Radio stations of Volgograd: a complete list

There are many radio stations in Volgograd. They open and close, then change frequencies. To keep abreast of what frequency to listen to your favorite station in the hero city, read this material. Note that at the time of writing, the list of Volgograd radio stations consists of twenty-eight items.

Radio Volgograd

Orpheus, 71.33 VHF

This radio station of Volgograd not so long ago appeared on the air, and even in the frequency range of VHF. But it will appeal to all lovers of classical music of various styles: from symphonies to jazz.

Volgograd-24, 93.4 FM

This is a kind of radio version of the news channel of the same name. At this station, news, bard music, romances, chanson and even folk songs are often heard.

Radio MIR Volgograd, 93.9 FM

This radio station in Volgograd at a frequency of 93.9 FM also appeared a couple of years ago in the FM band and immediately fell in love with thousands of residents. It contains Russian hits of the last two decades, news releases and there is a program “Hour for You”, in which you can say hello to your family and friends, order your favorite track.

Radio 7 on seven hills, 94.9 FM

On the air of this radio station of Volgograd, preference is given to Western hits (from the 70s to the present). Editors make interesting TOP-7 collections on a wide variety of topics, in addition, on the birthdays of famous artists, their hits are played all day. For example, every year on August 16 on air they talk about the singer Madonna and hourly put on her most famous songs.

Radio Mayak, 95.3 FM

This radio station needs no introduction. Probably everyone knows her callsigns (“No rustles are heard in the garden”). Domestic and Western hits of the last few months are heard on the air and they talk a lot, a lot. Moreover, as a rule, eminent presenters, such as Sergey Stillavin, Rita Mitrofanova, Evgeny Stakhovsky and many others.

Detskoe Radio, 95.7 FM

The first and only children's radio station in Russia recently broadcasts in Volgograd. The air consists of children's songs, performances, cognitive-developing and entertaining programs and headings, awareness-raising programs for parents. Moreover, broadcasting is based on time blocks, for example, programs for adults include in the evening, and in the mornings for preschool children.

Love Radio, 96.1 FM

This radio station, founded by Igor Krutoy, plays romantic love songs around the clock. The audience is twelve years old or older.

Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, 96.5 FM

This is an informational and conversational radio. You can’t listen to music on it, but the news promptly prepared by journalists comes out regularly. Due to the fact that the editorial office of the same newspaper is almost all over Russia, information about everything in the world sounds on the air.

Radio Volgograd

Our Radio, 97.2 FM

This radio station in Volgograd appeared relatively recently, but is tightly included in the list of favorite among the local population. It broadcasts the so-called post-Soviet Russian rock: “The King and the Fool”, “Chayf”, “Spleen”, “Bi-2”, etc.

Radio Dacha, 97.6 FM

On the air of this station only Russian music sounds, and both retro hits and modern compositions alternate. For listeners there are many different entertainment programs in the spirit of "Songs of the Year", "Hot Ten" and "Musical Greetings".

Radio of Russia, 98.3 FM

This station is also known as the Lighthouse. There are a lot of talk programs, news and music of the last century on the air.

Radio NRJ, 98.8 FM

This is a very youth radio station, which plays modern world hits, new releases of foreign artists and mixes of cool DJs. ENERGY has a lot of entertaining and interactive programs. The most famous of them is the Black2White morning show.

Radio Maximum, 99.2 FM

Radio "Maximum" only plays rock music. Moreover, both quite soft and concrete heavy non-format in the spirit of the legendary Rammstein.

Radio Chanson, 100 FM

This radio station in Volgograd began broadcasting in April 2018. What sounds on the air is clear from the name. Local residents can also hear news releases and a greetings program.

Radio Europe Plus, 100.6 FM

One of the oldest and favorite stations in Russia, which always keeps up to date. Only high-quality foreign and domestic pop music is on the air, a lot of interactivity and gifts for listeners. And, of course, the legendary hit parade "EuroHit TOP-40" with Alexei Manuylov.

Radio "Echo of Moscow", 101.1 FM

This radio station of Volgograd on the wave of 101.1 FM has an information-conversational format. There are many analytical programs and interviews with famous and not very Volgograd residents on the air.

Radio "Volgograd FM", 101.5 FM

Anton Belyaev on Volgograd FM

This is a completely local youth station, which broadcasts modern hits and a lot of interactive entertainment programs. Many compare it with Europe Plus, but with a regional touch. The most popular program is the morning show "Three! Four!".

Radio "New Wave", 102 FM

This is also a completely local station, which is similar in format to Volgograd FM, but the target audience of this radio station in Volgograd is more mature. Famous people are invited to the studio for conversation, including visiting stars.

Radio Retro FM, 102.6 FM

The name of this station is also loud-speaking. Hits of the past century are heard on the air: from “Gems” to “The Beatles”.

Autoradio, 103.1 FM

Station for those who are driving. A lot of entertaining content and time-tested songs.

Road Radio, 103.6 FM

This station is a direct competitor to Autoradio. To whom it is more to your liking is a matter of taste.

New Radio, 104 FM

The main content is Russian pop music of our time. A kind of response to the "Russian Radio".

Radio "Humor FM", 104.5 FM

At this frequency, there are a lot of jokes, performances and excerpts from humorous shows, starting with the Full House and ending with Comedy Wumen.

Sputnik Radio, 105.1 FM

Another purely Volgograd station, on its air Russian and world hits, moreover, as a rule, romantic and not so modern. People over 30 will like it.

Russian Radio, 105.6 FM

Radio Volgograd

Another of the oldest radio stations in the country. Only modern Russian pop music, the legendary program "Order Table" and "Golden Gramophone" are on the air.

Radio Sport FM, 106 FM

Also a young station for Volgograd residents. For listeners on the air, they organize live broadcasts of the most important sports competitions, as well as broadcasts of sports topics and those close to it.

Radio "Book", 106.4 FM

On the air of this station, fragments of the greatest works of the planet, instrumental music and a lot of talk about literature are heard. In general, a radio for intellectuals who love to read.

Radio "Vesti FM", 106.8 FM

Radio version of the Vesti TV channel - news from morning to night. Plus many analytical programs with invited experts.


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