Petrov Island, Primorsky Krai: description, attractions, tours and reviews

Almost at the end of the world in the cold Sea of ​​Japan there is a piece of fertile land with bright carpets of flowers, majestic groves of evergreen trees, singing sands and restless flocks of white-winged gulls. This is the island of Petrov - a paradise, exciting with its legends and surprising dozens of signs. Many people dream of visiting here, but only 1000 people a year are allowed to enter the island. Although the size of this piece of land is tiny, excursions on it leave a lot of unforgettable sensations and impressions. Some even consider Petrov Island an anomalous zone, which is hinted at by the bizarre forms of long-lived trees. They also say that unprecedented treasures are buried here, but it is forbidden to search for them, because these lands are reserved.

We invite you to take a short walk around this unique island, look into the campsite located on it and enjoy all its sights.

Petrov island


Where Petrov Island is located, the places are quite wild and uninhabited. One word - reserve! You need to look for this island in the northern waters of the Sea of ​​Japan. It lies just 660 meters from the shores of Singing Sands Bay. The nearest settlement from the island is the village of Preobrazhenie, located on the shore of the bay of the same name. Before it, by water, 8 km, and by land about 10 km. The second village located close to the island is the village of Kievka, spread out on the river of the same name. Before him in a straight line about 9 km. The rest of the coast is occupied by forest lands of the Lazovsky Reserve. It is 226 km to Nakhodka, the largest large city closest to the island, and about 335 km to Vladivostok.

Petrov Island (Primorsky Territory), how to get there

A trip to this wonderful island is not an easy task.

Motorists must follow from Nakhodka along the P447 highway to the village of Lazo, where they need to turn onto the P448 highway leading to the Preobrazhenie village. Moving along this road, you need to turn off the sign for Kievka outside the village of Benevskoye and get to the barrier. There is a checkpoint where entry into the reserve is paid. It is advisable to book a pass in advance. From the barrier, the road leads through the forest to camp No. 10. From there, they transfer to Petrov Island in a motor boat. Crossing in personal boats is prohibited.

Petrov Island Primorsky Krai

Using public transport is even more difficult. There are bus services from Vladivostok and Nakhodka to Transfiguration. Now, a private minibus also goes along this route. You can specify the time of its departure and price on the carrier’s website. You need to go to the village of Lazo, from where they organize excursion tours to the island.

Those who did not have enough space in the group of excursionists can try to contact the cordon administrator on their own, get to one of the bays where a pass is not required, and go on foot to the Singing Sands bay, and pay for their visit to the reserve on the spot.

Geographic characteristics

Petrov Island is very small. Its length between the most extreme points is less than a kilometer and a width of approximately 550 meters. The area of ​​this span of land is only 40 hectares. From the side it resembles a carcass of a whale, while its highest point is 113 meters. The coast of the island from the sea is rocky and impregnable, and from the mainland it is more gentle. On its territory there is a spring, which, as the reserve workers say, has healing properties. Once upon a time, many hundreds of years ago, there lived Chinese who had slaves. They built a thin sand spit stretching for almost 600 meters and breaking off from the coast of the bay only 40 meters.

where is the island of Petrova

Historical facts

The island of Petrov holds many secrets. The Primorsky Territory, whose history dates back to the Paleolithic, knew in its lifetime both glorious and sad events. As scientists suggest, once the land of the island of Petrov was a cape. The sites of primitive people living about 10,000 years ago were discovered here. Now the island is declared a reserve, so archaeological research on it is prohibited. Earlier excavations indicate that the short kingdom of the Bohai Empire was located here. In the X century, the Khitan conquered it, and later the island passed to the Jurchen. The last rulers of the island were Chinese pirates, who were called low. It was on their orders that the slaves built a sand spit. Elo specially did not bring her to the coast, so that enemy forces could not easily cross to the island. Subsequently, this piece of land became part of Russia. He was named after Alexander Petrov, rear admiral and traveler who took part in several expeditions to study Primorye.

Petrov island Primorsky Krai excursions

Animal world

Extremely interesting to visit the island of Petrova. The Lazovsky Nature Reserve, to which it belongs, has under its protection more than 300 species of birds and about 100 species of animals. The island is inhabited mainly by birds. Seagulls, eagles, white-belt swifts, Ussuri cormorants nest here, and only mammals and squirrels can be found from mammals. By the way, there is a sign that the first to notice a squirrel should make a wish.

Other permanent land inhabitants of the island are an impressive insect detachment and a very small detachment of snakes. But for a short while spotted deer, bears and even tigers come here.

The water world near the island of Petrov is more diverse. On its rocky “beaches” seals like to bask. On the seabed through unusually clear water you can see sea urchins, stars and corals. Dozens of species of fish, octopuses and other mollusks live here. In October, migratory whales stop to rest and feed on the island.

Petrov Island Reserve

Plant world

Petrova Island (Primorsky Territory) is famous for its unique beauty and species diversity. Scientists have counted here about 300 species of higher vascular plants, including lemongrass, ginseng, orchids, aralia, eleutherococcus, Korean pine (grows only in this region). But the most famous plant, undoubtedly, is yew. According to legend, the Chinese brought him to the island. They appreciated yew wood very dearly, for example, a woman they cost two modestly sized planks. There are legends that in their yew-tree alleys, lows performed sacred rites, and even performed human sacrifices. Now the crowns of these trees have formed such a dense canopy that under it there are practically no other plants. Only a few species were able to get in there, including linden and fellodendron or Amur velvet.

Petrov island Primorsky Krai how to get


Excursions to the island of Petrova (Primorsky Territory) are organized from the village of Lazo. They cost from 5000 rubles. Tourists are delivered to the Singing Sands Bay, which is also a tourist attraction. This name was given to her because the sand in it makes characteristic sounds when walking. Further, if weather permits, tourists are transported to the island, where they pass along the trail. Its length is 2.7 km. Smoking and tearing plants is prohibited, but photographs are allowed. The route passes through the main attraction of the island - yew grove. In addition, here you can see stone stoves and earthen ramparts left from the loo, admire the bay of Love, bordered by almost impregnable cliffs, two unusual rocks in the form, called Grandfather and Baba.

If the weather is stormy or rainy the island is not transported.

Petrov island Primorsky Krai history

Recreation facilities

Many are worried about the question of where to stay if you can’t immediately get to Petrov Island. The Primorsky Territory is still underdeveloped, but there are also comfortable tourist camps and campsites here. The most desirable for tourists is located on the island. Here, tents are set up in a strictly designated place, bonfires are allowed nearby. Catering for tourists is organized in an integrated manner; you don’t need to cook anything yourself. The second camp is set up in the Bay of Singing Sands. Here, many are waiting for good weather to cross to the island.

Those who did not find a place in these two campsites can stay at the Olenevod camp site and the Orlan camp site. Both are in close proximity to the Singing Sands Bay.


Everyone who has visited Petrov’s island describes it as a wonderful and even, to some extent, mystical place where you want to return. The advantages of the island are called its unique nature, an unusual microclimate, clean beaches with clear water and white sand. As disadvantages, tourists note not always suitable weather conditions that impede the crossing to the island, and difficulties with a trip to the Singing Sands Bay.


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