Sri Lanka: where to relax, attractions and interesting facts

When the cold season comes, many people in the northern latitudes begin to dream of the tropics. "Where to go, what to choose - Goa or Sri Lanka? Where is better to relax?" - such thoughts are carried through the heads of those whose vacation fell in the winter months. But the Indian state does not compare with the island state in the style of rest. In Sri Lanka, foamy discos and trance music on the beach are not honored. Entertainment there is very decent and always within the law: fishing, picnics, barbecue, a relaxing beach holiday. Life itself in Ceylon flows slowly and as if in a languid bliss. Unfortunately, this also applies to staff in hotels and restaurants. Hurry here is not accepted. The exception is network hotels with European management. And this circumstance must be taken into account first of all when choosing a hotel in Sri Lanka. As for the resort, here is not so simple. Our article is dedicated to this problem. Indeed, in addition to the "specialization" of the resort, the climate plays a big role. The legendary island of Ceylon, and now the independent state of Sri Lanka, is small in size. But at different times in the regions, the weather can vary significantly.

Sri Lanka where better to relax

Island climate

Proximity to the equator reliably binds summer to these places. It can only be cold in the mountains, where the temperature in winter and at night can drop to + 10 degrees. In other regions, the thermometer stubbornly stays at the level of + 28-30 ° all year round. The problem for tourists is not the temperature of air or water (the sea, by the way, is always very warm here), but in precipitation. The climate of Sri Lanka is controlled by monsoons. From May to the end of September, a strong southwest wind brings heavy rains from the equatorial zone. Ninety-five percent of the annual rainfall falls in this particular season. However, there are some nuances here. For those who, for financial reasons, want to visit an island country in the rainy season, we can tell you where it is better to relax in Sri Lanka. Choose the north or east coast. It rains mostly at night, and the sun shines during the day. These are such resorts as Jaffna, Trincomale, Batticaloa, Anuradhapura.

Sri Lanka where it is better to relax in the winter

Transition period

By area, Ceylon can be compared with the standard region of the Russian Federation. However, in terms of climate, Sri Lanka shows itself to be a full-fledged country with various regions. The rainy season leaves the island gradually. Prices in mid-autumn are still very low, and rainfall in some regions is declining sharply. So, Sri Lanka in October: where is the best place to relax? The question is better to rephrase. Where in the middle of autumn is it definitely not worth going? These are the resorts of the south and west. Starting from Negombo and towards the equator, the entire coast is flooded with rains. “Wet period” as if wants to go wild for the last time so that they remember. And on the northern and eastern coasts it is more or less dry. Showers take place only occasionally and at night. But at the beginning of the "wet season", in April, it is better to avoid the resorts of Negombo, Colombo and Anuradhapura. Rains come there first.

Sri Lanka where it is better to relax in November


And in Sri Lanka, and in the northern latitudes, the weather in this sad month is mostly cloudy. But it’s one thing when heavy clouds shrouded the sky and it snows and rains, and another thing when the yard is + 30 ° C, and a peeking out sun instantly drains the snow-white sand of the beaches. And for those who decide where it is better to relax in November in Sri Lanka, we will advise you to choose such resorts as Dikwella, Mirissa, Koggala and Tangalle. Negombo and Trincomalee should definitely be avoided - there the “wet season” is delayed the longest. But these are anti-aircraft rains. They pass when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. Such showers are stormy, but very short-lived. Throughout the rest of Sri Lanka, the tourist season opens. Especially good at the southwestern tip of the island. It is dry there, the air humidity decreases, which makes the rest of a European very comfortable. Sea water temperature + 26 ° C. But the main thing is that the water area calms down, the storms cease.

Sri Lanka where it is better to relax in January

Sri Lanka: where is it better to relax in the winter?

Since Ceylon lies in the Northern Hemisphere, the coldest periods are December, January and February. And the first month of winter is the most "severe" here. But what does this mean in Ceylon? High in the mountains, the thermometer’s column can actually fall at night to + 10 degrees, and during the day it will rise only to + 16 ° . But real summer reigns on the coast. The temperature in the shade during the day is + 28-30 ° , and at night it does not fall below + 24 ° . The ocean warms up to 28 degrees. This is Sri Lanka in December. Where better to relax at the beginning of the month? To guarantee protection from the rain, it is better to choose the resorts of the south-west coast. Rains are still possible in the east of the island, but they are short-lived and mostly nightly. In the second half of December, it becomes dry throughout Sri Lanka. But in order not to give the rains the slightest chance to fall upon your head, you should choose resorts in the west of the country, in the region of the capital Colombo, or in the south, in the vicinity of Galle. Those tourists who rest in Ceylon in December have a unique opportunity to observe the migration of sperm whales and whales off the coast of the island.

Sri Lanka in December where it is better to relax

Peak season

The culmination of the influx of tourists falls on the period from Christmas (December 25) to the Day of Worship of the Magi (January 6). On these New Year holidays prices soar like fireworks rockets. But even after the sixth, they drop only a little. The first month of the year is not the time for budget travelers. Where is it better to relax in Sri Lanka in January? The north of the island nation is still dominated by the wet monsoon. Therefore, it is better to delete Trincomalee and its environs from the list of resorts to visit at this time. But the rest of the island is just a tropical paradise. According to tourists, January in Sri Lanka is the most comfortable month for Europeans. In the daytime it is not too hot - + 28-30 ° in the shade, and the completely calm ocean warms up to + 29 degrees. The hottest in Colombo, Galle, Hikkaduwa and Bentota. There, the thermometer column fluctuates between +30 and + 33 ° . The first month of the year is good for diving. The water is very clear, corals bloom.

Sri Lanka where it is better to relax in February


In the second month of the year, the high tourist season continues. Calm sea and weather comfortable for Europeans reign over the entire territory of the island. The hottest in the southwest. Therefore, those who want to calcify the bones on the sand of beaches can choose resorts in the area of ​​Colombo or Beruvela for relaxation. There, daytime temperatures are stable + 30-32 degrees. What about excursions to Sri Lanka? Where is it better to relax in February? Buddhist holidays take place this month. They are especially colorful in the capital of the country, Colombo. To see the procession of elephants and other ceremonies, it is better to choose the resorts of Negombo or Beruwela.

Sri Lanka: where is better to relax in the spring?

In March, dry weather reigns throughout the island. But for those who do not tolerate heat, it can cause a lot of trouble. The thermometer column does not fall below + 30 degrees during the day. Yes, and nights bring little relief (+ 25 ° C). However, the tourist season is in full swing. After all, the water temperature in the sea is about + 29 degrees! At the end of March, the wet monsoon at times makes itself felt in the southwest, at the resorts of Wadduwa, Negombo, Bentota and others. April in Sri Lanka is the hottest month of the year. During the day, the air temperature is at least +33 degrees, and at night + 27 ° C. But in the south, rainfall is increasing. Therefore, in mid-spring, resorts on the north coast should be preferred. May is the first month of the rainy season. They run amok in the south-west of the island. Water due to storms and showers becomes cloudy. But the mountains in the central part of the island serve as reliable protection of the northern territories from the wet monsoon. In May, you should choose the resort of Nuwara Eliya for relaxation.

Sri Lanka in October where it is better to relax

Excursion tourism

Now consider the specifics of the resorts of Sri Lanka. Where is it better to relax for tourists who want to see the "real Ceylon", and not just beaches and hotels? First of all, we should recommend the big cities - Colombo and Galle. They are located in the west and south of the island, so the best time to visit them will be the winter months and March. The historical and cultural attractions of the capital of the state can be seen in three days. Colombo attracts primarily shopaholics. There is not a single city in Sri Lanka equal to Galle in terms of its abundance of attractions. Its historic center and ancient fort are included in the UNESCO list. Ceylon supplies the world with tea. Not to visit the plantations of bushes giving a fragrant drink would be unforgivable stupidity. However, it should be remembered that in the mountains where the famous Ceylon tea grows, in the winter months the temperature does not rise above + 16 degrees, so warm things should be captured. For those who visit Sri Lanka during the “wet season”, consolation will be the grandiose celebration of Buddha’s birthday (May) and the Full Moon Festival (June).

Beach vacation

Those who aim to use the tropics for sunbathing and swimming, in isolation from the cultural characteristics of Ceylon, should focus on the climatic indications, which we wrote about above. But there are some nuances that should be taken into account when deciding where it is better to relax in Sri Lanka. For example, in October, poisonous jellyfish attack the water area off the coast of Trincomalee. In addition, there are a lot of mosquitoes. In the midst of the rainy season, in July, on the east coast of Arugam Bay, Arugam Bay Surf Classic competitions are held, attracting surfers from around the world. The most memorable event of July is Esala Perahera. This festival with Buddhist rituals lasts ten days. In Hikkaduwa, also in summer, the annual beach festival for the construction of castles and sand sculptures takes place. Hikkaduwa Beach Fest is accompanied by music and dancing.


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