easily stopped with an ordinary ferrite magnet. Newer models have ceased to respond to such a weak field, however, let us again recall the character of Russian people. Neodymium magnets appeared on sale, capable of stopping the rotation of the disk inside the counter.

However, utilities are not asleep. Anti-magnetic stickers and seals, on which there is a capsule with a black ball inside, were used. The magnetic field instantly destroys the capsule without the possibility of its restoration. As a result, the first check will reveal a violation of integrity. After all, in fact, what is a counter? This is a tool by which the supplier company controls its profit, which means that in the future, an adequate response will be thought out for each action of the violators.

Video on accuracy classes of water meters

Water meters have not a digital, but a letter designation. It is letters that mark their accuracy class. You can learn a little new about this from the next video.

Consequences of detecting interference with the meter

If the controller who came with the check noticed a violation, he draws up an act indicating all the details. After the approval of this document by the head of the housing and communal services or the director of the management company, the owner is charged the amount corresponding to the average estimated tariff for the inter-check time interval. Usually it is 6 months. The amount will depend on the number registered in the apartment at the rate of 12 m 3 per person. In the absence of documented residents, the amount per person is taken for payment.

Replacing meters: is it always necessary to contact professionals

Each meter has a certain calibration interval, after which a new installation is necessary. Of course, you can dismantle the meter and take it to a specialized institution. Verification will be carried out there, according to the results of which the owner will be issued a document according to which the device can be used further. However, this is not a quick business, and hardly anyone wants to sit at home without water or electricity. Therefore, in 99% of cases, people simply change the old counter to a new one.

Installation and maintenance of gas equipment is carried out only by specialists

If we talk about gas metering devices, then we cannot do without the services of specialists. The owner does not have the right to independently replace such a device. But with regard to the remaining meters, the legislation provides for dismantling and installation on their own. The only thing that will have to be done is to call after the controller has been independently replaced, which will check the correct connection and seal the device.

Meter reading: what is an “average value”

Already almost everyone is used to the fact that on certain dates of each month it is necessary to transfer personally, by telephone, through subscription boxes or the Internet data on metering devices. However, this is not always possible. It happens that a person living in an apartment went on a business trip, vacation. What does the management company do if the meter readings are not transmitted? Everything is pretty simple. First, the expense for the last 3 months is added up, after which the amount received is divided by 3. The result is an average indicator that does not deviate significantly from the real one, which fits into the payment system. When submitting data next month, the numbers will again be true.

Many believe that if you do not submit evidence, then there will be no charges, and next month you can pay more. Management companies cannot afford such squandering - they also need to settle accounts with suppliers of water, electricity, gas. Therefore, such a “feint” will not work - charges will be in any case.

Modern gigacalor counters are quite compact


From the information presented in today's article, it has probably become clear to the reader what a counter is, what types of devices are, and what are the rules for replacing or checking them. The main thing to remember is that even if the owner managed to bypass the modern ingenious mechanism, the savings will be insignificant, but fines for detecting such actions can greatly affect the affordability.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14002/

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