5G Internet in Russia: description, speed, specifications and reviews

5G Internet is the latest technology still under development. It differs from previous versions of mobile wireless Internet by high speed and signal quality.

What to expect from 5G

For us, the 4G data transfer technology is no longer new. We passed both 3G and GPRS data transmission. Now we got to 5G. What is 5 gi internet? What is new in this technology? How many times will the data transfer rate increase? When will it be available? What are its differences from its predecessors? In this article, we will examine in detail each of the points.

What is 5G

5g internet in Russia

5G is the fifth generation mobile data technology. The main differences of this technology from the same LTE are in the data transfer speed. If in 4G networks the maximum speed reached 1 gigabit per second, and even if the subscriber stands still, then in the fifth generation networks the predicted picture is much better. About 12 gigabits per second - this is the maximum declared speed in the fifth generation networks.
5G uses fundamentally new methods of data transfer. Therefore, the widespread adoption of this technology will take years. Yes, and there is no point in introducing 5G now, when not in many places and 4G is available. And in some parts of Russia and 3G you will not find a day with fire. So, when the 5G Internet will be introduced in Russia , it is not entirely clear yet.

Equipment for such high-speed data transmission is being developed by several companies at once. Notorious Samsung and Ericsson, as well as the young Japanese company NTT Docomo.

Estimated 5G implementation timelines

5g internet in Russia speed

No matter what monsters such as Huawei, Ericsson and Samsung said last year, experts believe that waiting for 5G technology before 2020 is not worth it. Since for the commercial use of technology it is necessary to develop a special standard for mobile communications. But this is a long and troublesome business.

Although the Koreans from Samsung back in 2008 announced that it was time to switch to 5G (although 4G was just being introduced), it was "still there." Samsung could not offer anything adequate to accelerate the introduction of technology.

As for Russia, our 5G is going to introduce MegaFon in tandem with the Chinese from Huawei. According to their statements, 5G Internet in Russia will appear by 2018, but only in testing mode. Full commercial use may begin by 2020.

But the good old MTS is not far behind the competitor. Company representatives said they would bring 5G to Russia with the help of the notorious Ericsson company. Well, who will be the first, we still will look. However, do not forget that it was Ericsson that achieved the data transfer speed of 5 gigabits per second back in 2014. So at MTS and Ericsson everything can turn out much faster.

What to expect after the introduction of 5G

when will 5g internet

Many people think that after the appearance of 5G Internet in Russia, the data transfer speed will immediately increase significantly. Not certainly in that way. As soon as such a transmission method appears, it will be difficult to achieve maximum speeds in the first year. Setting up and running in equipment, errors in the use of transmitters - all this will slow down the Internet. In addition, at first 5G will be available only in large cities. Residents of regional centers will not have to rely on high-speed communications for a long time. When the 5G Internet will function normally with them, then it will be possible to talk about high speeds. And it can take a lot of time.

It is believed that by the time of the World Cup in Moscow 5G-Internet in Russia will already be present. Probably as a bonus to the World Cup. Well, that would be pretty nice. In theory, it will be possible to watch online broadcasts from the championship in HD quality without β€œbrakes”. Probably counting on this.

Why can I use 5G

what is 5 ji internet

Why can I use 5G transmission networks? The speeds will be just frantic, but this does not mean that they can be used only for downloading an HD movie in a minute. Thanks to 5G networks, the Internet of Things can be developed. There will be billions of devices in constant access to the network, and not just the devices of ordinary users. All kinds of temperature sensors, medical equipment, sensors of municipal utilities management systems, etc. All this will become possible due to the wide range and bandwidth of 5G networks.

Well, as for us, if 5G Internet appears in Russia, it will take another one or two years to install and configure automatic control equipment for all of the above devices. After all, with us, most people do not even suspect that this can be done and reduce the cost of the same public services at times.

Cons 5G

5g network transmission speed

At this stage in the development of high-speed Internet, prices for operator services are simply cannibalistic. And this is the main minus of both 4G and 5G Internet. LTE is also an expensive pleasure, but the prices for the few available 5G functions are just off the charts. For example, in England, an Internet service provider has recently appeared, which provides citizens with access to the network at a speed of 2 gigabits per second. And they provide this joy for a "symbolic" fee of almost 200 pounds. These are simply unbelievable prices. Not to mention that there is simply nowhere to β€œpull” content with such speed. Around the world, only a few servers support this data transfer rate. Nevertheless, the feedback from those who have tried 5G Internet is extremely positive. It is hard to believe that such a speed is possible for wireless communications.

And another minus is the high cost of equipment that allows you to distribute content with such speed. Not all operators have enough finance at the moment to launch such a network. And it’s not a fact that the new β€œnot run-in” equipment will work as expected.


So, summing up, I want to say the following. 5G Internet is, of course, useful. The data transfer speed increases by 10 times compared to 4G. But its implementation has been postponed until about 2020. 5G Internet in Russia may appear at the maximum for the World Cup, and then in Moscow alone. With the help of new technology of data transmission it will be possible to automate many aspects of our life.

These are all pluses. And of the minuses, we can note only the frantic price for services of a few 5G Internet providers. There is hope, of course, that over time the price will normalize and will not take on such a frightening appearance.

It is too early to draw any conclusions. Therefore, you need to see how it all ends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14033/

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