Collectible coin. Collectible rubles. Collectible coins of Russia

Money in general and coins in particular are an important source of information on the historical, religious, political, ideological and economic development of society. On them you can study how the trends in art in a given state have changed. Numismatists not only satisfy personal needs and aspirations, they make a great contribution to education in a separate country and the world as a whole.

collectible coin


People began to collect various items and leave them in their era of Cicero. It was he who uttered the word "collection" for the first time. Since then, many millions of people worship the "religion", whose name is collecting. From large collections, wonderful museums have turned out in which people learn the history of different countries, states, peoples, see how science and art developed in a given era.

You can collect not only rare, old, expensive things - an ordinary kettle will become a rarity over time. And the descendants in a hundred or two hundred years will find out exactly how we boiled the water ...


The Renaissance marked the beginning of numismatics. At its root, this term means a science that studies the history of money: coinage, circulation. But now very often numismatics is called the collection of banknotes.

A collection coin is not only a rare rare item. The world economy has long been chosen and filled this niche - coins are made specifically for collectors. They can be dedicated to some event, a memorable date, the animal world or art.


Collection coins of Russia are divided into three groups:

  1. Tsarist Russia.
  2. Soviet times.
  3. Modern Russia.

In our country, the general system of production and exchange of money was established by the mother of Ivan the Terrible. Later, by decree of Peter I, fifty dollars, half fifty dollars, dimes and piglets were released.

Catherine I ordered to make a copper ruble, since then it is the most popular collection coin, because it did not go out of circulation anymore - it changed, but remained in honor.

Elizaveta Petrovna issued ten rubles - the famous imperials - and five! The system of cash production and turnover did not change until the end of the nineteenth century, when Russia, like many other countries, introduced gold money (conditionally).

Coin Catalogs

Coins are usually considered by their release dates. Almost every year something interesting happens in the world, and often this is reflected in the monetary unit of one or another value.

If you are interested in the value of a personal copy, just open the catalog of the same year of issue as your penny and find coins of identical denomination in it.

The catalog usually contains images (photographs) of banknotes with a detailed description. Sometimes compilers indicate the value of a coin, but more often they are sold at real or virtual auctions.

collection rubles

Collectible rubles

After the appearance of paper money, which happened by decree of Catherine II and brought great confusion to the Russian economy, the ruble again took its firm position only in the USSR.

At that time, jubilee rubles were the most popular (the first was released in 1965, in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War). This is the first collectible coin in the USSR.

Then there were a lot of jubilee rubles, the images on them were devoted to a variety of events, people, dates. Denomination most often found in one ruble, but there were coins of five and three anniversary rubles. Their cost is low, because they came out in large numbers and were in free circulation with citizens.

But the rubles dedicated to the Olympics 80 were created using precious metals in limited quantities, and they didn’t reach the markets, shops and buffets.

Now the CBRF most often issues collection coins of 10 rubles. They are dedicated to the ancient cities of Russia and cities of military glory.

collection coins 10 rubles

Collectible coins: value

So we come to the most interesting question. Both an experienced numismatist and a person who accidentally received a valuable copy, it is important to know how much is his collectible coin. There are three points by which they are evaluated:

  1. The degree of preservation. In whatever era your coin is created, its value will be the higher, the better it is preserved. There is even a special system for assessing the state of banknotes.
  2. The material from which it is made. Even a rather old copper coin can be much cheaper than its younger gold opponent. Add parity to gold, and that’s all - the copper penny has no chance to increase your well-being.
  3. The number of characters in the issue (circulation). It largely determines the value of coins. Starting from the USSR, all circulations and materials of issued money are known for certain. Therefore, such coins can be independently assessed with a high degree of probable accuracy using the catalog. Earlier instances are best evaluated individually by an expert. But in 99% of cases, the lower the circulation, the higher the cost.

A collection coin may cost a little more than its true face value, or it may provide a comfortable life for the owner and his descendants ...

collectible coins cost

Life-long hobbies

Passion usually comes from nothing - it is a bright flash that can blind you forever. So from an ordinary person in one minute a collector for life can turn out.

Coins are strong enough (compared to candy wrappers), therefore they are of great historical value. They carry information about events in society, its art, culture through the centuries. This is a collectible for serious people. What their cost also speaks of.

A variety of shapes and patterns on the surface of banknotes will captivate any esthete. So, coins are often collected by creative, enthusiastic individuals. But in no case gambling. Although it happens that for one penny they give away a whole collection, and it all starts all over again!

collectible coins of Russia

For collectors, there are many resources and tools that help exchange information about coins, evaluate them, buy and sell. There are numismatist clubs. Collecting is a great opportunity to expand the circle of friends, find new people.

As for the rest ... To collect a good collection of coins, it will take a lot of time, a lot of money and ... a little luck. But how much fun!


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